Saturday, January 11, 2014

Weekly Update Jan 10 - 24th

Welcome back!

A couple of announcements - most of us are continuing at Peak!  We will have a final count/cost sometime next week.  If you haven't paid your Peak fees from October, November, December - they are well overdue!  You can pay Oct/Nov/Dec and Jan/Feb/Mar in one check if you'd like.

 We are starting to get the ball rolling on the banquet.  Stay tuned, and if you would like to help, we'd love to have you help!

Kiddie camp is scheduled for January 25th.  If you need more flyers to pass out, just shoot me an email.  I'll send some with your cheer.  This clinic is NOT for 8th graders.  I want to see 8th graders as a separate entity so I can look at the cheers who might be incoming for the team next year.

Finals next week!  Please get your studying in EARLY since we have a heavy game load this week, as well.

PLEASE watch your eligibility during the first couple of weeks of the new semester - one missing assignment can translate in to an F very easily.  Stay on top of your school work.

Here is the schedule:

Mon, January 13:  PEAK
Tue, Jan 14:  Game vs. Legend groups 2, 3, 4 - arrive at 6:40pm
Wed, Jan 15:  Game vs. GHS:  Groups 1, 4, 5 early (arrive at 5:10) Groups 2, 3, 5 late (arrive at 6:45)
Thursday, Jan 16:  OFF - no practice
Friday, Jan 17th:  OFF  - no practice
Sat, Jan 18th:  OFF - no practice
Mon, Jan 20th:  School Break - no practice
Tue, Jan 21st:  School Break - no practice
Wed, Jan 22nd:  Double Header vs. EHS Groups 1, 4, 5 arrive at 5:10.  Groups 2, 3, 4 arrive at 6:45.
Thurs, Jan 23:  Mid-year evaluations for all returners 3 - 6 pm (you will have a 15-20 min time slot between these hours - the rest of the time is yours to spend)
Wrestling vs. OHS groups 3, 4, 5 arrive at 6:40pm
Frid, Jan 24th: Boys bball vs Mullen Groups 1, 2, 3 arrive at 6:40
Saturday, Jan 25th:  Kiddie Clinic!
Sunday, Jan 26th:  NO ATHLETE CONTACT.

An early piece of information for returners:  Camp for returners will be June 16 - 19th this year at CSU again.  We will have a summer break from July 3rd through August 4th.  As you are planning your summer, please keep in mind that if we want to be successful, we must all be at practice.  There will be a very heavy practice schedule in June.  Fridays will be OFF in June.  Details will follow, but I wanted to give a general idea for those who are vacation planning.  Make every effort to be at summer practice - we build the majority of our comp routine in the summer and your attendance helps secure your spot on the competition floor.

Good luck on finals!  Study hard!