Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week of 9/11-9/20

Hello, Cheer families!

Update on cheer gear:  Everything has been ordered since Tuesday except for fleeces and sweats.  Thank you for your patience and at this point, we are waiting on vendors, which is not uncommon at this time of the year.

You may have noticed a "new look" to your financials sheets.  We gave you one last copy of your order form so you know what you've ordered.  You can keep that from here on out.  We will move your future payments over to the balance sheet.  It's a little "roomier" and easier to read.  As cheers add items or fundraise, we will apply the fundraiser funds to the balance owed as a payment.  The most recent payment does not have cookie dough discounts on it.  We are still waiting for the breakdown from our supplier.  However, we did receive $5.60 per box sold, if you'd like to give yourself an idea of how large the discount will be.  You can continue to make payments as you scheduled at the start of the year - don't feel like the balance needs to be paid in full.  We run payments through January, if needed.  Each month, we will recopy a new balance sheet with all new payments applied and return that sheet to you with your current balance.  I also moved the September payment back a week since sheets were only handed out on Tuesday afternoon to get you some extra time.  If it looks like I missed something, please let me know.

There is a Sports Psychology presentation by Greg Dale for parents on September 18th from 6-8pm at SHHS.  If you are available to attend, please do!  We will send some cheers to the Friday morning presentation (we must mandatory send 2-3, but I think it would be great if we can get more), and then coaches will also hear the presentation in the afternoon.  From what I've heard, he's a great guy and a great speaker.  If a parent can attend on behalf of CT Cheer for the parent community, that would be incredible.   Please let me know if you will attend so I can send a list of parents to our AD.

Nationals:  We will be setting up a Nationals meeting shortly to discuss preliminary details.  Look for it to appear on the calendar.  It will likely be a Tuesday or Thursday evening.

Week upcoming:
Sep 11:  White Out game vs. Regis - Legacy Stadium - arrive at 5:45 be STRETCHING AT 5:45.
Sep 12:  NATIONAL SPIRIT DAY!  A day students report to the ILC room on your off period and find Coach Bear (JV POM) to do some work around the school and hang out with our unified cheers.  Should only take about a half hour or so.  1/2 pt community service (mandatory).  B Day or no off kids, you'll get a chance to help out for community service points at some point in the future.  Practice @ FRMS, 3:15-4:30
Sep 13:  ACT Day!  Good luck to ACTers!
Mon, Sept 15:  UE
Tue, Sept 16:  Practice @ FRMS, 3:15-5:30  *September pmts due!
Thurs, Sept 18: Practice in the GYM, 3-6pm, Parents Sport Psychology clinic at Smoky 6-8pm
Friday, Sept 19:  10am-12pm, Sports Psychology clinic at Smoky Hill NO PRACTICE TODAY
Saturday, Sept 20:  Practice at CT 8-10am, Game vs. Rangeview at APS to follow.
Sunday, Sept 21:  NO CONTACT