Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week of Feb 25th - Mar 8

Hello, cheer families!  Our season is winding down to a close.

Here are some upcoming important pieces of information:

1.  Please schedule your exit interview with Coach D ASAP!  As soon as you fill out your form, let Coach D know and we can schedule. I want to make sure everyone gets theirs in in time to make changes and improvements for next year.  If you choose not to complete an end of season evaluation, that's totally up to you, but be prepared to not know where you stand going into next season.  It's better to know than not know.

2.  All practices for the season are done after today, Feb 25th for our last class at United for the season.  We will resume with open gyms in two weeks.

3.  Please keep your nails short through playoffs.  NO acrylics or false additions.  Remove them.

4.  Open gyms start March 10th!  $5 per open gym.  Waiver must be signed.  See me for a waiver.  If you are a varsity athlete, you will spend the vast majority of your time working advanced transitions, release moves, and single leg body positions.  State is won in the offseason.  If you're not doing a spring sport, you should be in open gyms with us.

Playoff schedule:

Friday:  Broomfield HS, be there by 6:45pm if you are scheduled to be on.  Please plan your carpools now if you are scheduled to be on.  If you are worried about weather and driving at night, please arrange for parent transportation.  We have been directed to attend, and we will attend and support!  Traveling was luck of the draw. You may switch but you MAY NOT cancel on Friday and "just show up Saturday" instead - if you had/have a conflict, I would have known about it already.  Basketball isn't getting a bus, so they won't be opening one for us, either.  We'll be there to support and cheer the girls on.  If you cheer Friday, you DO NOT have to cheer Saturday.  I've worked out how to balance the traveling amongst the team.  See below.

Saturday:  Arrive at CT no later than 12:45 for a 1pm start.

For the next round of playoffs (Tuesday, March 3rd and Wednesday, March 4th) , here are our possible scenarios:

1:  Girls are out, boys are out:  Turn in Uniforms March 4th.  Banquet March 8th.
2:  Girls are out, boys are IN and have a home game:  All cheers funnel to cheer together at the home game on March 4th.
3:  Girls are out, boys are IN and have an AWAY game:  All cheers who cheer this Saturday will travel to the boys game on March 4th.  Girls who travel this upcoming Friday will not have to cheer the game.  Possible Locations:  Liberty (Co Springs) or Boulder.
4:  Boys are out, Girls are IN and have a HOME game:  All cheers will cheer the Girls home game on March 3rd.
5.  Boys are out, Girls are IN and have an AWAY game:  All cheers who cheer this Saturday's home game will travel to the girls game on March 3rd.  Girls who traveled for this upcoming Friday's game will not have to travel to cheer the game.
6:  Girls are in, boys are in and both are HOME:  We will re-divide the groups and cheer both home games.
7.  Girls are in, boys are in, and both are AWAY:  We will re-divide the groups and minimize travel.

Week upcoming:
Today: UE, 3:30-4:30.  Be there.
Thurs, Feb 26:  Swish for a Wish - if you are on (and most of you are) arrive at 6:45 pm.
Fri, Feb 27:  Girls Group travels to Broomfield high.  Arrive at 6:45pm
Sat, Feb 28:  Boys Group home game.  Arrive at 12:45pm for a 1pm start time.
Sun, Mar 1:  No Contact

Mon, Mar 2:  UNIFORM TURN IN CANCELED.  No practice or games.
Tue, Mar 3:  Girls round 3????
Wed, Mar 4:  Boys round 3???  And Uniform Turn-In, 3pm
Thu, Mar 5:  Off
Fri, Mar 6:  Girls Great 8?  Standby to find out if/when/where you cheer.
Sat, Mar 7:  Boy's Great 8?  Standby to find out if/when/where you cheer.
Sun, Mar 8:  Cheer Banquet!  See your invite for all details.

Mon, Mar 9:  Off
Tue, Mar 10:  Open gym, cafeteria, 4-6pm.  Signed waiver.  $5 per open gym to attend. Pay as you go or in one chunk.
Wed, Mar 11:  Open Gym  **Seniors campwear t-shirt design information meeting 3-3:45pm**
Thu, Mar 12:  Open Gym OR FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls
Fri, Mar 13:  FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls
Sat, Mar 14:  FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls