Thursday, January 21, 2016

Week of Jan 21-Feb 4

Hello!  We're getting close to our Nationals Trip!

Just a quick reminder that ALL of our Nationals bill is due before we leave.  Please pay your remaining cheer balances as soon as possible.  We have one final fundraiser that a few girls signed up for that has a potential to earn $240.  If you signed up for this fundraiser, you can leave that last $240 outstanding on your bill and pay the remainder at the conclusion of the fundraiser.  We have a LOT of money still out and cheer balances are running abnormally high.  If you need to set up a payment plan, please call me as soon as possible to set that up if you haven't already done so.

Also, I am sending home updated balance sheets and two permission slips that need to be signed and returned to me ASAP for nationals so I can mail them in.

Reminder there are no free games on the Wednesday night before we leave for Nationals.

I think that's it for now!  You will likely see another post before we go if needed.

This week upcoming:

Thu, Jan 21:  Practice 3-5:30, cafeteria
Fri, Jan 22:  Double header vs. OHS girls game arrive at 5:30, boys game arrive at 6:45 if you are not cheering the double header.
Sat, Jan 23:  Practice 7-9 am, location TBD
Sun, Jan 24:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Jan 25:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Jan 26:  Practice 3-5:30, cafeteria
Wed, Jan 27:  UE, 3:30-4:30
Thu, Jan 28:  Practice at EHS 5-7pm
Fri, Jan 29:  Nationals meeting for cheerleaders only 3-4pm, basketball 6:30
Sat, Jan 30:  Practice 11am-2pm
Sun, Jan 31:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Feb 1:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Feb 2:  Practice 7-9pm
Wed, Feb 3:  game vs. Smoky Hill