Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week of May 8 - May 16

Welcome, New Varsity and Returning Varsity Athletes!  I am so excited for an incredible season.  We have a lot of talented folks making up the team this year, and I can't wait to show the world what we can do!

We have A LOT to do to get ready for the upcoming season.  Please check the blog weekly.  It is imperative that you know what is upcoming.  Here are our upcoming events/practices/etc:

Thur, May 8th:  Post Tryout Meeting/ $555 due.
Fri, May 9th:  OFF
Sat, May 10th, 8am:  community service opportunity Info to be disseminated at the Post Tryout Meeting
Sun, May 11:  NO CONTACT. 
Mon, May 12:  Uniform Swap at 3pm in the lecture center.
Tue, May 13:  First Practice!  4-6pm in the main gym
We, May 14:  Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria
Thu, May 15:  Practice, 4-6pm in the cafeteria and Fundraiser Kickoff:  Pizza Kits
Fri, May 16:  Uniform and campwear fitting 3pm in the lecture ctr - 8th graders, get there ASAP after school.
Sat, May 17:  OFF
Sun, May 18:  NO CONTACT
Mon, May 19 - Sun May 26:  No practice, enjoy graduation week/prepare for finals
Tue, May 27:  Practice 4-6pm in the gym