Hello, Cheer Families! A couple of important announcements:
1. If you haven't signed up for Broncos games for nationals fundraising, please do so through sign up genius! The people at the fundraising company need to know how many people are committed, because we might get another booth if we have enough people. Remember, you have the opportunity to put in some long days but get most (if not all) of your nationals trip paid for! Please see the flyer passed out by Cheryl Henke at the meeting. Our first opportunity is July 4th (I think.) Please contact Cheryl with questions!
2. Our community service chair, Lara Mills (Ella's mom!) had a great idea to help with fundraising! If you get a "no" from a potential buyer, we might be able to ask them to purchase on behalf of a food bank. I will be working with Lara to see if this is a possibility, but keep it on your radar as a potential source of fundraising.
3. I'm working on getting email lists together for committees and other relevant groups - if you do not want your email addy on the open list, please email me ASAP so I can put you on a "blind cc" list. I will send email lists to relevant parties as soon as I know if there is anyone who does not want to be on an email list. Also, remember if emails get sent, please do not "reply all."
4. Financial agreements are DUE on May 27th at practice. Please do not forget! I can also take them earlier. I will make photocopies and return a copy to you so you have one.
5. We need a volunteer to host a potluck for our "Blast Night" for fundraising on Friday, May 30 from 4-6pm. This would be an all team event, so there will be lots of people, but it will also be lots of fun! Please email me if you are interested. If we can get a JV parent to host as well, we will probably split by team to take some pressure off the host family.
This week upcoming:
May 16th: Uniform and Campwear Fitting - 3pm. Get in, get fitted, get your weekend started! Please arrive ASAP.
May 17th: Off
May 18th: NO CONTACT
May 19 - 26: Off - Graduation Week and holiday weekend. *We will post a conditioning schedule - please do conditioning with another teammate or get a group together to do your workout if possible. You always push yourself harder around others! PLEASE do your conditioning - otherwise that crazy kickboxing and conditioning we did this week will not benefit your body. You want that conditioning to be worth it. We will see those who are getting stronger through conditioning. Don't fall behind your teammates - remember, for every push up we do, our competition is doing 4. Make it count!
May 27th: Practice 4 - 6 pm. We will be working out our performance for the Dakota Valley Event.