Hello! Game-packed week coming up! If you see another cheer besides your own, ask them about the stunting and tumbling progress we've made this week. You'll be impressed ;o)
Butterbraids are DUE on Sept 28! NO LATE orders! So...if you're done selling, bring in your orders now!
No new announcements but I haven't received a September payment from many of you - if you sent a check with your cheer, please have them confirm that she gave it to me. Balance sheets went out last Wednesday.
Wed, Sep 23: Am practice, UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 24: Football vs Rangeview Be at school GAME READY by 6pm. We will stretch and walk to the field at 6:30. Run throughs?
Fri, Sep 25: Off? ;o) TBD at end of UE today
Sat, Sep 26: KID'S CLINIC! HUGE DAY! Arrive at 7:15. We are so excited to be working with a VERY large group of kiddos! You will get an assignment when you arrive, work quickly. If you're finding that you aren't doing anything, find coach and ASK what needs to be done. The clinic concludes at 11, and you will be released after everything is all cleaned up and we meet.
Sun, Sep 27: NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 28: UE 3:30-5:30 *BUTTERBRAIDS DUE
Tue, Sep 29: Volleyball - arrive at 6:15pm
Wed, Sep 30: UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 1: VB - arrive at 6:15pm
Fri, Oct 2: KID CLINIC PERFORMANCE - arrive at school by 5:30 GAME READY. Yes, it's early. We need to get ourselves ready by 6 to get the kids warm up done AND get organized with Unified before heading to the track.
Sat, Oct 3: Practice 7-9:30
Sun, Oct 4: NO CONTACT
Have a good week!