Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week of Jan 22-Jan 31


Big weeks coming up!

Waivers are coming home today for Saturday's comp.  We compete two divisions - Medium V and GameDay.  Please get your waiver signed before we meet on Saturday.

Saturday is casual, but it's still important.  It's our last opportunity for feedback before we go to Florida!

Please arrive at CSM in the gym no later than 9:45am.  We warm up at 10:20, compete at 10:30, and then we move immediately in to warm ups for game day.  Our game day is on at 11 for parents.  The dance divisions go after, and then we will do awards at 12:45.  It should be a fun and fast morning.

I'll forward an email  out with the map over to CSM with where to park and such.  Give yourself plenty of time to find parking  - college campuses sometimes take  awhile to navigate.

Please note we have late practices approaching for gym space before Florida.  See below.

GRADES.  I can't stress enough how important grades are in the next two weeks.  Eligibility is run on Thursdays.  If you are academically ineligible, I CANNOT PUT YOU ON THE PLANE.  These are district rules.  This early in the semester, one missed assignment can mean an F.  Put your name on everything.  Hand in everything.  Do your best work.  

I've had this conversation with the girls, but please know that Disney (or the program) does not tolerate ANY misbehavior in their parks or on their property or at the airport or on the way to the airport get the idea.  Let's keep it magical - I don't want to have to send anyone home for anything.

Mazden's mom sent an email link to the snapfish account that is set up for our scrapbooking session for the end-of-season banquet. Here is the information;
Password: CTCheer15
(This is case sensitive)

Today:  Practice 3:15-5:00(see remind101)
Friday:  Mats after school, then Gball vs OHS.  Groups arrive at 6:30.
Saturday: Competition. See above.
Monday, Jan 26:  UE 3:30
Tuesday, Jan 27:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Wednesday, Jan 28:  UE and BBall.  Groups arrive at 6:30
Thursday, Jan 29:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Friday, Jan 30:  Bball vs. Creek groups arrive at 6:30
Saturday, Jan 31:  Practice 8-11 with optional Math Session with Hornbein Team dinner - details to follow
Sunday, Feb 1:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!