Hello, Cheer families!
Lots of information for the weeks upcoming. If you didn't hear, we are NOT attending UE today - the roads are awful, and I don't want the kids driving on them. Please know this isn't an "every time it snows" thing - I just drove on them on the way in today at around 10 and even without traffic they were pretty dodgy for a new driver and the forecast says it won't stop until around 6, so I don't think they will clear in time for practice, and it's the small, slick snow with a layer of ice underneath. Instead, we will practice HERE at school from 3:15-4:30.
This weekend - it's gonna be a late one. I JUST got the final schedule yesterday night. Please arrive at the Western Stock Show complex NO later than 2:30 for a 3pm warm up time for GameDay. We are competing against 5 other teams in gameday, including Valor, who was right behind us scorewise at Pueblo. We will warm up for our Medium Varsity at 5:00 for a 6:05 performance time. Looks like co-ed division follows us, and then we will have awards. Plan to be there until sometime after 8 - just like last year, this is a late one. It's the largest regional in the Nation. Bring homework or a pillow or something to do while we wait for awards. Or watch Co-Ed. It'll be pretty good.
Fundraiser Fridays for Nationals start this week! You should have already gotten a Yankee Candles order form. If you have family purchasing online, go online and create a username so that the sale gets credited to your individual account, otherwise it will go in to the general fund.
I have gym times for us during State Week - they are LATE (7-8:45 pm) so we can get full mat space. Please plan accordingly.
The holiday party is scheduled for Wednesday, dec 10 from 6 - 9pm AFTER UE practice at Savvy's house. Details to come.
Schedule for the week:
Today: Practice AT SCHOOL, NOT UE from 3:15-4:30
Thusday, Nov 13: Practice, 3:00-5:30
Friday: FUNDRAISER FRIDAY. You will be organized in to groups to go out and either sell Website ads or pass out flyers for Parent's Night Out, which will take place on Nov 21 and again on Dec 12. Mazzy's mom is working on trying to get a table at King Soopers for you to sell Yankee Candles from 4:30-6:30 as well if you are planning to sell candles. I'll let you know as soon as I do. Since we don't have school, you can go and do your group selling at any time during the day, but please dedicate yourself to a MINIMUM of 2 hours. Nationals is expensive, and this is the way we offset costs. Butterbraids will come in on Friday afternoon as well, if you sold those.
Saturday: Pre Comp Warm Up Practice 8am-9:30 Am. Then, Arrive at the National Western Complex (right across from the Denver Coliseum) at 2:30 for 3 pm GameDay warm up. DO NOT FORGET YOUR GAME POMS. Arrive in Blue CT and bring comp whites like Pueblo.
Sunday, Nov 16: NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 17: UE, 3:30-4:30
Tue, Nov 18: Practice 3-5:30
Wed, Nov 19: UE 3:30-4:30, YANKEE CANDLE ORDERS DUE.
Thur, Nov 20: Practice, 3-5:30
Fri, Nov 21: Parent's Night Out Fundraiser - 6 - 9 pm. Cheers plan to attend - this is for your Nationals trip.
Sat, Nov 22: Practice 7-10am in the gym
Sun, Nov 23: NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 24: UE 3:30-430
Tue, Nov 25 - Sun Nov 30: Pre-State Break. No practice, enjoy thanksgiving!
Mon, Dec 1: UE 3:30-4:30
Tue, Dec 2: Practice LATE 7pm - 8:45 pm
Wed, Dec 3: UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Dec 4: Pre State Candlelight staring at 5:30pm, Practice LATE 7pm-8:45pm
Friday, Dec 5: STATE!!!!!! We perform at 10:20. Details to come.
Sun, Dec 7: NO CONTACT
I think that's everything. Wow, we're getting busy!