Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week of September 25 - October 4th

Hello!  Game-packed week coming up! If you see another cheer besides your own, ask them about the stunting and tumbling progress we've made this week.   You'll be impressed ;o)

Butterbraids are DUE on Sept 28!  NO LATE orders!  So...if you're done selling, bring in your orders now!

No new announcements but I haven't received a September payment from many of you - if you sent a check with your cheer, please have them confirm that she gave it to me.  Balance sheets went out last Wednesday.

Wed, Sep 23:  Am practice, UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 24:  Football vs Rangeview Be at school GAME READY by 6pm.  We will stretch and walk to the field at 6:30.  Run throughs?
 Fri, Sep 25:  Off? ;o)  TBD at end of UE today
Sat, Sep 26:  KID'S CLINIC!  HUGE DAY!  Arrive at 7:15.  We are so excited to be working with a VERY large group of kiddos!  You will get an assignment when you arrive, work quickly.  If you're finding that you aren't doing anything, find coach and ASK what needs to be done.  The clinic concludes at 11, and you will be released after everything is all cleaned up and we meet.
Sun, Sep 27:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 28:  UE 3:30-5:30  *BUTTERBRAIDS DUE
Tue, Sep 29:  Volleyball - arrive at 6:15pm
Wed, Sep 30:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 1:  VB - arrive at 6:15pm
Fri, Oct 2:  KID CLINIC PERFORMANCE - arrive at school by 5:30 GAME READY.  Yes, it's early.  We need to get ourselves ready by 6 to get the kids warm up done AND get organized with Unified before heading to the track.  
Sat, Oct 3:  Practice 7-9:30
Sun, Oct 4:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week of Sep 16 - 26


Butter braid sales are under way!  We need all orders AND money by September 27th.  NO EXTENSIONS.

Yankee Candle sales will start October 1st.

We have a change to the calendar - there is a home volleyball game on September 29th.  Arrive at 6:15pm.

If you need more kid clinic flyers, I will bring them to UE today!

All free game slots have been taken for Friday's game vs. Regis.

Tomorrow's practice we will host the Unified Cheer team for the first half hour to get unified partners lined up in preparation for the game on September 24th!

A quick note about Fall Break.  There is a UE practice scheduled on Monday, 26th.  If you are in town, you should be at UE.  We have a Nationals bid comp just 5 days after.  But it is NOT on the blackout schedule.

Week Upcoming:

Wed, Sep 16:  UE, 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 17:  Practice 3 - 5:30
Fri, Sep 18:  Football vs. Regis AT Regis.  Check calendar for address and what to wear.  Arrive no later than 6pm
Sat, Sep 19:  Off
Sun, Sep 20:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 21:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Sep 22:  OFF
Wed, Sep 23:  AM PRACTICE  6am-7am, then 3:30-4:30 at UE
Thu, Sep 24:  Football Vs. Rangeview.  Arrive at 5:45 Home game.  Check calendar for what to wear.
Fri, Sep 25:  Practice 3-4:30
Sat, Sep 26:  KIDDIE CLINIC!!!!  Arrive at 7:30 for set-up.  We should be done no later than 11:45am or so depending on how quickly we can get cleaned up.  Clinic is scheduled to go to 11.  As soon as everyone is picked up, mats are cleared, and thank you notes are written, we can go!
Sun, Sep 27:  NO CONTACT.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week of Sept 9 - Sept 20


We are currently working on getting our Butter Braid fundraiser rolling!  It will hopefully go from September 10th-27th.  Butter Braids are usually a HUGE hit with families as fall sets in. They are super yummy and therefore very easy to sell!

Don't forget to pass out kid clinic flyers!  Let me know if you need any more.

Homecoming is WELL underway.  Just hold on for a wild last few days!  There ARE changes to the schedule for next week.

Upcoming schedule:

Today, Wed Sep 9:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 10:  Put up football signs AFTER SCHOOL.  Meet for VB Game at 6:15pm
Fri, Sep 11:  HOMECOMING!!!!!

100% attendance day
4th period:  Excused for assembly - go immediately to gym for warm ups
Pep Assembly 2pm
3-3:30 Run throughs for spacing on field with POM and Pizza for all three teams
3:30-4:45  FREE time for DECA Tailgate
4:45-5:30:  Sophomores and Juniors stuff the run-through with balloons (you're done as soon as you're finished and you can go to the tailgate until 5:45)
5:45  ALL TEAMS   Meet in the gym for final run through of halftime and warm up
6:30 Head to the field!
7:00:  Kickoff!!!

Sat, Sep 12:  FITNESS FESTIVAL.  Meet at CCHS at 7:45am.  We will likely be done around 9:30 but we are not allowed to leave until the district releases us.  I will get you out of there as fast as I possibly can so you can get ready for homecoming.  Please don't get antsy - this is out of my hands.  ALL cheerleaders must attend the fitness festival - it is NOT part of your community service.

Mon, Sep 14:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Sep 15:  Team Photos. Meet in the commons NO LATER than 4:05  Wear UA you can wear your hair any way you want.  Bring your poms to add to the photo.
Wed, Sep 16:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 17:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Sep 18:  Game vs. Regis away.  Arrive no later than 6pm
Sat, Sep 19:  Team bonding at Mazdens?  12-3
Sun, ,Sep 20:  NO CONTACT

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week of Sept 1 - Sept 13

Thanks to Chelsea's mom for hosting team dinner and decorating this past weekend!

We have some team meals before competitions that we are trying to get hosts for!  First come, first served!  Here are the dates we are looking for people to sign up for.  Email me if you're interested and I'll slot you in!  If you aren't the first to respond to a particular date, I'll set you up with whoever is in case you want to team up to do it.

Thursday October 22nd 6:30pm
Thursday October 29th 5pm
Tuesday November 3rd at 6:30pm at  or Friday, November 6th at 5:30pm (depending on playoff schedule)
Thursday Nov 12 at 6:30 or Friday Nov 13 at 5:00pm  (depending on playoffs)

Homecoming is on its way!

If you are new to the varsity program, homecoming is a VERY hectic time.  Schedule changes do happen, so please be flexible and open with your schedules as we need everyone's participation.  In preparation for homecoming we have pep assembly meetings to attend, etc.  Our obligations increase significantly.

Balance sheets are coming out with Rockies tickets (both un-returned additions to balance and discounts for sales), King Sooper discounts, and Snap fundraiser discounts applied.  In addition, if you ordered a warm up AND a uniform, I shorted you on Shipping and Handling by $8, so you will see that addition included.  If you need to see the individual sheet to confirm, I can definitely show that to you.  Please plan to make a payment no later than Sept 23rd.  Again, just make progress toward your overall bill.

Nationals totals have been released.  I should have a final nationals balance shortly once I work out chaperone costs.  We will have a Nationals meeting that  EVERY parent must attend to be present to sign the UCA waiver.

You will be getting a stack of kid's clinic flyers to pass out for the kids clinic on the 26th.  Pre registration is due by Sept 19 to guarantee a t-shirt, so pass these out quick! Please take some time to drop them off at day cares, and elementary schools.

As we gear up for competition season, we will be dedicating some of our time at UE to full-outs.

Our first game is Friday!  We also have a Choreography practice with Jeff our choreographer after school and before the game.  It's a lot to do, but that was the day we could get gym space and Jeff at the same time.  Let's work hard.


Tue Sep 1: Homecoming practice w/Pom 3-5:30
Wed Sep 2:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu Sep 3:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri Sep 4:  Wear UAs, high pony tail, white bow
Practice with Jeff 3-4:30, then FIRST FOOTBALL GAME!  Arrive NO LATER than 6 pm at Shea Stadium.
Sat, Sep 5 - Mon sep 7:  Labor day break
Tue, Sep 8:  SPIRIT BUS!  Wear Rallies NO LINER, navy spanks, low ponytail, burgundy bow.  Then practice 3 - 5:30
Wed, Sep 9:  UE 3:30-4:30, then Powder Puff Game
Thu, Sep 10:  To school and game wear UAs high pony tail, game bow.  **AFTER SCHOOL AND BEFORE THE GAME:  FOOTBALL HOUSES.  I WANT THESE DONE IN DAYLIGHT.  PLAN AHEAD SO YOU AREN'T LATE.  THIS SHOULDN'T TAKE TOO LONG.  GO QUICK BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE AT THE GAME BY.... Volleyball vs. Ponderosa.  Arrive no later than 6:15
Fri, Sep 11:  To school:  COMP, burgundy spanks, high pony, game bow.  To game:  Rally with Liner, navy spanks, braided ponytail with white bow.  Homecoming Game!  Be back at school for practice/pizza at 4:00 to fill the run-through with balloons, practice, and get ready.
Sat Sep 12:  FITNESS FESTIVAL at Cherry Creek High - arrive at 7:30 am.   Wear comp uniforms, burgundy spanks, hair half up/down with white bow.  We will be done by around 9:00 so you have time to get ready for homecoming.  We all MUST be there.  Plan your hair and make up appointments accordingly.  This is a DISTRICT SPONSORED event that we MUST attend.
Sun, Sep 13:  NO Contact