Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Week of 9/17-9/27

Hello, Cheer families!

The cookie dough fiasco...

We managed to get saddled with about 20 or so extra boxes of cookie dough.  Your cheer may have taken home an extra box to sell (either at cost or for profit to go back in to the cheer account).  I was so dumbfounded by the whole event that I inadvertently told the cheerleaders that each box at-cost was $5.60.  I was wrong. $5.60 is the PROFIT from each cheer's box sold, not the product cost.  If you took an extra cookie dough box it is $10.40 (let's just call it $10 and make it easy on ourselves).  You have a few options if you took an extra box:

1 - bring it back and I'll see if someone else can offload it.
2 - pay $10 to the cheer account - not $5.60 - for the box and eat it.  I can add the $10 cost to your financials sheet.
3 - sell it for $10 to someone who will eat it and then turn in the $10 to cheer so we can break even.
4 - sell it for $16 to someone who will eat it and then turn the $16 in to cheer, and I will credit your account by $5.60.
5 - sell it for a hundred bucks and then I'll credit your account by $90.  Just kidding.  Option 5 isn't really an option.  Well, never say never, I guess.

I'll give anyone who took an extra box until October 20 to sell it and return the money - if the money isn't returned or the cookie dough isn't returned, I'll just add $10 to your financial agreement.

Thank you to those of you who offered to try and sell another box.  All of these magic boxes we got loaded with are eating in to our already limited budget.  By a lot.  And on that note, if you want a box of oatmeal cookies or know someone who wants a box, I have 4 that I'm trying to sell right now. Shoot me an email.

Reminder that September payments were due on Sept 16th.  If you were scheduled to pay in September, please get payments in so I can make the deposit in a timely fashion.

Ok, on to the schedule:

Wed, Sep 17:  UE and Banner Photo - get to our photo ASAP - there is an award ceremony that starts at 6:30pm that some cheers are involved in.
Thu, Sep 18:  Practice - gym, 3 - 6 pm, 6p-8pm is the parent sport psychology seminar at SHHS.  If there are parents who can attend, please do!
Friday, Sep 19:  10am-12pm:  Athlete sport psychology meeting at SHHS.
Saturday, Sep 20:  LONG day!  Practice 8am-10am.  Meet at the stadium (APS) at 11:15 for the noon game.
Sunday, Sep 21:  NO CONTACT
Monday, Sep 22:  UE
Tuesday, Sep 23:  Practice 4:45-7pm in the gym
Wednesday, Sept 24:  UE
Thurs, Sep 25:  Practice 3-5:30 gym and cafeteria
Fri, Sep 26:  Away at Stutler Bowl vs. Creek!  Arrive at 6:15pm.
Satuday, Sept 27:  Practice 7-9 am in the gym.
Sun, Sept 28:  NO CONTACT

Upcoming to think about:  Senior Night is October 2nd.

Have a great week!  Sell those cookie dough boxes if you have extra!