Hi, cheers!
Here is the update for this week -
Please be sure to pass out your flyers and spread the word for the kid's clinic! We need to get the word out! Reminder that we will have an 8th grade ONLY clinic in the end of February, so this clinic is NOT for 8th graders. Any age up to 7th grade is welcome!
Practice our dance for the kiddos - we won't have another practice before the clinic because of a heavy game schedule next week combined with a short week.
SENIOR PARENTS: We will have a banquet pre-meeting on January 28th at 6pm. Location TBD. If there is anyone who can volunteer their house for us to meet, please let me know! No pressure - we can meet at school if we have to.
We are working on trying to get a photo shoot done for the Varsity. Stay tuned.
One switch to the schedule - the game scheduled for the 22nd has been moved to the 21st. It's a double header, so this impacts EVERYONE - We've mentioned this at practice last week, so it shouldn't be a complete surprise - it's also against EHS, so it will be big!
February 4th we have a photo scheduled with the Unified cheer after school and right before practice. Bring all of your uniforms in case we do the other photo shoot that day.
February 6th and 7th at 4pm we will be our scrapbooking days at Michaels for our end-of-year scrapbooks! Bring/print any pictures you want in the scrapbook for the 2013-2014 season! Any pics you have from camp, games, competitions, etc are welcome! We have the scrapbooking room for the whole afternoon, so plan on getting your pages done during that time so we can get them printed in time for the banquet.
January 25th is our kids clinic! Cheers: arrive at 7:30 AM for set up! Be sure to double check witch coach to see when you are a demo and when you teach. ALL varsity cheers are expected to be at the clinic!
I will send home an invoice with any outstanding cheer balances on Tuesday. There are no new additions to the financials (with the exception of those continuing at Peak) - this bill is only to collect outstanding fees. There are no new fees due. Reminder that winter athletic fees are probably past due. Be sure to hand those in to the athletics office - not to me. They will withhold your letter! Be sure to take care of that through them!
Schedule upcoming:
Wed, Jan 15: Double header vs. GHS
Thur, Jan 16th: OFF
Friday, Jan 17th: OFF
Saturday, Jan 18th: OFF
Mon, Jan 20th: No school!
Tue, Jan 21st: Double header vs. EHS: Groups 1, 4, 5 early (5:10 arrival) Groups 2, 3, 4 late (6:45 arrival)
Wednesday, Jan 22: No practice
Thursday: Jan 23rd: Boys wrestling Groups 3, 4, 5/Mid-Year Evals for returners**
Friday, Jan 24th: Boys bball vs. Mullen Groups 1, 2, 3 - arrive at 6:40
Saturday, Jan 25th: KIDDIE CLINIC!!! Arrive at 7:30am! You will be done by about 11:45.
Sunday, Jan 26th: NO ATHLETE CONTACT
**If you are a returner, your mid-year will take place on Jan 23 before the wrestling match if you are cheering, or right after school if you are not cheering. Stay tuned for the schedule. We may have to split to two days.
Have a good long weekend! Finish strong for finals!