Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hello Cheer Families! 

As we are on July break, communication will be very limited, however, we have a few housekeeping items to attend to - one of great importance if you will be attending tumbling classes in July.


July Tumbling class is Tuesday from 9 - 10:30am at United Elite, located at 9950 E Easter Avenue - if this is your first time to UE, it's in the same complex as Monkey Bizness.  Look for the Monkey Bizness sign along Easter Ave and turn in to the same bank of buildings.  You'll see the gym almost immediately.  If you have a last minute sign up I can take it today, but from here on out, I'm pretty sure we have everyone who is going to attend signed up.  If you are a late add for tumbling and didn't include classes on your Financial Agreement, I will make the adjustment on your August payment, or the easiest thing to do would be to simply add $65 to your next payment in August to pay for the classes.

Before class on Tuesday, you need to REGISTER with UE on their website:  

*How to register my athlete at United Elite*

If your family has already completed the online registration form and participated in a class/open gym at United Elite you do not need to register again.

-Go to 

(The link font on the page is very light colored, but it works.) 

-Once at the United Elite page Click on the Blue "United Elite New Registration" button

-Please complete the entire registration form (we know it is long but all the information is necessary)

-Please make sure to check all "I've Read the above and agree" boxes

-You will not need to register your athlete for their program's tumbling class the UEA staff will do that on their side

-Once you have completed all of the above tasks click the "Submit Registration Information" button and you should receive a conformation email.  If you have any issues please contact   for assistance.


In case you lose your half sheet, here is the July Workout Schedule.  Adjust it to fit your schedule but do not miss any workouts. (For example, if you know you will be busy all day on a Thursday, skip your Thursday but complete it on Saturday or another rest day.  That's why two rest days are built in for you.)   Coach Sarro explained the workouts and how to modify them at practice.  If you weren't at practice, please get with someone who was so they can explain it to you if you're stuck. They are only about 20 minutes to a half an hour long - this is 2% of your day.  Find the time.   Get strong.  

Daily-25 Jumps,  50 sit-ups, and STRETCH at least 15 minutes

Monday- Sally up squats, push-up, and abs

Tuesday-  Timed mile (under 9:30 is the expectation)

Wednesday- Boot Camp:  1 minute of each exercise with no breaks!  Do 3 sets with a minute break between sets.
1.        Handstand push-ups
2.        Twisting boat
3.       Burpees
4.        Leg raises
5.        Push-ups
6.       Walking planks

Thursday- easy 1-2 miles

Friday- Sally up squats, push-ups, and abs

Weekend- REST!!!

On Monday, August 4th, we will be at UE from 3:30-4:30.  On Tuesday, August 5th, we will have practice.  Practice will consist of a timed mile (9:30 cutoff - many of you have made outstanding progress on your timed miles this last month - do not lose this progress!) , the Sally Challenges, and a sideline chant test.   Be ready for this.  No excuses.  We will also prep for the ribbon cutting performance.  (See below)


There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new elementary school on August 5th at 6pm.  Varsity cheers MUST attend (1/2 pt community service).  Please get your work schedules lined up NOW to make room to attend.  I'm guessing we will be there until about 7:30 at the very latest.  We will likely perform.  Plan to do extreme routine and the time out cheer that goes with it.   


I will have zero internet or phone access (I won't even have electricity or running water!) from July 6th-13th.  Beginning July 14th, I will be able to check email in the evenings as I am at Professional Development in Kansas city for three weeks.  I think the hotel has wireless internet access, but if not, I'll get a message to the coaching staff to pass along to you via the blog if I can't get to it.  


There is a community service opportunity coming up the week of July 20-24.  Look for an email from Lara Mills shortly with the details.  As the summer winds down, community service opportunities do, too, as we get really busy with the school year.  This service opportunity involves helping out with  animals for a Vacation Bible School - remember, it's voluntary, and if you have a faith-based community service, we welcome those opportunities for everyone of all our faiths that represent CT Cheer!        

Please keep active and do your workouts over break.  We expect you to return stronger than when you left and we will certainly notice if you aren't.  I am so very proud of the progress we all made in June - some of you had some incredible breakthroughs!  I have never felt more ready for games or competitions.  We are going to do some incredible things this year.  

Enjoy a restful break,