Monday, June 16, 2014

Camp Update! Day 1


Now, if you're new to cheer, this may sound a little silly.  But the biggest prize a team can get at camp at the end of the day is "The Banana."  It's a big, plastic blow-up banana that goes to the team with the best attitude and the most spirit!  We are so proud! 

We made it through today with great success!  Varsity got walk up libs that will go in our first evaluation tomorrow morning (um, elite camp, hello?  An evaluation first thing tomorrow on Day 2? We need to get ready!) JV will be doing two extensions and elevators in their evaluation for tomorrow!  Through all of this, we've kept a positive attitude and managed to walk away with only a few bumps and bruises. 

As the week progresses, keep in mind that your cheer is in a very heightened emotional state - if you speak with him or her on the phone, the successes are going to seem really great, and the failures (I prefer the term "learning experiences") are going to seem really terrible.  Please support your cheer but keep in mind that they are growing as athletes and pushing their limits this week.  That growth does not come easily. Just when everything feels hopeless to your athlete, your cheer is on the edge of a breakthrough!  Together we can get them to that moment. 

For the final day performance, we are in the Practice Arena that is adjacent to Moby Arena on Shield Ave.  If you park at Moby Arena and walk up Shield Ave, you'll see it on the right. I would get there by 9 am at the latest to make sure you see the final day performances - you might do some sitting and waiting, but it's better than making the trek and missing out!  Bring camp chairs - the field floor is soft, but dirty. If that time changes, I'll post again. Keep in mind your cheer must take the bus back with us to CT, but at the conclusion of the performance if you want to come on the floor and pick up luggage, that's fine, too.  We collect all the keys from the cheers when they are seated on the bus and we are ready to pull away to make sure we don't forget anyone.  We have a wonderful parent volunteer who is going to bring some pizzas to the bus so that the cheers can have a snack to hold them over for the way home.

Looking forward to another day tomorrow!  There will be much more to report on as the week progresses! 
