Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Week of Sept 24- Oct 3

Wow, I can't believe we are getting in to October already!

If your cheer hasn't handed in all release waivers, I need them!  League needs them a month early.  You should have 4 forms - one for Douglas County (should cover both competitions), one for Pueblo, one for Mile Hi (these two forms are identical), and one for League.

Updates and reminders -

Extra cookie dough boxes - please sell them at cost for $10 - if you sell for more, we'll add to your personal cheer account.

I'm working on getting a classroom for a parent nationals meeting on Thursday, October 23 at 5pm.  I will put it tentatively on the schedule.  We have a volleyball game we are cheering that night starting at 6:15, so I was thinking we can get everyone in for the meeting, meet, and then go to Volleyball.

Homecoming is coming up the week of October 13 - please plan for generalized and entirely unpredictable insanity.  I will do my best to keep us up to date.  Please know there may be tough-to-predict changes to the schedule.  I'll do my best to avoid it, but, again, it's a crazy week.  It's also the week before our first competition, so our practice schedule will not relax to accomodate.

I'm working on getting practice space for us on Oct 30 and 31 in the morning (so as not to interfere with Halloween festivities) before the Pueblo competition.  Pueblo is our first shot to get a nationals bid.  It's a hugely important competition for us.  I will tentatively add it to the schedule.  I do not know if UE is closed that week.  I'll ask today.  If it's open, we will tumble on Mon/Wed as usual.  Standby for more information, but I will tentatively put it on the calendar to be safe.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Sep 24:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 25:  Practice 3-4 gym, 4 - 5:30 cafeteria
Fri, Sep 26:  Game vs. Creek at Stutler.  Arrive NO LATER than 6:15 for a 7pm start time!
Sat, Sep 27:  Practice, 7-9 am
Sun, Sep 28:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 29 UE 3:30-4:30
Tue, Sep 30:  Practice (first half hr w/Unified) from 4:30-6:45pm
Wed, Oct 1:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 2:  Game at home vs. GHS - SENIOR RECOGNITION NIGHT
Fri, Oct 3:  Practice 4:30-6:30 at FRMS with POM and JV for the Homecoming Pep Assembly Performance
Sat Oct 4:  Practice 7am-10am.
Sun, Oct 5:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week of 9/17-9/27

Hello, Cheer families!

The cookie dough fiasco...

We managed to get saddled with about 20 or so extra boxes of cookie dough.  Your cheer may have taken home an extra box to sell (either at cost or for profit to go back in to the cheer account).  I was so dumbfounded by the whole event that I inadvertently told the cheerleaders that each box at-cost was $5.60.  I was wrong. $5.60 is the PROFIT from each cheer's box sold, not the product cost.  If you took an extra cookie dough box it is $10.40 (let's just call it $10 and make it easy on ourselves).  You have a few options if you took an extra box:

1 - bring it back and I'll see if someone else can offload it.
2 - pay $10 to the cheer account - not $5.60 - for the box and eat it.  I can add the $10 cost to your financials sheet.
3 - sell it for $10 to someone who will eat it and then turn in the $10 to cheer so we can break even.
4 - sell it for $16 to someone who will eat it and then turn the $16 in to cheer, and I will credit your account by $5.60.
5 - sell it for a hundred bucks and then I'll credit your account by $90.  Just kidding.  Option 5 isn't really an option.  Well, never say never, I guess.

I'll give anyone who took an extra box until October 20 to sell it and return the money - if the money isn't returned or the cookie dough isn't returned, I'll just add $10 to your financial agreement.

Thank you to those of you who offered to try and sell another box.  All of these magic boxes we got loaded with are eating in to our already limited budget.  By a lot.  And on that note, if you want a box of oatmeal cookies or know someone who wants a box, I have 4 that I'm trying to sell right now. Shoot me an email.

Reminder that September payments were due on Sept 16th.  If you were scheduled to pay in September, please get payments in so I can make the deposit in a timely fashion.

Ok, on to the schedule:

Wed, Sep 17:  UE and Banner Photo - get to our photo ASAP - there is an award ceremony that starts at 6:30pm that some cheers are involved in.
Thu, Sep 18:  Practice - gym, 3 - 6 pm, 6p-8pm is the parent sport psychology seminar at SHHS.  If there are parents who can attend, please do!
Friday, Sep 19:  10am-12pm:  Athlete sport psychology meeting at SHHS.
Saturday, Sep 20:  LONG day!  Practice 8am-10am.  Meet at the stadium (APS) at 11:15 for the noon game.
Sunday, Sep 21:  NO CONTACT
Monday, Sep 22:  UE
Tuesday, Sep 23:  Practice 4:45-7pm in the gym
Wednesday, Sept 24:  UE
Thurs, Sep 25:  Practice 3-5:30 gym and cafeteria
Fri, Sep 26:  Away at Stutler Bowl vs. Creek!  Arrive at 6:15pm.
Satuday, Sept 27:  Practice 7-9 am in the gym.
Sun, Sept 28:  NO CONTACT

Upcoming to think about:  Senior Night is October 2nd.

Have a great week!  Sell those cookie dough boxes if you have extra!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week of 9/11-9/20

Hello, Cheer families!

Update on cheer gear:  Everything has been ordered since Tuesday except for fleeces and sweats.  Thank you for your patience and at this point, we are waiting on vendors, which is not uncommon at this time of the year.

You may have noticed a "new look" to your financials sheets.  We gave you one last copy of your order form so you know what you've ordered.  You can keep that from here on out.  We will move your future payments over to the balance sheet.  It's a little "roomier" and easier to read.  As cheers add items or fundraise, we will apply the fundraiser funds to the balance owed as a payment.  The most recent payment does not have cookie dough discounts on it.  We are still waiting for the breakdown from our supplier.  However, we did receive $5.60 per box sold, if you'd like to give yourself an idea of how large the discount will be.  You can continue to make payments as you scheduled at the start of the year - don't feel like the balance needs to be paid in full.  We run payments through January, if needed.  Each month, we will recopy a new balance sheet with all new payments applied and return that sheet to you with your current balance.  I also moved the September payment back a week since sheets were only handed out on Tuesday afternoon to get you some extra time.  If it looks like I missed something, please let me know.

There is a Sports Psychology presentation by Greg Dale for parents on September 18th from 6-8pm at SHHS.  If you are available to attend, please do!  We will send some cheers to the Friday morning presentation (we must mandatory send 2-3, but I think it would be great if we can get more), and then coaches will also hear the presentation in the afternoon.  From what I've heard, he's a great guy and a great speaker.  If a parent can attend on behalf of CT Cheer for the parent community, that would be incredible.   Please let me know if you will attend so I can send a list of parents to our AD.

Nationals:  We will be setting up a Nationals meeting shortly to discuss preliminary details.  Look for it to appear on the calendar.  It will likely be a Tuesday or Thursday evening.

Week upcoming:
Sep 11:  White Out game vs. Regis - Legacy Stadium - arrive at 5:45 be STRETCHING AT 5:45.
Sep 12:  NATIONAL SPIRIT DAY!  A day students report to the ILC room on your off period and find Coach Bear (JV POM) to do some work around the school and hang out with our unified cheers.  Should only take about a half hour or so.  1/2 pt community service (mandatory).  B Day or no off kids, you'll get a chance to help out for community service points at some point in the future.  Practice @ FRMS, 3:15-4:30
Sep 13:  ACT Day!  Good luck to ACTers!
Mon, Sept 15:  UE
Tue, Sept 16:  Practice @ FRMS, 3:15-5:30  *September pmts due!
Thurs, Sept 18: Practice in the GYM, 3-6pm, Parents Sport Psychology clinic at Smoky 6-8pm
Friday, Sept 19:  10am-12pm, Sports Psychology clinic at Smoky Hill NO PRACTICE TODAY
Saturday, Sept 20:  Practice at CT 8-10am, Game vs. Rangeview at APS to follow.
Sunday, Sept 21:  NO CONTACT

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week of Sept 3- 14

Hello, Cheer families!

Well, we made it past our first game!  It was a great one!  We've set some goals for ourselves for the next games, as well.  No major announcements, except that our team lunch with the unified cheers will be at Panera Bread in DTC, and all parents are welcome to attend and eat with us!

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week.

Thursday, Sept 4:  Practice 3-5:30 in the gym
Friday, Sept 5:  NO Practice Wear Unis to school per captain's directives
Saturday, Sept 6:  LONG Day!  See email re: fitness festival

Arrive at meeting location at designated time.
7:30ish-10amish:  Fitness Festival - we have a job to do!  Wear uniforms according to captains - bring your poms!
10-12pm:  Lunch at Panera DTC with Unified Cheers
12-3pm: Break -
3pm:  Arrive at SOUTH High for the game against East (map on calendar) allow plenty of time for traffic and do not be late!
Game begins at 4pm.  Bring a water bottle - it's going to be warm outside!

Sunday, Sep 7:  NO Contact
Monday, Sep 8:  UE
Tuesday, Sep 9:  Practice at FOX RIDGE 3:20-5:30
Wed, Sep 10:  UE
Thursday, Sep 11:  Game!  vs Regis.  Please make sure you have a We are CT shirt for the whiteout game!  Purchase in activities if you haven't done so already, please tell them you want the t-shirt to go to cheer!
Friday, Sep 12:  Practice at FOX RIDGE 3:20-5pm
Saturday, Sept 13:  OFF ACT Day!