Hello, cheer families!
Lots of announcements:
Remember I said I'd forget something during homecoming week? I definitely forgot the October payment. I'm going to move the October payment to October 31. I'll get balance sheets out early next week. If you've already made your October payment, I'll deposit it - thank you!
Next Thursday we were scheduled for a volleyball game, and as I understand it, it has been canceled. Therefore, we will practice from 3-5:30 pm leading up to our first competition! Our preliminary Nationals meeting will begin at 5:30 at the conclusion of practice.
Speaking of the first competition, I have not received any information for our performance times for any competitions as of yet. I'll you know AS SOON as I know. I am waiting on the competition venue at this point.
Pueblo competition on November 1:
We need (a second) school permission form for Nov 1 since it is outside of the Denver Metro area. Look for that, along with some additional travel information, shortly. I'm looking in to the cost of chartering a bus to get everyone down there. I should know more this afternoon.
The basketball schedule has been passed out to your cheer. Not every cheerleader cheers every game. We have 5 small groups. For each game, 3 of 5 groups cheers, and two groups do not have to cheer and do not have any cheer responsibilities for that day unless we have UE in the afternoon. (Yes, we have Wednesday games. Yes, we go to UE. Yes, we cheer that evening. Plan ahead for homework, etc but games don't usually start until 7pm, and I will push back Wednesday arrival times.) Everyone has the same number of events. We have two double headers - no one has to cheer a full double header. Instead, I split the teams into two groups, A and B. Each group cheers one game for the double header according to A/B groups. Because everything is perfectly even right now, if ANY additions get made to the calendar for events, we will ALL cheer those events. It's still early, and coaches will sometimes add non-conference games to the schedule. The packet your cheer receives has EVERYONE'S schedule in case people need to switch games, along with a summary of which groups cheer which games. Group numbers were randomly assigned to groups. Here's how to read the schedule:
Find your name on the front page. Look at what group number you belong to (it is listed above your name at the top). Go the schedule that matches your group number - your name is ALSO at the top of the schedule. That's your list of games for the season. You have access to the other schedules for your reference in the event you need to make a switch.
You will get one FREE game, and one SWITCH game for the season. Coaches are not involved in switching games and it is NOT the coaching staff's responsibility to cover or accommodate switches.
Here is the week upcoming:
Friday: Homecoming!
Saturday: Homecoming dance - NO practice.
Mon, Oct 20: UE 3:30pm
Tue, Oct 21: Practice in GYM 3-6pm
Wed, Oct 22: UE 3:30pm
Thur, Oct 23: Practice 3-5:30, parent nationals meeting to follow 5:30-6:30pm
Fri, Oct 24: Game vs. OHS at Legacy Stadium. Arrive at 6:15pm.
Satudray, Oct 25: COMPETITION!! Information to follow AS SOON as I know it.
Sunday, Oct 26: NO CONTACT
Monday, Oct 27: UE 3:30
Tues, Oct 28: OFF
Wed, Oct 29: UE 3:30
Thu, Oct 30: practice 7-9am
Fri, Oct 31: practice 7-9am **Playoff game likely to follow in the evening. Please refer to handbook regarding playoff schedules and free games.
Sat Nov 1: Pueblo!
Have a great homecoming!