Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week of Feb 5 - Feb 18

Good morning, cheer families!

Wow...we are getting so close to the end of the season!  It's hard to believe that this year is starting to wind down!  While we are beginning to feel a sense of ending for this year, remember we still have a LOT of work to do to make sure that we finish strong.

Banquet planning has begun!  Thank you to all the senior parents who have so graciously volunteered your time.  If you would still like to help out, please let us know!  There's plenty to do!  I will blast out an email with the date as soon as we have one, with a more formal invitation to follow.

On a more serious note, along with banquet planning comes the collection of remaining finances for the year.  If you haven't paid your winter $90 athletic fee, please do so by turning it in to the athletics office.  Remember, we have to pay athletic fees for both fall and winter - please double check your books to see if you've paid once or twice.  If you've only paid once, athletics needs the second payment.  Remember, I don't handle these payments since they are made to athletics. 

On our end, it's getting to the point where we will need to start putting holds on accounts through bookkeeping for remaining balances with Cheer.  You should have received a final invoice from your cheer last Tuesday.  If you didn't and you need a copy, please let me know.  I can email a soft copy.  Any remaining balance not paid by Wednesday, March 5th will be turned over to bookkeeping for collection as a fine.     We have added no new bills to accounts since October.

We have a photographer coming on February 13th to take formal photos of the cheers!  We will begin at 5pm.  Bring ALL THREE uniforms, ALL BOWS, ALL SOCKS, etc.  Arrive at 4:50pm.  Photo shoot will last about an hour.  We don't pay for the shoot, but parents can purchase pictures through the photographer's website soon after.   

Our Scrapbooking party is tomorrow at Michael's.  Print off and bring in any photos you have if you want them forever immortalized in our team scrapbook :o)  Cheers will be able to purchase scrapbooking materials from Michael's before going in to the scrapbooking area - the cheer program is taking on the cost of the printing, assembly, and hardware - the cost of paper, etc, as in the past, will not be reimbursed.  I do get 15% off as a teacher, so if you bring cash, I can get a discount for you.  :)

Our Playoff schedule is up!  We don't know who/where/what time we play, but we do know the dates.  The playoffs are on the blog through State Championships.  Keep in mind we will likely need to travel, so be prepared to get yourself to other schools.  As soon as I have locations, etc, I will pass them along, but we won't know until after the last regular season game who plays who and where.  If we lose, the open gym schedule will begin.  If we win, the open gym schedule will continue on days we do not have playoffs.  Open gym will be available to all current Varsity and JV cheers.  It is highly recommended you attend. 

Here is the schedule for this week through the break:

Wed, Feb 5:  Practice 3-4:30 stunt-throughs for pep assembly
Thur, Feb 6:  SCRAPBOOKING!  Michaels, 4pm.  Bring your photos. 
Fri, Feb 7:  SCRAPBOOKING!  Michaels, 4pm.  (only if not finished Thursday).
Saturday:  NO PRACTICE
Sunday, Feb 9th:  NO ATHLETE CONTACT
Monday, Feb 10th:  Peak for those who attend.
Tue, Feb 11th:  Practice 3 - 5 pm (last practice before pep assembly)
Wed, Feb 12:  Games vs Creek - Early group (1, 2, 3) arrive at 5:10, Late group (1, 4, 5) arrive at 6:45
Thu, Feb 13:  Pep Assembly! Wear Comp Whites to school - comp bow - Low Socks.  Hair in a ponytail by the end of 3rd period. 
Thu, Feb 13:  Photo shoot at 5pm.  Arrive at 4:50.  Bring all uniform pieces
Fri, Feb 14:  Happy Valentine's Day!  No practice
Sat, Feb 15, No practice
Mon, Feb 17:  NO PEAK (Day off school)
Tue, Feb 18:  NO PRACTICE (Day off school)
Wed, Feb 19:  Game - groups 1, 4, 5 arrive at 6:40pm. 
Thur:  Feb 20:  Open gym in cafeteria 3 - 4:30pm
Fri, Feb 21:  Last game before playoffs!  Groups 1, 2, 4 arrive at 6:40 pm

**Some cheers will do the first playoff games, others will run the 8th grade clinic on Feb 26 and 27. 

Have a good week!