Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week of Oct 22 - Nov 1

Hello, Cheer families!

The schedule has changed for the competition on Saturday.  Our schedule isn't impacted, but five teams added the day they released the schedule, so that will push awards back.

Word on the street is that we may get a playoffs bid for football, which is great!  We will know on Monday if we do.  Standby for the playoffs schedule if we get a bid.  I'm currently considering shortening both Thursday and Friday's practice next week to just a couple of run-throughs and some quick clean-ups.  I don't want to over-do it for us in the next two weeks.  The pressure has been building lately, and my goals for next week's practices are to stay loose - not to make any major overhauls to the routine.  I will let you know by Monday what the full plan is after considering what our playoff commitments will be.

Reminder we have a Nationals meeting TOMORROW.  Please come a bit early - we will do a quick parent performance of our routine for you to teach the words for Saturday!  We will do our performance at 5:30 to kick off our meeting, and then we will meet.  Please remember we don't have all of the nationals details hammered down completely yet.  The purpose of this meeting is to give a ballpark financial commitment, fundraising ideas, and give parents an idea of how out-of-state-travel for athletic teams works, as well as our school and team guidelines.  I will also be giving some important announcements regarding the Pueblo competition.  Schedule is set to be released for performance times on Nov 1 on Monday, Oct 27.  The competition will not begin until the afternoon. So far that's all I know for time.

Week upcoming:
Wed, Oct 22:  UE/Parent-Teacher conferences
Thu, Oct 23:  Practice 3-5:30.  Parent performance at 5:30.  Nationals meeting 5:30-6:45ish
Fri, Oct 24: Practice 3:00-4:15, then Away Vs. OHS at Stutler bowl. Please arrive at 6:15.  We are taking quick photo in front of the CSU sign.
Sat, Oct 25:  FIRST COMP!  Arrive at 1.  See previous post.
Sun, Oct 26:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 27:  UE 3:30-4:30 plus playoff info and revised Thu/Fri practice schedule to be confirmed.
Tue, Oct 28:  NO PRACTICE
Wed, Oct 29:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 30:  Practice 7am-8 or 8:30
Fri, Oct 31:  Practice 7-8 or 8:30
Sat, Nov 1:  PUEBLO REGIONAL.  Medium Varsity AND Gameday division.
Sun, Nov 2:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!