hi folks!
It seems there's some misunderstanding regarding thevSNAP fundraiser upcoming. I'm posting here to clarify some questions I've received. I touched on this briefly at the meeting in May, and I realize it's been a while since that time.
1- is it a solicitation? How does it work?
Yes. It's very similar to a GoFundMe. Emails will go to the addresses you choose inviting them to visit the page and make a tax-deductible (bonus! Esp for businesses!) donation. Any money donated to the team from your contacts will go directly to your personal cheer balance, less the SNAP websites portion of the money, and less any goodies business sponsors get (ie, cost of signage, etc)
2- what email addresses can I use?
Any - your own friends, family, businesses, etc
3- do I have to participate?
In order for us to maximize our percentage returned to us for the donations, we need a certain level of participation. So, if you don't want to participate, we can't (and won't) make you. But please realize there are athletes who may be counting on this fundraiser to help them out. If we don't get full participation, we don't maximize the return for those who might really need it. If you choose not to participate, it won't affect you, but it will affect the people who want this to work for them.
3a - Why does the fundraising company take a percentage anyway?
They maintain the website for us and manage the donations. They are a business, too. so, while they are interested in helping schools and sport programs, they have to keep their lights on, as well.
3b - Can't my family then just donate directly to me?
Well, sure! But the website is easy for your donators, too.
4- Why are we even doing this?
It gets old knocking on doors to sell stuff. I'm trying to find us some different avenues. This is a more streamlined option, plus it allows you to reach out to out-of-state family members and friends you might not be able to otherwise sell to, and businesses as well. It's especially good for business since there is an added bonus of the tax deduction. Thunder Rodge cheer raised 60k doing this same fundraiser. I can't guarantee that for us, but wouldn't it be nice to get cheer paid for?
5- and this is a big one - will this clog my family's email or will my emails be sold or given to others?
I will clarify this with the fundraiser guy the very first thing. If I'm told yes to either of these questions, we will not go forward with it. I hate my inbox getting spammed just as much as the next guy.
Hope that gives some clarification. If it works out, then great! If not, we will try something else. We will still do cookie dough and butter braids - those are the next two on the list.