Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week of Feb 19 - Mar 1

Wow!  We've finally made it to the end!  What a crazy season that flew by so quickly!

Here is some upcoming important information:

Final Payments are PAST DUE.  We will be placing holds on accounts on March 5 through PowerSchool.  At that point in time, checks can no longer come to me - they must be cleared through Bookkeeping.  Save the hassle and get checks in to me by next week!

Uniform Turn-In:  Next Tuesday, February 25th is uniform turn-in for ALL athletes, Varsity and JV.  We will meet in the cafeteria.  You will hand in Comp Whites and Trail (skirts, pants, tops).  You will also hand in your poms.  If you are a senior and would like to purchase your poms from this season, you can do so.  Seniors, I know that you've been allowed to keep Poms in the past, but this year we can't do that because we won't be able to replace them.  Seniors only:  if you would like to purchase your poms, you can do so for $15 (New pair is $25).  Bring a check to uniform turn-in.  We can handle the remaining replacement cost if you meet us halfway.  Otherwise, we can give you our old poms for free. Returners, you will hand your poms back in with the option of purchasing a brand new pair for next year or renting an old pair.
Each uniform piece must be cleaned!  Please!!!  You keep your sparkle whites - they belong to you.  We will wear Sparkle Whites to all playoff games and transport poms that haven't been purchased the old fashioned way.

Seriously, wash your uniforms.  Stinky, stained unis will be charged!

Playoff schedule will be determined Sunday morning, but I have the breakdowns of who is attending what for the juggle between round 1 and the incoming 8th clinic.  Soph/Juniors, you will NOT be doing the 8th clinic because you could potentially be cheering with these incoming kids.  See below.  All cheers will be doing either the clinic or a game on BOTH days next week.  For all other playoff games we will split teams and merge to full team if one group loses.  Example:  boys and girls are both in?  We split.  Boys lose?  We ALL go to girls until they lose.  Because of this uncertainty, DO NOT schedule "stuff" in the time slots until you know for sure a team is out, because you may be called on to cheer one or the other game.

Banquet:  Mark your calendars if you haven't already for March 16th at 6:30pm!  This year, the Cheer's plate for dinner will be paid for.  All additional plates are $20 (this includes tax, tip, drink, etc).  We will need a final count for the banquet by Monday, March 10th, so please plan accordingly.

The week upcoming:

Today:  Girls Bball groups 1, 4, 5 arrive at 6:40
Tomorrow:  OPEN GYM 3 - 4:30 in cafeteria
Friday:  Game Boys Bball groups 1, 2, 4 arrive at 6:40
Saturday:  OFF
Monday, Feb 24:  Peak for those who attend.
Tuesday, Feb 25:  UNIFORM TURN IN 3pm cafeteria
Wednesday, Feb 26:  Clinic and Playoff Game *See Below
Thursday Feb 27:  Clinic and Playoff Game  *See Below
Friday, Feb 28:  Round 2 of Playoffs *Location/Time TBD
Saturday, Mar 1:  Round 2 of Playoffs  *Location/Time TBD

Wed, Feb 26th Clinic:  Tiffany, Jam, Kels, Diego, Weslyn
Wed, Feb 26th Game (location/time TBD):  Bre, Ciara, Caressa, Marissa, Maz, Lauren, Eric, Sierra, Swayne, Alex, Sav, Chelsea, Malia, Mufaro
Thurs, Feb 27 Clinic:  Bre, Ciara, Caressa, Marissa
Thurs, Feb 27 Game (location/time TBD):  Tiff, Jam, Kels, Diego, Wes, Maz, Lauren, Eric, Sierra, Swayne, Alex, Sav, Chelsea, Malia, Mufaro

Friday, Feb 28th:  Tiffany, Diego, Sav, Wes, Eric, Bre, Lauren, Jam, Mufaro
Saturday, Mar 1:  Alex, Swayne, Marissa, Kelsey, Chelsea, Caressa, Ciara, Mazden, Sierra, Malia

Tue, Mar 4: Alex, Swayne, Marissa, Kelsey, Chelsea, Caressa, Ciara, Mazden, Sierra, Malia
Wed, Mar 5:  Tiffany, Diego, Sav, Wes, Eric, Bre, Lauren, Jam, Mufaro

Have a great rest of the week!  We are getting close to the end of the season!  Enjoy it as much as you can!