Hi! I'm updating early because of a calendar change of which you should be aware!
A few announcements for your future planning...
We DO have practices AND competitions during fall break, many of those fall during "blackouts." PLEASE vacation plan accordingly, and be aware of the policies of missing blackouts for ANY reason (yes, even the ones out of your control. I realize it can feel harsh, and, at times, unfair. But this is the ONLY way to keep things equal) during comp season. If you DO choose to leave during fall break, please let me know as far in advance as possible so I can get formations moved.
Also, December 5th is the JV State meet. We (parents AND cheers) are required to work the second half of the day - we will either try to exhibition at JV State to get one last comp in, and/or we will go to the evening Varsity competition at Mountain Vista high School. Please mark your calendars for that Saturday in the afternoon - both cheers and parents. This is a big fundraiser for nationals, and each girl gets a cut of the earnings if she AND a minimum of one parent work. Since Pom is working morning, and we are working afternoon, it is on our program to make sure that all of our stations are manned during the afternoon. The responsibility is 100% on us to make sure this happens.
Good news! I know it's been on the table for the girls to get indoor warm ups, but I never put it on the financial agreement. I know that Nationals expenses haven't quite been laid down in concrete yet, so I'm apprehensive to just tack on that money. BUT! We have a great opportunity coming this Thursday, August 13 at 3pm. Morgan's mom is coming to give a presentation on Mesa State University to the cheer team and we need 7 parents to attend (minimum). Her request is to give feedback on the presentation in order to drive more front range students to Mesa State after graduation. The presentation is at 3pm at CTHS (location TBD). If we participate and have 7 parents participate, the donation will cover the vast majority of the cost of indoor warm ups for the girls. The remaining athlete portion will be about $10. We need 7 parents! If you can come, please do!
As a result, we will have practice following the presentation until 5pm on thursday, and then forego Saturday's practice to give you the full weekend to enjoy your family before many saturdays get absorbed by cheer.
Still have one more spot available for a 9th, 110th, or 11th grader to attend Leadership Conference on August 22 at EHS following Practice until 4:30pm. Please send me an email if you're interested and available to go.
Week upcoming:
Today Aug 10: UE 3:30-5:30
tue, Aug 11: practice, 3-5:30 at CT
wed, Aug 12: UE 3:30-4:30
Thurs, Aug 13: PRESENTATION 3pm, practice to follow until 5pm
Fri, Aug 14: NO PRACTICE
Sat, Aug 15: NO PRACTICE
Sun, Aug 16: NO CONTACT
Mon, Aug 17: UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Aug 18: Practice 3-5:30
Wed, Aug 19: UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Aug 20, Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Aug 21, Practice 3-5:30
Sat, Aug 22: Practice 7-9:30, Leadership conference to follow at EHS for those attending.
Sun, Aug 23: NO CONTACT
Have a good remaining few days of summer! See you at school!