Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Minute Updates

Happy Nationals week!

Itineraries were passed out to cheers along with packing lists on Saturday.  I forgot to put deodorant on the list.  Might be a good one to remember. :)  If you are curious as to where we are or what we are doing at any given time, please check the itinerary.  If you are traveling with your cheer, any time that is scheduled as "park time" is time that you can be with your cheer!  Please, if you would like to take your cheerleader off property, you must clear it with me first - and you may only take your own daughter, even with permission from any other girls' parent.  If you would all like to hang together, there are plenty of places on property to do so.  Please be very mindful of our schedule.  Girls will lose privileges to travel freely if people return late.

If you notice on the itinerary, we are letting the girls stay out pretty late on a couple nights because UCA offers late park hours for us and we compete in the afternoons.  The expectation if a cheer stays out late is that she is at the late park - no where else.  The coaches/admin will likely be out with the girls at the parks, as well.  We will go over all of this during the team meeting on Thursday night after we settle in.

Please remember to bring a jacket and/or a sweatshirt - Florida is NOT as balmy year-round as everyone thinks it is.  We have lows in the forties and highs in the low sixties all week predicted.  Your CTHS jacket is a good choice as it has kept us warm in some crazy cold games!

Food and such - many are asking what kind of money to plan for food.  The average cost of a counter service meal is about $12.  You can save a LOT of money on drinks by purchasing a souvenir mug with the first beverage purchase - it's spendy initially, but you will have free refills all weekend on anything that comes from a fountain machine.  Worth the purchase.  Be forewarned, the water tastes a little funky in Florida, and we have to drink water to stay hydrated!  There are fridges in the rooms, so if you would like to send fridge food that will have a little staying power over the course of a flight, it'll probably keep.  We leave very early from Florida on Monday morning, so plan to eat your last traveling meal at the airport if you are not bringing breakfast food with you.

If you are checking a bag, you cannot do it until we get to the gate together.  I called to confirm this.  If you "fly clear" or have any kind of TSA clearance, I'm pretty sure you can go through your fly clear with TSA, but just wait for us on the other side - don't go running off to the trains.

  Please remember if you carry on you have to have ALL of your 3oz liquids in one-quart or less baggie in a separate, easy to remove location.

Week upcoming:

Monday: UE
Tuesday:  Pre-Nationals Math help with Hornbein 3pm and Wrestling Meet - arrive at 6:45
Wednesday:  Basketball:  arrive at 6:40pm
Thursday:  See you at the airport!  10 am!  Check itinerary for location and details.
Friday - Monday:  The weekend we've been waiting for!
Tue, Feb 10:  Post Nationals Break
Wed, Feb 11:  Game
Feb 12:

NEXT WEEK FEB 12 WILL BE OUR SCRAPBOOKING DAY FROM 4-6:30 AT MICHAELS IN SOUTHLANDS.  In preparation, pleas bring $5 with you to the event to purchase paper, stickers, and fun scrapbooking-type things.  The rest of it is included with program cost (photo printing, assembly, scrapbook color prints, etc).

Fri, Feb 13:  Pep Assembly and Game for wish week! :)

I'm so excited for us!  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this week possible for the team.  You are truly appreciated!