Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week of Jan 28 - Feb 8

It's almost here!

I will be posting again next week EARLY with final information for nationals.

Balances are DUE!  Please make your final payments as soon as possible!

I need goodie bag donations of $5 for parent goodie bags TODAY!

Tomorrow, January 29th, we will do a parent peformance/send-off at 8:30pm in the Auxiliary Gym!
We will perform the Medium Varsity routine twice and all parts of our GameDay Scenarios.  Come to send off our girls!

Dinner this Saturday will be at Natalie's house starting at 5:30.  If you have goodies or a quote or something to share, please bring them at this time.

Packing lists will be passed out Saturday and there will be time for the girls to discuss as a room who is bringing what, etc.  Parents, PLEASE review with your cheer every article on the list.  If you notice that I forgot to put something on the packing list, please contact me so I can send a remind101!  I will not be signing off on luggage or suitcases as we have games all next week. so most items will be in use until the day we leave.  Cheers, just make sure you bring everything.  Double and triple and quadruple check.   If you are missing an item, you will perform without it. If it's a big item, we may have to replace the athlete.  Florida has a lot of emergency items, but you can't buy an emergency pair of spanks at the souveneir shop.  Every cheerleader needs to bring both their game poms AND one (just one) comp pom.   Coaches will be taking cheer signs, extra poms, and music.

Academic eligibility.  See previous posts.

Theme practices this week:
Today: Wacky Tacky
Thursday: Nerd Day
Saturday:  Blackout practice
Monday:  Twin Day
Wednesday:  Florida/Nationals/Disney/Beach theme!

The week upcoming:

Today, Jan 28:  UE and game game arrive at 6:30pm
Thur, Jan 29:  Practice, 7-8:30 in aux with performance at 8:30
Fri, Jan 30th:  Game.  Arrive at 6:30pm
Sat, Jan 31st:  Practice 8-11am, team dinner at Natalie's house 5:30-7:30pm.
Sun, Feb 1: NO CONTACT
Mon, Feb 2: UE 3:30
Tue, Feb 3:  Wrestling.  Arrive at 6:45.
Wed, Feb 4:  UE 3:30, Game Arrive at 6:30
Thu, Feb 5:  LEAVE FOR NATIONALS!!!!  BE AT THE AIRPORT AT 10AM.  Provide your own transportation!!
Feb 5 - 9th:  Florida!!!!  It's officially made it on the weekly update!!!  More information to come.

I will post updates to Twitter, Instagram and the Blog during Florida Week if you can't join us in Florida.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week of Jan 22-Jan 31


Big weeks coming up!

Waivers are coming home today for Saturday's comp.  We compete two divisions - Medium V and GameDay.  Please get your waiver signed before we meet on Saturday.

Saturday is casual, but it's still important.  It's our last opportunity for feedback before we go to Florida!

Please arrive at CSM in the gym no later than 9:45am.  We warm up at 10:20, compete at 10:30, and then we move immediately in to warm ups for game day.  Our game day is on at 11 for parents.  The dance divisions go after, and then we will do awards at 12:45.  It should be a fun and fast morning.

I'll forward an email  out with the map over to CSM with where to park and such.  Give yourself plenty of time to find parking  - college campuses sometimes take  awhile to navigate.

Please note we have late practices approaching for gym space before Florida.  See below.

GRADES.  I can't stress enough how important grades are in the next two weeks.  Eligibility is run on Thursdays.  If you are academically ineligible, I CANNOT PUT YOU ON THE PLANE.  These are district rules.  This early in the semester, one missed assignment can mean an F.  Put your name on everything.  Hand in everything.  Do your best work.  

I've had this conversation with the girls, but please know that Disney (or the program) does not tolerate ANY misbehavior in their parks or on their property or at the airport or on the way to the airport get the idea.  Let's keep it magical - I don't want to have to send anyone home for anything.

Mazden's mom sent an email link to the snapfish account that is set up for our scrapbooking session for the end-of-season banquet. Here is the information;
Password: CTCheer15
(This is case sensitive)

Today:  Practice 3:15-5:00(see remind101)
Friday:  Mats after school, then Gball vs OHS.  Groups arrive at 6:30.
Saturday: Competition. See above.
Monday, Jan 26:  UE 3:30
Tuesday, Jan 27:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Wednesday, Jan 28:  UE and BBall.  Groups arrive at 6:30
Thursday, Jan 29:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Friday, Jan 30:  Bball vs. Creek groups arrive at 6:30
Saturday, Jan 31:  Practice 8-11 with optional Math Session with Hornbein Team dinner - details to follow
Sunday, Feb 1:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week of Jan 14-Jan 25


Boy, we're getting close to Nationals!  I'm so excited!

Final payments are due January 27.  If you worked a Bronco game, those checks will be cut on January 28th, and I can take those the next day.  We just passed out a fundraiser for Trail Mix - $10/bag.  In order to get the trail mix in before nationals (some girls want to take bags for breakfast) we need the final due date to be Wednesday the 21, not the 23 as stated yesterday.  We can't take late fundraiser sheets, so please mark your calendars! The profit is $4 per bag sold.  These will go to individual Nationals (or cheer balance) accounts. 2 for 1  Jamba cards are also on their way shortly.  Same deal with the individual accounts.  ALSO...we are going to be selling bath bomb "fizzies" at the Colorado School of Mines competition on Jan 24th.  Jillian's mom is making the bath bombs to sell, but she needs help!  If you are interested in getting in on the bath bomb fundraiser, you'll need to lend a hand.  Please contact Jillian or Ms. Vega for the dates/times she's making bath bombs.  If you help make and sell, I'll credit the profit to your individual accounts.

Sweats - In the grand tradition of DeSchryver, the short story is I bit off more than I could chew with ordering sweats.  If you ordered OPTIONAL sweats this year (and all sweats were optional), I'm going to refund the $60 for sweats to your regular cheer account - if you full cheer account balance is paid and you ordered sweats, I will credit it to your Nationals account.  Look for that on your next statement.  At this point, if I ordered them the season would pretty much be over by the time they arrive.  Remember, not everyone ordered sweats.  Don't plan for a credit if you didn't order sweats.  Not many of you did overall, so this only affects a few of you.

Flights for your reference for Nationals:

Arrive at Denver Int'l Airport for check in at 10am!  Thursday, Feb 5th:  United Flight 716 will arrive in Orlando at 6:24pm.
Returning:  Feb 9th:  United flight 529 will arrive at Denver Int'l at 12:40pm.  Please be there for pickup no later than 1pm.

Rooms and food and such:  Roommates have been randomly selected for Nationals.  There was a great suggestion for roommates to combine items in one checked bag per room and split costs to save money (once checked bag is $25 each way - not included in your price) and give everyone a little extra space for their carry-on.  With four girls per room, that's a little over 10 dollars to check and share one big bag.  If you are not familiar with TSA guidelines for flying, please familiarize yourself before packing with regards to liquids, carry-on max sizes, max weights for checked luggage, etc.  Packing lists are coming soon.  Remember, ONE meal per day is already covered in your overall costs (that's Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun AT DISNEY ONLY). You are responsible for the other two and snacky foods.  My suggestion is to pack non-perishable breakfast-y type foods like bagels and peanut butter, protein shakes, cereal bars, hard fruit like apples, or instant oatmeal (you can heat water through the coffee pots!) if you want to save money on food.  We don't know for certain if we are going to have guaranteed refrigerators.  I'm doing my best to find out, but, again, we know that some rooms do have them.  An option I just found for each room to look in to if you don't want to travel with any food at all is to visit - they can deliver food to your room for a reasonable fee, (I think it's $14 total plus the cost of groceries - not bad) but they do ask for some advance planning.  They offer a 5% discount if you pre-order three weeks out. is another option that can do a half-hour window for delivery if you want to see if you have a fridge and then make your food choices (their deliver charges are based on total amount spent).   These options might be worth a discussion with your roommates.  Please call to confirm that they can deliver to Disney property.

Again, please check the calendar for summer plans, tryouts, pre-tryout meetings, and practice schedule if you are planning on trying out for the 15-16 season.  We will be doing athlete reviews after we return from Nationals so you can get feedback on the improvements we expect of you before tryouts (skills, attitude, etc)  if we offer you a spot on the team for 15-16.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Jan 14:  DOUBLE HEADER.  GROUPS A and B cheer - NOT stunt groups.  Group A arrive after tumbling, Group B arrive at 6:15.
Thu, Jan 15:  Practice 1-2:45ish - Aux Gym
Fri, Jan 16:  Game.  Arrive at 6:15.
Sat, Jan 17:  Practice 8-11, aux gym
Sun, Jan 18:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Jan 19:  Off- no school
Tue, Jan 20:  Off - no school
Wed, Jan 21: UE
Thu, Jan 22: Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 23:  Game arrive at 6:15
Sat, Jan 24:  Colorado School of Mines comp - Medium Varsity AND Game Day!  I don't have a schedule yet, but I think it's a morning competition.
Sun, Jan 25:  NO CONTACT

Have a great week!  We're getting close!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Week of Jan 7 - Jan 17

Welcome back!  I hope you all had a restful break!

Lots of stuff going on right now!

Balance sheets were updated for both Nationals and Cheer in general and sent home YESTERDAY.  If you didn't see those, please check with your cheer.

Pancake breakfast on Saturday!  Please Pre-Sell tickets!  As I've told the cheerleaders, pre-sales will be what brings in the vast majority of our customers.  We want this to be successful!  At the conclusion of the breakfast, we will have available math tutoring from 10:30 until around noon if you need to study for finals or get help in math.

We have TWO more fundraisers lined up - starting January 13, we will do a trail mix sale.  This will be an individual fundraiser for your athlete if you need it for nationals OR if you need it to pay your remaining balance.  We are also doing 2 for 1 Jamba Juice cards - again, if you need to do an individual fundraiser.  PLEASE reach out to local businesses for website sponsorships!  Tax deductible, and very lucrative for the team!

We are PAID IN FULL for Nationals.  Everything is all set to go!  We are currently on loan from CT for the outstanding balance.  Please get your Nationals balance in no later than January 27th.  We need to pay back the school before we go.  If you are waiting on a Bronco's check, please let me know when that remaining balance will come in so that I have a plan in place for the loaned money that will be outstanding after the 27th.

Academic eligibility for Nationals:  we are leaving at a very tedious time for grading when it comes to eligibility.  It is very easy to fall academically ineligible the week we leave.  If you are ineligible, the school will not let you even get on the plane.  Please make sure at the start of next semester you are handing in ALL of your assignments WITH your name on them!  At the start of a new semester, there are very few grades in the gradebook, so if you miss one of two assignments, you pretty much have an F.  Do that in two classes, and we can't take you to Florida!  This is District and CHSAA policy.

Again, with finals coming up, no free games or switch games.  Plan accordingly.

We will be competing on Jan 24th at Colorado School of Mines in both Medium Varsity and Game Day!  More details to come.  It's a very small comp, but Mines is borrowing our mats.  We will run a short practice after the comp (about an hour) using the feedback to do some extra clean up in both divisions.

Camp and summer schedule: The camp dates and pre-tryout meeting dates are posted to the calendar, as well as summer practice times.  We have a short summer this year because the district is rotating the schedule to end before Memorial Day, so we have to start school earlier in order to do that.  July "off" isn't working for us as a team.  We had to recover a lot of lost time while other teams continue to improve.  We will still have a break, but we've modified the schedule to instead give a break in June and early July, but we will be resuming practices in mid-July.  Please keep our schedule in mind as you make your summer plans if you are planning on trying out for next year.  The expectation is that you will be at summer practices.  Choreo dates were selected from my brain as a good time to get choreography - they are NOT set in stone right now and have not been officially scheduled.  We won't have a set choreo schedule for a while.  There is a pre-season community service for the 2015-2016 season available working with Destination Imagination.  Please see me if you're interested and we will work out the details.

We've added three late gym practices the last week in January and Nationals week.  Check the calendar.

Weeks upcoming:

Thurs, Jan 8th:  practice 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 9th:  Game - check your schedule
Sat, Jan 10:  Pancake breakfast!!!  Arrive at 8 for an 8:30 start time to help set up!  Math tutoring after if you are interested.
Sun, Jan 11:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Jan 12:  UE
Tue, Jan 13:  Practice, 3-4:30
Wed, Jan 14:  UE, Double header game:  Follow GROUP A/B SCHEDULE.
Thu, Jan 15:  Practice, 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 16:  Game - check your schedule
Sat, Jan 17:  Practice 8-11am
Sun, Jan 18:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!