Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful break!
Lots of stuff going on right now!
Balance sheets were updated for both Nationals and Cheer in general and sent home YESTERDAY. If you didn't see those, please check with your cheer.
Pancake breakfast on Saturday! Please Pre-Sell tickets! As I've told the cheerleaders, pre-sales will be what brings in the vast majority of our customers. We want this to be successful! At the conclusion of the breakfast, we will have available math tutoring from 10:30 until around noon if you need to study for finals or get help in math.
We have TWO more fundraisers lined up - starting January 13, we will do a trail mix sale. This will be an individual fundraiser for your athlete if you need it for nationals OR if you need it to pay your remaining balance. We are also doing 2 for 1 Jamba Juice cards - again, if you need to do an individual fundraiser. PLEASE reach out to local businesses for website sponsorships! Tax deductible, and very lucrative for the team!
We are PAID IN FULL for Nationals. Everything is all set to go! We are currently on loan from CT for the outstanding balance. Please get your Nationals balance in no later than January 27th. We need to pay back the school before we go. If you are waiting on a Bronco's check, please let me know when that remaining balance will come in so that I have a plan in place for the loaned money that will be outstanding after the 27th.
Academic eligibility for Nationals: we are leaving at a very tedious time for grading when it comes to eligibility. It is very easy to fall academically ineligible the week we leave. If you are ineligible, the school will not let you even get on the plane. Please make sure at the start of next semester you are handing in ALL of your assignments WITH your name on them! At the start of a new semester, there are very few grades in the gradebook, so if you miss one of two assignments, you pretty much have an F. Do that in two classes, and we can't take you to Florida! This is District and CHSAA policy.
Again, with finals coming up, no free games or switch games. Plan accordingly.
We will be competing on Jan 24th at Colorado School of Mines in both Medium Varsity and Game Day! More details to come. It's a very small comp, but Mines is borrowing our mats. We will run a short practice after the comp (about an hour) using the feedback to do some extra clean up in both divisions.
Camp and summer schedule: The camp dates and pre-tryout meeting dates are posted to the calendar, as well as summer practice times. We have a short summer this year because the district is rotating the schedule to end before Memorial Day, so we have to start school earlier in order to do that. July "off" isn't working for us as a team. We had to recover a lot of lost time while other teams continue to improve. We will still have a break, but we've modified the schedule to instead give a break in June and early July, but we will be resuming practices in mid-July. Please keep our schedule in mind as you make your summer plans if you are planning on trying out for next year. The expectation is that you will be at summer practices. Choreo dates were selected from my brain as a good time to get choreography - they are NOT set in stone right now and have not been officially scheduled. We won't have a set choreo schedule for a while. There is a pre-season community service for the 2015-2016 season available working with Destination Imagination. Please see me if you're interested and we will work out the details.
We've added three late gym practices the last week in January and Nationals week. Check the calendar.
Weeks upcoming:
Thurs, Jan 8th: practice 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 9th: Game - check your schedule
Sat, Jan 10: Pancake breakfast!!! Arrive at 8 for an 8:30 start time to help set up! Math tutoring after if you are interested.
Sun, Jan 11: NO CONTACT
Mon, Jan 12: UE
Tue, Jan 13: Practice, 3-4:30
Wed, Jan 14: UE, Double header game: Follow GROUP A/B SCHEDULE.
Thu, Jan 15: Practice, 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 16: Game - check your schedule
Sat, Jan 17: Practice 8-11am
Sun, Jan 18: NO CONTACT
Have a good week!