STILL waiting on Senior bios for the majority of my seniors!!! Senior night is on FRIDAY! See previous two week's blog posts for information.
Still also waiting on Tumbling information.
To review from last week:
Today: Practice @ FRMS
Tomorrow: practice - aux gym @ 3pm
Friday, Oct 11: GAME vs. GHS and Senior Recognition Night
Saturday, Oct 12 : Practice 4 - 7 pm with Keith, our choreographer.
It looks like it's going to be another chilly one on Friday. Please wear your uniforms for Senior night but also bring your warm ups. Bring a few extra layers, team issued head bands, and team issued gloves, and also bring hand warmers/toe warmers in case you get cold.
Parents/Escorts of Seniors: Start making your way down to the south end of the field (near the entrance) at around 3 minutes left in the half. POM and Cheer coaches will line you up and we will walk down to the fan section together to be announced. Senior recognition night begins right at the start of halftime, and we've gotten permission to add time to the clock, so we really have to make sure we are ready to go! Parents/Escorts, you will escort your senior down the track where he/she will be greeted by coaches and given a small gift. All parents/escorts have to do is show up, walk your cheer, and give them a big hug and a smile at the end :)
This is rivalry week with GHS! On Friday, GHS Cheer is having a competition with CTHS Cheer (similar to the Chik-Fil-A battle) at Firehouse subs. I will pass out flyers to cheers at practice today. Please pass them out to friends and encourage them to eat at Firehouse on Friday before the game - and to mention CT when ordering!
Next Week Schedule:
Monday, Oct 14: PEAK
Tuesday, Oct 15: VB vs. Mullen @ 6:15. We are cheering. Arrive at 5:45pm ready to go!
Wednesday, Oct 16: Practice at FRMS after school
Thursday, Oct 17: Practice in the GYM STARTING AT 4:30.
Friday, Oct 18: FB "away" game - vs EHS at Legacy.
Saturday, Oct 19: Off! <-- Enjoy this one!
Sunday, Oct 20: Off!
Dates further down the line:
Oct 22 is Parent invite practice! Parents are invited to attend starting at 5 pm to watch our comp routine and Learn the words to the cheer! We need YOU! At competitions, we get scored on crowd involvement - the judges listen to see if the crowd can follow along. We can get a jump start on this :). We will pass out words at this practice.
We may have to cancel practice on Oct 23. Stay tuned.
Nov 1: Practice added to calendar for run-through before Nov 2 competition in Pueblo.
Nov 2: FIRST Competition in Pueblo - begin thinking about carpools, etc.
Nov 6: Unified Banquet after practice at 6pm. Please plan to attend. (No word yet if parents are invited to join - I will get that information to you as soon as I have it.)
Have a great rest of the week and next week! I will get tumbling payment info to you as soon as I have it.