Monday, November 30, 2015

Quick Update

Looks like ACT prep courses save the day for Early Wednesday practices.  I removed Wednesday AM practices in January so girls can sign up for ACT prep.  The pancake breakfast is slated for January 9th , so I pulled off practice on Thursday, January 7th to accommodate the practice ACT after school.  Please let me know if, for some reason, you CANNOT select the January 7th date.

Happy testing season!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week of November 18 - Nov 29

Wow!  This comp season is FLYING BY!!

Arrival time at Castle View High School for Saturday is 1:15 for a 2:15 performance time.  Awards will go at around 4:30.

Please watch the calendar as many of our CT practices flip to night practices during this time of year to get full mats in the gyms.  Plan accordingly.

Again, please review our policies on free games during finals week.

The jewelry fundraiser has been rescheduled for December 9th at 6:30pm at Melissa's.  Bring a friend  (or 2!) with you to the party!  Orders will be in before christmas if you were thinking of doing some christmas shopping.

Also, if you haven't already done so, mark your calendars for Sunday, December 6th at 2pm for the Holiday party at Alex's house!  Look for details from Alex's mom as the date approaches.  It's a great time for the team to get together and just relax and have fun.  There will be a secret snowman gift exchange.  Maximum $20!!!  Please, please, PLEASE do not spend more than that.

The State "prep" party will be at Chelsea's house on the morning of December 11th.  Come get breakfast and get ready to go before we go for State!  All cheers will be excused from classes for the day to attend State.  We are working on getting a spirit bus together so we can have crowd support at State - much needed!

You should have received a balance sheet and TWO waiver forms for the comp this weekend and the comp on December 5th.  December 5th will be a long day for us - we are competing and it also is JV State at the same location.

I'm making some decisions on Nov 21st competition for arrival time.  We may or may not have a warm up practice at school in the morning before we head down to CastleView High School.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Nov 18:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 19:  Practice, 3 - 5:30 cafeteria
Fri, Nov 20:  Practice 7-8:30 run through in gym
Sat, Nov 21:  Castleview HS competition
Sun, Nov 22:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 23:  UE, 3:30-5:30
Mon, Nov 30:  UE 3:30-5:30

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Week of Nov 10-21

Here we are, in what I think is the toughest 10 day span of the season!  Three comps in 10 days is tough!  But you are working very hard and have had some great practices so far this week!  There are some changes to the schedule due to volleyball state.

The Jewelry party fundraiser is coming up on November 17th at Melissa's house.  You should have received an evite for this event.  Please RSVP.  Also,  Please invite as many people as you can!  We get a pretty decent cut of the profits, but if we are the only ones who go, that doesn't really help.

We are working on a date for Holiday party at Alex's house!

I'm going to say this now to get it out of the way as we approach finals.  There are NO free games during finals week.  You are a varsity athlete.  Plan accordingly.  We have a LOT going on that week, and the week before.  Most of your teachers will give you a study guide before thanksgiving.  If they don't,  please ASK for one, or start reviewing on your own.  It feels like a long way off but start planning for it now to be prepared.  We cannot demand to be treated as athletes and then turn around and expect to have the night off because of finals.  Basketball is there playing.  We are there with them.  If you have some other "thing" going on, please let me know now.

Here is the schedule:

Tue, Nov 10:  Practice 5-6:30, go see poms at league - poms performs at 7:10 - they come to see us, let's return the gesture and support them!   *Yankee Candle pick up today, too.

Wed, Nov 11:  League!
*Need forms from the people who I emailed.
*100% attendance day.
*dress nicely
*  3:00- 3:45 - cafeteria "get the jitters out" stunt through.
*5:30 arrive at EHS READY TO GO.  Visualization and stretch before watching JV.
*6:07 watch JV perform
*6:15 report to Warm Up
*6:43 Large Varsity
Awards to follow.

Thurs, Nov 12:  Practice 3-5:30 in cafeteria (may be shortened/canceled if we can afford to!)

Fri, Nov 13:
Volleyball State:  wear UA and indoor warm ups.
Buses will leave at 10am, you will be excused at 9:40 from your 2a
Cheer the game - ladies from last year, we have a LOT to make up for from last year!  Let's cheer an OUTSTANDING game!
Buses will leave at 1:30 to return to CT.
Practice: TBD.

Sat, Nov 14:

UCA Mile high!

Arrive at 3:40.  We have warm up starting at 4:14 for Game Day.  Give yourself PLENTY of time to find parking and get in the stadium to find one another.  It can be a walk from the parking lot to the stadium, and last year there was pay for parking, so plan for that as well.  It's a long day, so I'm pushing your arrival time back to accommodate - please do not be late.

3:50:  Stretch and visualization
4:14: Cheers to the warm up circuit.
5:45:  Awards for Game Day
6:15:  Change to Large Varsity Compwear
7:00:  Stretch and Visualizations
7:26:  Cheers to the warm up circuit
8:32:  Final Awards Ceremony

Here is the tentative schedule  - plan for changes - it's not the finalized one:

While Pueblo ran late, Mile Hi *usually* runs pretty well on-time.

Sun, Nov 15:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 16:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Nov 17:  NO Practice - Jewelry Party Fundraiser!  please invite as many as you can!
Wed, Nov 18:  6am Practice, then UE to follow 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 19:  Practice 3-5:30 **may remove/shorten this practice if no major changes to the routine are needed**
Fri, Nov 20:  Practice 7-8:30pm run through/fullout
Sat, Nov 21:  Castleview Rumble, Castleview HS, Time TBD.
Sun, Nov 22:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 23:  Practice at UE
Tue, Nov 24:  Practice 3-4:30 in cafeteria
Wed, Nov 25 - Sun, Nov 29:  NO CONTACT!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week of Nov 4- Nov 14

WAHOOO!!!!!  What a great day at Pueblo!  A first place bid in Large Varsity AND in GameDay!  Let's keep up the good work.

We will have a National's meeting on November 12 at 6:30pm.  A parent MUST attend because I need everyone's signature on a single document for UCA.  I will have final National's totals calculated by then.

Here is the schedule for the comp and playoff game this weekend:

Cheers arrive to DC at 11:45am.

*I still need waivers from:
Chelsea Hudcovic
Ryleigh Gale
Keely Carmody

12:15 Large Varsity Visualizations - pre warm up
12:45 - 1:05 cheers in official warm ups

1:15 Compete Large Varsity

1:20 change to Game Day
2pm Game Day visualizations - pre warm up
2:20- 2:40 Cheers in official warm ups

2:45 Compete Game Day

Awards at 3:45 (we hope!)

Arrive at LPS Stadium for a 6pm game time (I'll let everyone know what time to be at the stadium so we can all arrive together at the conclusion of the competition on Saturday - I won't know what time exactly we are getting out of DC, and I want to give you guys time to grab some food at least.)

Bring warm clothes for the game - it will definitely be chilly!  Bring them TO the competition and change in the car before heading in to the stadium.  I WILL give you a some time to get something to eat, however you won't have time to go home in between.  When we get to the stadium, remain in the parking lot so we can all go in together as team.  We won't have much time to warm up, but having just competed, I think we'll be fine.

Yankee candle order will be ready for pickup on Tuesday of next week!  If you have any orders that were not placed for online delivery, plan to pick up your orders at practice.

League is coming up on Wednesday!  Parents:  performance time is 6:43 pm.  No game day at League, just large Varsity.  Cheers, standby for arrival time at EHS.

Parents:  For Mile High at the western complex, you'll likely have to pay cash to park, just a heads up.  It's been that way in the past.

week upcoming:

thu, nov 5:  practice 3-5:30
fri, nov 6:  practice TBD and JV Showcase is at 7:30pm!
sat, nov 7:  DC and Playoff Football.
sun, nov 8:  NO CONTACT
mon, nov 9:  UE 3:30-5:30
tue, nov 10:  practice 5-7pm, yankee candle pickup, then POM league
wed, nov 11:  LEAGUE!!
thu, nov 12:  practice 3-5 in gym
fri, nov 13:  practice TBD
sat, nov 14:  Mile high regionals
sun, nov 15:  NO CONTACT