Thursday, December 18, 2014

Week of Dec 16 - 19

Happy Holidays!

A couple of announcements -

THANK YOU for getting your paperwork back to me quickly!  Everything's sent!

Our next fundraiser is for the pancake breakfast!  It is at CT this year, NOT Applebee's.  Every cheer got 10 tickets for pre-sale - adult tickets are $10, kid tickets are $5.  Pre-sales give us a good chance to make pure profit off the breakfast, so pre-selling is important.  If you need more tickets to pre-sell, please let me know!  I also passed out flyers for cheers to put up in neighborhoods, etc.

Yankee Candles will be in the athletics office TODAY immediately after school.  Please come and pick them up.

We will be competing one time before nationals on Jan 24.  Details to come.

This week:

Thursday:  GAME groups 1, 2, 4.  Arrive at 6:15.
Tomorrow, Friday, Dec 19:  NO PRACTICE.

Have a wonderful and restful holiday!
