A few announcements -
If you haven't gotten your financial agreements in to me, I need them! Stat! I know we are still waiting on some prices for single items (ie bodyliners only for JV, jackets only, etc) as soon as I have the prices I will make contact with you to adjust your forms. I will also be returning forms that don't add up (ie, ordered outdoor shoes through me but didn't get them on the form, didn't order something I know you need, etc)
Fundraiser Blitz on Friday is canceled. Instead, please hand in your forms to me or to the athletics office no later than 3pm on Friday - the earlier, the better. If you didn't fundraise, please EMAIL me as soon as possible so I know I'm not waiting for your forms.
Indoor Cheer shoes....are on backorder until June 15. (insert frustrated emoticon). We should get our outdoor shoes in time. Just wear your regular outdoor pair for camp - the turf turns them black anyway. The good news is that we picked a popular shoe!
STATE/NATIONALS CHOREO! has been tentatively scheduled for June 25th and 26th. We will likely go LONGER than our currently scheduled end times. Please work this out with your work schedules NOW so you don't miss choreo days, as practice is only scheduled at this time until 2:30 and 12:15. We will also be practicing off-site at United Elite, so prepare to practice in another location.
We will practice on June 6th from 7:00-10:00 am and hopefully issue unis at the end of practice so we have unis for the performance on Saturday. I don't know if we will have a gym that morning - we will have some practice outside on the grass in preparation for the performance, so please bring sunblock and water.
If you haven't signed up on Signup Genius for the Broncos games for nationals fundraising, this is a reminder to do it!
Many of you signed up for the community service on June 7th and 8th - keep in mind that if you sign up, you are committed and we are counting on you to show to the event. See handbook regarding missing community service you've volunteered for. Please email me asap if you need to make changes to your community service commitments for Jun 7-8.
Events this week:
May 28: Off
Thu, May 29: Off
Fri, May 30: FUNDRAISER PACKETS DUE BY 3pm or an Email telling us you didn't fundraise.
Sat, Jun 1: Off
Sun, Jun 2: NO CONTACT
Mon, June 3 - Thu Jun 5: Off
Friday, June 6: Practice 7:00 - 10:00 am
Sat, June 7th: Dakota Valley Performance - we will set an arrival time at the end of practice on Fri (should be no earlier than 3:45pm)
Sat, June 7th: After the DV event, we will head to the race route to chalk the roads - we will probably go from about 7:45-8:45pm. Meet at Mark Twain Elementary School. I've contacted Arapahoe Cheer to see if they want to join us and do a bonding! I hope they say yes!
Sun, June 8th: Spash Dash at Arapahoe High. Time TBD.
Mon, June 9th: begin 3-day practices
Tue, June 10th: PAYMENT #2 on Financial Agreement DUE (if this applies to you).
Have a good finals week! Study hard!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Week of 5/21 - 5/31
Hello, cheer families!
I sent out email lists to everyone via email. This helps committees get in contact with one another, etc.
By pushing back the financials due date, I'm now missing shoe sizes. (I knew there was a reason why I needed that last week!) Please if you haven't already, email me (don't text!) your shoe size AND if you need outdoor shoes, please tell me that, too. For sizing, we will likely do Nike for outdoor shoes and the indoor shoes are definitely going to be Asics.
If you haven't been on signup genius for the Broncos games, please do so - Cheryl Henke is the main point of contact for this - please email her with questions. Hopefully you have signed up for a few games to pay that way to Nationals!
Upcoming community service:
Saturday, June 7th. Arrive at 4pm for a 5:30 performance time. We will warm up, etc beginning AT 4 - do not be late. If, after we perform, you want to remain from 6 - 7 to get a community service point, please email Lara Mills (Ella's mom) to sign up.
Second opportunity: June 8th there is a Splash Dash to support the Drennen's Dreams foundation. Three years ago, we lost a member of my neighborhood in a drowning accident. Lifeguards were present during the time. In honor of Drennen, our neighborhood hosts a 5k each summer to raise awareness and money for the D'Zone, which is a community center built in his name. The event needs two things - on Saturday night, the neighborhood chalks the streets with encouraging messages for the runners. On Sunday morning, they need race volunteers. If you want to volunteer for the race, go directly to the race website at www.drennensdreams.org and sign up under the events -2014SplashDash then scroll down and click on the link to send you to the volunteer page. You can sign up at a station or a location with some other cheers. If you want to chalk on Saturday night after the carnival, please email Lara Mills (Ella's mom) to sign up. I will be the point of contact on Sunday but it has to be brief because of no contact rules. I'll let you know where to meet me on race day.
Workouts! See the following for abs/cardio/etc for the rest of this week.
May 21 - 26: No practice - keep working out and conditioning!
May 27: Practice 4-6pm - we will prep for the DVES performance on the 7th. Be prepared to learn quickly and clean the routine quickly.
May 28 - June 6: Pre Summer workout break.
June 7: DVES Carnival arrival time at 4 pm DO NOT BE LATE. Option to do finish with an extra comm serv point if you'd like, or volunteer to chalk race routes for Splash Dash. See above.
June 8: Drennen's Dreams Splash Dash. See above
I sent out email lists to everyone via email. This helps committees get in contact with one another, etc.
By pushing back the financials due date, I'm now missing shoe sizes. (I knew there was a reason why I needed that last week!) Please if you haven't already, email me (don't text!) your shoe size AND if you need outdoor shoes, please tell me that, too. For sizing, we will likely do Nike for outdoor shoes and the indoor shoes are definitely going to be Asics.
If you haven't been on signup genius for the Broncos games, please do so - Cheryl Henke is the main point of contact for this - please email her with questions. Hopefully you have signed up for a few games to pay that way to Nationals!
Upcoming community service:
Saturday, June 7th. Arrive at 4pm for a 5:30 performance time. We will warm up, etc beginning AT 4 - do not be late. If, after we perform, you want to remain from 6 - 7 to get a community service point, please email Lara Mills (Ella's mom) to sign up.
Second opportunity: June 8th there is a Splash Dash to support the Drennen's Dreams foundation. Three years ago, we lost a member of my neighborhood in a drowning accident. Lifeguards were present during the time. In honor of Drennen, our neighborhood hosts a 5k each summer to raise awareness and money for the D'Zone, which is a community center built in his name. The event needs two things - on Saturday night, the neighborhood chalks the streets with encouraging messages for the runners. On Sunday morning, they need race volunteers. If you want to volunteer for the race, go directly to the race website at www.drennensdreams.org and sign up under the events -2014SplashDash then scroll down and click on the link to send you to the volunteer page. You can sign up at a station or a location with some other cheers. If you want to chalk on Saturday night after the carnival, please email Lara Mills (Ella's mom) to sign up. I will be the point of contact on Sunday but it has to be brief because of no contact rules. I'll let you know where to meet me on race day.
Workouts! See the following for abs/cardio/etc for the rest of this week.
Complete 3 rounds on Thursday AND Saturday this week.
Run 400 m (1 lap around a track or close to the
40 walking lunges
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 burpees
This should take around 20 minutes at the most.
Abs: Do Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday this week Strong abs = Strong stunters!:
May 21 - 26: No practice - keep working out and conditioning!
May 27: Practice 4-6pm - we will prep for the DVES performance on the 7th. Be prepared to learn quickly and clean the routine quickly.
May 28 - June 6: Pre Summer workout break.
June 7: DVES Carnival arrival time at 4 pm DO NOT BE LATE. Option to do finish with an extra comm serv point if you'd like, or volunteer to chalk race routes for Splash Dash. See above.
June 8: Drennen's Dreams Splash Dash. See above
Friday, May 16, 2014
Week of May 16 - May 23
Hello, Cheer Families! A couple of important announcements:
1. If you haven't signed up for Broncos games for nationals fundraising, please do so through sign up genius! The people at the fundraising company need to know how many people are committed, because we might get another booth if we have enough people. Remember, you have the opportunity to put in some long days but get most (if not all) of your nationals trip paid for! Please see the flyer passed out by Cheryl Henke at the meeting. Our first opportunity is July 4th (I think.) Please contact Cheryl with questions!
2. Our community service chair, Lara Mills (Ella's mom!) had a great idea to help with fundraising! If you get a "no" from a potential buyer, we might be able to ask them to purchase on behalf of a food bank. I will be working with Lara to see if this is a possibility, but keep it on your radar as a potential source of fundraising.
3. I'm working on getting email lists together for committees and other relevant groups - if you do not want your email addy on the open list, please email me ASAP so I can put you on a "blind cc" list. I will send email lists to relevant parties as soon as I know if there is anyone who does not want to be on an email list. Also, remember if emails get sent, please do not "reply all."
4. Financial agreements are DUE on May 27th at practice. Please do not forget! I can also take them earlier. I will make photocopies and return a copy to you so you have one.
5. We need a volunteer to host a potluck for our "Blast Night" for fundraising on Friday, May 30 from 4-6pm. This would be an all team event, so there will be lots of people, but it will also be lots of fun! Please email me if you are interested. If we can get a JV parent to host as well, we will probably split by team to take some pressure off the host family.
This week upcoming:
May 16th: Uniform and Campwear Fitting - 3pm. Get in, get fitted, get your weekend started! Please arrive ASAP.
May 17th: Off
May 18th: NO CONTACT
May 19 - 26: Off - Graduation Week and holiday weekend. *We will post a conditioning schedule - please do conditioning with another teammate or get a group together to do your workout if possible. You always push yourself harder around others! PLEASE do your conditioning - otherwise that crazy kickboxing and conditioning we did this week will not benefit your body. You want that conditioning to be worth it. We will see those who are getting stronger through conditioning. Don't fall behind your teammates - remember, for every push up we do, our competition is doing 4. Make it count!
May 27th: Practice 4 - 6 pm. We will be working out our performance for the Dakota Valley Event.
1. If you haven't signed up for Broncos games for nationals fundraising, please do so through sign up genius! The people at the fundraising company need to know how many people are committed, because we might get another booth if we have enough people. Remember, you have the opportunity to put in some long days but get most (if not all) of your nationals trip paid for! Please see the flyer passed out by Cheryl Henke at the meeting. Our first opportunity is July 4th (I think.) Please contact Cheryl with questions!
2. Our community service chair, Lara Mills (Ella's mom!) had a great idea to help with fundraising! If you get a "no" from a potential buyer, we might be able to ask them to purchase on behalf of a food bank. I will be working with Lara to see if this is a possibility, but keep it on your radar as a potential source of fundraising.
3. I'm working on getting email lists together for committees and other relevant groups - if you do not want your email addy on the open list, please email me ASAP so I can put you on a "blind cc" list. I will send email lists to relevant parties as soon as I know if there is anyone who does not want to be on an email list. Also, remember if emails get sent, please do not "reply all."
4. Financial agreements are DUE on May 27th at practice. Please do not forget! I can also take them earlier. I will make photocopies and return a copy to you so you have one.
5. We need a volunteer to host a potluck for our "Blast Night" for fundraising on Friday, May 30 from 4-6pm. This would be an all team event, so there will be lots of people, but it will also be lots of fun! Please email me if you are interested. If we can get a JV parent to host as well, we will probably split by team to take some pressure off the host family.
This week upcoming:
May 16th: Uniform and Campwear Fitting - 3pm. Get in, get fitted, get your weekend started! Please arrive ASAP.
May 17th: Off
May 18th: NO CONTACT
May 19 - 26: Off - Graduation Week and holiday weekend. *We will post a conditioning schedule - please do conditioning with another teammate or get a group together to do your workout if possible. You always push yourself harder around others! PLEASE do your conditioning - otherwise that crazy kickboxing and conditioning we did this week will not benefit your body. You want that conditioning to be worth it. We will see those who are getting stronger through conditioning. Don't fall behind your teammates - remember, for every push up we do, our competition is doing 4. Make it count!
May 27th: Practice 4 - 6 pm. We will be working out our performance for the Dakota Valley Event.
Friday, May 9, 2014
The Fun Run is scheduled for May 17th, NOT May 10th!
If you signed up and you can no longer work or you didn't sign up and now you can, please email your respective coach. Please do all you can in to get the word out to all of our athletes (JV and Varsity) as our communications system is still in development!
Sorry for the confusion!
If you signed up and you can no longer work or you didn't sign up and now you can, please email your respective coach. Please do all you can in to get the word out to all of our athletes (JV and Varsity) as our communications system is still in development!
Sorry for the confusion!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week of May 8 - May 16
Welcome, New Varsity and Returning Varsity Athletes! I am so excited for an incredible season. We have a lot of talented folks making up the team this year, and I can't wait to show the world what we can do!
We have A LOT to do to get ready for the upcoming season. Please check the blog weekly. It is imperative that you know what is upcoming. Here are our upcoming events/practices/etc:
Thur, May 8th: Post Tryout Meeting/ $555 due.
Fri, May 9th: OFF
Sat, May 10th, 8am: community service opportunity Info to be disseminated at the Post Tryout Meeting
Sun, May 11: NO CONTACT.
Mon, May 12: Uniform Swap at 3pm in the lecture center.
Tue, May 13: First Practice! 4-6pm in the main gym
We, May 14: Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria
Thu, May 15: Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria and Fundraiser Kickoff: Pizza Kits
Fri, May 16: Uniform and campwear fitting 3pm in the lecture ctr - 8th graders, get there ASAP after school.
Sat, May 17: OFF
Sun, May 18: NO CONTACT
Mon, May 19 - Sun May 26: No practice, enjoy graduation week/prepare for finals
Tue, May 27: Practice 4-6pm in the gym
We have A LOT to do to get ready for the upcoming season. Please check the blog weekly. It is imperative that you know what is upcoming. Here are our upcoming events/practices/etc:
Thur, May 8th: Post Tryout Meeting/ $555 due.
Fri, May 9th: OFF
Sat, May 10th, 8am: community service opportunity Info to be disseminated at the Post Tryout Meeting
Sun, May 11: NO CONTACT.
Mon, May 12: Uniform Swap at 3pm in the lecture center.
Tue, May 13: First Practice! 4-6pm in the main gym
We, May 14: Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria
Thu, May 15: Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria and Fundraiser Kickoff: Pizza Kits
Fri, May 16: Uniform and campwear fitting 3pm in the lecture ctr - 8th graders, get there ASAP after school.
Sat, May 17: OFF
Sun, May 18: NO CONTACT
Mon, May 19 - Sun May 26: No practice, enjoy graduation week/prepare for finals
Tue, May 27: Practice 4-6pm in the gym
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