Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week of Oct 20- Nov 1


Parents, I sent a somewhat urgent message via email today that needs some quick attention.  Please check email!  Thank you!

We will be moving Melissa's team dinner to NEXT Thursday so the girls have more time to hang out since it won't be a school night.  It's also closer to our competition.  There are still team dinner days available if you want to host!  Please see calendar for available time slots.

Blackouts begin this week.  Please understand the blackout process and WHY this process is in place.

Seniors, I need your bios no later than Thursday for next week's senior night.

Pueblo regional will not release comp times until one week prior to competition.  (Helpful, I know.)  As soon as I get the times, I will set an arrival time for you.  It is critical that you are ON TIME for our arrival time.  Changes to the schedule happen, and I don't want us scrambling.  We give ourselves plenty of time to show up, warm up, and get our heads in the right place before going in to warm ups.  I will have an arrival time, a "locker room" time (more on this as competition day approaches) and then for parents I will give you a floor time.  For Pueblo, we compete twice, once in Large Varsity and again in GameDay.  Families will be released at the conclusion of the awards ceremony and after I debrief quickly with the girls.  Plan for the Pueblo competition to be a long day.  I promise I will get all the information out to you as soon as I get it.  My information resource is the UCA website, so you can follow along on the website and look for information as well.  If you click on "competitions" and search for the Pueblo regional, there is a link that eventually takes you to the competition order.

I still need forms for Pueblo regional from:
Ryleigh G
Chelsea H
Keely C

**here is a link to the form - print it out and bring it to me ASAP.  The form for Mile High is the same, so print two if you can and fill out both.



Today, Oct 20:  Photos at Monty Nuss, 4pm
Wed, Oct 21:  UE 3:30-4:30  *Blackouts begin
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM practice 3:00-5:30
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. EHS arrive at 6pm
Sat, Oct 24:  OFF
Sun, Oct 25:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 26:  UE 3:30-4:30 only (not on blackout schedule, but if you're in town, you should be there)
Tue, Oct 27:  OFF
Wed, Oct 28:  UE, 2:30-4:30 **Note the time change**
Thu, Oct 29:  practice 7-10am AT FOX RIDGE
Fri, Oct 30:  Practice 3:00-5:15, Parent Showcase 6pm, Game vs. OHS to follow.  SENIOR NIGHT!
Sun, Nov 1:  No Contact