Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of Oct 29 - Nov 8

Annnnnd....we're off!

Please see Christa's invite for the Jewelry Party fundraiser!  You should have gotten an email.

We are ON for November 7th at Douglas County High School in both gameday and Large Varsity divisions.

Please look at the calendar as some practice times have been changed/added.  Make your adjustments as needed as we do have some late practices that got added to the schedule. First schedule change is that on Tuesday, Nov 10th we practice from 5-7pm in the gym at CT before going to support Poms at GHS in their league meet.

Competition season officially kicks off tonight in the main gym at 6pm for the parent/family/friends showcase!  We will show our game day routine and our large varsity routine - this helps our girls get the "jitters" out, so bring the whole crew for a sneak peek!  Follow us to the final regular season football game against OHS and senior night!  It's a busy time - plan for no breaks until thanksgiving we are on a roll!

Parents - competition scheduling times are not always forthcoming.  I usually send an arrival time text to the cheerleaders as soon as I get the information.  I will send a "mat time" text to parents so you know when we go on.  The athlete schedule differs greatly from the parent schedule, and we typically arrive 2 hours prior to our actual mat time as we have a scheduled warm up that we must make that usually begins an hour before we compete.  The additional hour makes room in case we get moved up in the competition order (which happens more frequently than I'd like to).

Parents - not to get ahead of ourselves, but IF we get a bid for Large Varsity to Nationals and Game Day this weekend, we will have a Nationals meeting that one parent from each family MUST attend on Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 pm in room 128 at CT.  There is a form from UCA that all parents must sign on one page, so everyone needs to be there.    From this information I can determine a final total bill for Nationals and also tell everyone how many extra plane seats we have for parents.  There are for sure 3 tickets available for $385.  Don't email me just yet to claim them as I have to find the most diplomatic way to offer them up.  We are flying Southwest this year, so bags fly free.  If you take Disney Magical Express, there is only one bag tag for bag delivery.  Pretty good steal for that time of year, and your name is on a group manifest so less hassle for you.

Here is the schedule:
Fri Oct 30:  3-5 practice, 5:50 break, 5:50-6:15 parent showcase, 7pm game vs. OHS with senior night at halftime
Sat, Oct 31:  PUEBLO!!!  Arrive no later than 2:15 pm.  Map is on the calendar.  Drive allllllll the way to the back of the fairgrounds.  The state fairground complex is pretty large, so just keep driving.  Look for lots of cars with chalked windows.  That was how I found it last time. :)  As I remember, I don't think there is pay to park at this competition.

Current comp schedule

PARENTS:  Game day performance is at 4:25, Large Varsity is at 6:30 bring cameras.

Cheers:  We leave to stretch and visualize at 3pm for Game Day, then you will have only about 25 minutes to change for Large Varsity.  ALL Cheers will change for Large Varsity whether you are an alternate or on the mat.  You never know.

To the competition:
Wear Game Day uniform and bow (Under Armour), indoor cheer shoes, WHITE no-show socks.  Indoor warm up over your uniform.  Remove ALL jewelry (this includes string bracelets on ankles/wrists and hair ties around shoes!  A team lost a state title for this in 2006.)  Fingernails CUT so you can't see whites from the palm side, FILED and BUFFED so you don't scratch anyone, and polish REMOVED.    Hair in a high pony - nothing fancy.    All wispies sprayed back.  Look neat.  Make sure you can make a quick bow change in your hair.  If you need your hair done, please meet up with whoever is doing it prior to 2:15 pm.  If you are doing more than one person's hair, please be mindful of how much TIME it takes to do it and plan accordingly.

Lots of you have asked about make up - I like a neutral look.  A little color on your lips is GOOD but not a color that distracts the judges.

Bring with you:
2 small disposable water bottles to take in to each warm up.
YOUR POMS  (This is the last time I'm going to tell you this.  Not bringing your poms to compete or to a game is like a football player not bringing his helmet.  We have NO backup burgundy poms as they are the wrong color)
Trail Top
Trail Skirt
Snacks or money for concessions
Game Day and Comp Signs - I need a volunteer to bring these down.
Music - Coach will bring all music.

Stay on text messages in case I forgot something.  But that should do it.

Sun, Nov 1:  No Contact
Mon, Nov 2:  Practice 3:30-5:30 UE
Tue, Nov 3:  Practice 3-5:30 Aux Gym
Wed, Nov 4:  Practice 3:30-4:30 UE
Thu, Nov 5:  Practice 3:00-5:30 Aux Gym
Fri, Nov 6:  Playoff Game TBD
Sat, Nov 7:  Warm Up Practice at CT 9 am.  Douglas County Competition - Game Day and Large Varsity Time TBD
Sun, Nov 8:  No contact
Mon, Nov 9:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Nov 10:  Practice 5-7, POM league at GHS to follow
Wed, Nov 11:  LEAGUE
Thu, Nov 12:  Practice 3-5:30 cafeteria
Fri, Nov 13:  Playoff game OR practice 7-8:30pm
Sat, Nov 14:  Mile High Regional.  Game day and Large OR Medium Varsity.
Sun, Nov 15:  No Contact

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week of Oct 20- Nov 1


Parents, I sent a somewhat urgent message via email today that needs some quick attention.  Please check email!  Thank you!

We will be moving Melissa's team dinner to NEXT Thursday so the girls have more time to hang out since it won't be a school night.  It's also closer to our competition.  There are still team dinner days available if you want to host!  Please see calendar for available time slots.

Blackouts begin this week.  Please understand the blackout process and WHY this process is in place.

Seniors, I need your bios no later than Thursday for next week's senior night.

Pueblo regional will not release comp times until one week prior to competition.  (Helpful, I know.)  As soon as I get the times, I will set an arrival time for you.  It is critical that you are ON TIME for our arrival time.  Changes to the schedule happen, and I don't want us scrambling.  We give ourselves plenty of time to show up, warm up, and get our heads in the right place before going in to warm ups.  I will have an arrival time, a "locker room" time (more on this as competition day approaches) and then for parents I will give you a floor time.  For Pueblo, we compete twice, once in Large Varsity and again in GameDay.  Families will be released at the conclusion of the awards ceremony and after I debrief quickly with the girls.  Plan for the Pueblo competition to be a long day.  I promise I will get all the information out to you as soon as I get it.  My information resource is the UCA website, so you can follow along on the website and look for information as well.  If you click on "competitions" and search for the Pueblo regional, there is a link that eventually takes you to the competition order.

I still need forms for Pueblo regional from:
Ryleigh G
Chelsea H
Keely C

**here is a link to the form - print it out and bring it to me ASAP.  The form for Mile High is the same, so print two if you can and fill out both.  


Today, Oct 20:  Photos at Monty Nuss, 4pm
Wed, Oct 21:  UE 3:30-4:30  *Blackouts begin
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM practice 3:00-5:30
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. EHS arrive at 6pm
Sat, Oct 24:  OFF
Sun, Oct 25:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 26:  UE 3:30-4:30 only (not on blackout schedule, but if you're in town, you should be there)
Tue, Oct 27:  OFF
Wed, Oct 28:  UE, 2:30-4:30 **Note the time change**
Thu, Oct 29:  practice 7-10am AT FOX RIDGE
Fri, Oct 30:  Practice 3:00-5:15, Parent Showcase 6pm, Game vs. OHS to follow.  SENIOR NIGHT!
Sun, Nov 1:  No Contact

Thursday, October 15, 2015

week of Oct 15 - Nov 1

Comp season is upon us!

Update:  The Oct 24 competition was canceled by Douglas County High School.  Therefore, we are NOT competing on the 24th because the DougCo competition is not running at all.  I don't know just yet if we are going to leave Nov 7 on the calendar.  I will know more by next week.  3 comps in 10 days proved to be pretty taxing on us last year, so we may not need to do it with the addition of 2 competitions later in the season.

Pueblo as of this moment will be run with 20 girls on the floor.  We have formations and pyramids for 16 in case we need to use them.

Here is the schedule upcoming - a lot has changed with the cancellation on the 24th, so if the calendar and this list don't match, please let me know to avoid confusion.

Thu, Oct 15:  Game vs. Valor arrive game ready to main gym by 6pm
Fri, Oct 16:  off
Sat, Oct 17:  Practice, 7-10 am
Sun, Oct 18:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 19:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 20:  Monty Nuss, 4pm.  Bring:  Trail Comp Uni, black shirt or blouse (your choice and express your style, but please no bare midriffs - think about a black top you would wear to a mid-end restaurant for dinner - if you're not sure, bring two to be safe), jeans, and cute shoes that also express your style.
Wed, Oct 21:  6am practice, UE to follow at 3:30  **BLACKOUTS BEGIN**
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM Practice, 3-5:30 and Team dinner at Melissas
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. EHS arrive at 6pm Game Ready - gamewear TBD
Sat, Oct 24:  Practice? (time tbd bc of ACT)
Sun, Oct 25:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 26:  UE 3:30-5:30 Not currently on blackout schedule, but may be moved to a blackout.
Tue, Oct 27:  OFF
Wed, Oct 28:  UE 3:30-5:30
Thu, Oct 29:  Practice 7-10 am
Fri, Oct 30:  Practice 3 - 5 pm, Game arrive at 6pm.  SENIOR NIGHT!!! :)
Sat, Oct 31:  Pueblo Regional - Large Varsity and Game Day Nationals Bid-Out
Sun, Nov 1:  NO CONTACT

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week of Oct 8 - Oct 18

Hello!  Let's get our Yankee Candles sold!  Fundraiser goes until the 19th!

Here is the week upcoming:

Thu, Oct 8:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Oct 9:  Game of the Week vs. GHS!!!  Arrive at 6pm. 
Sat, Oct 10:  Off
Sun, Oct 11:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 12:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 13:  GYM Practice 3 - 5:30
Wed, Oct 14:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 15:  Football vs. Valor! 
Fri, Oct 16:  Off
Sat, Oct 17:  Practice 7-10am
Sun, Oct 18;  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 19:  Practice 3:30-5:30  Yankee Candles DUE
Tue, Oct 20:  Photos at Monty Nuss 4pm
Wed, Oct 21:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM Practice 3:30-5:30
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. Eaglecrest Arrive at 6pm
Sat, Oct 24:  First competition!!!  At DCHS

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week of Oct 1 - Oct 11th


All butterbraid orders should be in.  Still looking for payments for September for about half the team. Balance sheets will go out again next week.

A quick note on King Soopers cards.  King Soopers doesn't cut us a check until $5,000 has been uploaded to the GROUP account.  Right now, we have three separate group accounts from 3 different orders.  In September, the group's cards that have the numbers 748 in them did not receive a check because not enough money was loaded on to the cards to meet the minimum.  It's one of our bigger batches of cards, so if you aren't using your cards, I'd like to encourage you to use them so that discounts can go out to everyone.  Please encourage family that was given a card to continue using cards.  I can't give a discount until the check is received from King Sooper.

 Our Nov 21 "TBD" competition now has a name!  We will be going to Castleview HS to compete on November 21.  Blackout dates apply.

Basketball calendar is almost locked in place.  Keep in mind that you don't cheer every event on the calendar.  Check the event details to find out if your group is "on" for a particular game.  You get one free game and one switch game.  Your switch game must be confirmed AT THE TIME OF THE SWITCH.  In other words, don't switch a game with someone without knowing which game they are taking for YOU.  For those of you new to varsity, a schedule is made based on stunt groups.  Those stunt groups then randomly select one schedule.  That becomes your schedule for the basketball season.  DO NOT rely on anyone to figure out your schedule for you.  Everyone cheers an equal number of games.  Playoff schedule is organized a little differently so that we can all cheer the last game together (ideally).  Just plan to be on for all playoff games, and then know you won't be doing all of them.  Missing playoff games jeopardizes your letter.

More flyers for corporate sponshorships were handed out to the girls yesterday.   If you get a sponsorship, that money (less expenses) comes to YOU.  If you need my assistance with locking in a sponshorship, please ask.  I can help confirm that we are legitimate.

Week upcoming:
Thu, Oct 1:  VB arrive at 6:15
Fri, Oct 2:  Football with minis - 5:30 pm.  We will be taking our photo for league at this time, too.
Sat, Oct 3:  Practice 7-9:30 am
Sun, Oct 4:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 5:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 6:  3-5:30 GYM
Wed, Oct 7:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 8:  3-5:30 GYM
Fri, Oct 9:  Football vs. GHS
Sat, Oct 10:  OFF
Sun, Oct 11:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!