Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weeks of Mar 3 - Mar 26

Good Morning, Cheer Families!

Follow CT Cheer on Remind101 for all upcoming Tryout Reminders:  This will be the major way that we communicate during the tryout season - especially if a tryout date must be moved or an open gym must be canceled due to weather, etc.

Via SMS:
text @15cttryout to 81010, add your name, and you'll be put on the information list!

Here is the week upcoming:

Today through March 8:  OFF
March 8:  Banquet at Cherry Creek Harbor - see invite for details!  Snappy Casual attire.

March 9:  off
March 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, and 26 (NO 25th!) :  Open gyms, 4-6pm $5 per open gym.  Pay at once or pay as you go.  Waivers must be signed.  See me or Coach Scott for a waiver.

Well, this will be it for the season from me!  If I need to post to blog for any reason, I'll let you know through the old remind or through the tryout site!

Thanks for a great season!  I can't wait to celebrate it with you all this weekend!
