Well, it appears we found ourselves in the middle of competition season!
I am so proud of the job we did last week! We've added in some difficulty for this weekend, and I'm really excited about the changes we've made that will increase our stunting scores and our overall effect scores. All of us - cheers, parents, coaching staff - have been working so very hard to get to this point. We are getting to the top of the mountain - and we will keep climbing because we must see this through the finish line!
Parents should have received a cheer balance sheet on Wednesday. I didn't get the opportunity to break down cookie dough information in time, but it was important that you had at least an idea of your current balance for payment upcoming on Friday. I have calculated those amounts from cookie dough and applied it to your accounts. I will re-print the balance sheets on Monday for those of you who this applies to.
Remember, if we get a bid for Nationals, I need a $150 commitment check no later than Nov 6. If you know this is too great of a financial commitment before then, please let me know sooner.
Also, the unified banquet is on Nov 6 - next week - the cheer program pays for the cheer's meal. Every cheer will attend. If you had a unified partner, please prepare a 1-2 minute speech about your experience working with your Unified Cheer Buddy this season.
A few new things that have popped up on the radar:
1 - Holiday party. The best day to do this is likely going to be Wednesday, December 10 or Thursday, Dec 11. We have a basketball game on the 12 for 3/5 of the bball groups, and Dec 13 is JV State (more on this in a moment). We usually do a Secret Spirit Buddy with a $20 gift for that person, and the cheers also do a white elephant ornament exchange. Dec 19th is the first Friday in ten years we haven't had a basketball game on the Friday before Winter Break. I'd really like athletes home with their families and leave that date open for holiday travel since we almost always have a game that Friday or Saturday of winter break. We could also do Saturday evening after JV State on Dec 13.
2 - JV State. Cherokee Trail is hosting JV State this year. Varsity parents and cheers will be utilized in some way that day. The last time I checked, we are running concessions that day - as a fundraiser for us for Nationals. All varsity athletes must attend, please mark your calendars. There will probably be a need for parent help, too (running the warm up/on deck area, running score sheets, or something to that effect. It's the biggest competition for the JV cheers and they will be busy getting ready to compete, so we will manage - Varsity cheers WILL get to see JV Cheer/Pom perform). When I get more information, I'll let you know - it's not sponsored by Cherokee Trail, they (Colorado Spirit Coaches Association) sought out CTHS as a venue since our gym can accommodate so many people.
3 - POM League is Nov 11 at GHS. We will shorten practice that day so we can go to support POM.
A note to parents, families, and friends regarding upcoming competitions - many of our venues make it easy to approach cheerleaders immediately before or after performances. I know many of you may be excited to see your cheer right before or right after they perform. It's critical that our athletes prepare, compete, and debrief as a team from one hour prior to warm ups to at least fifteen minutes following our performance. It's important for us to stay completely focused before we go on, and debrief immediately following our competition. We will return the athletes back to parents for a while to relax and debrief as the schedule allows before sitting together again as a team. Our cheers did an excellent job last weekend at staying off their phones while at competition, which is a new standard we've set for ourselves this year. Let's keep that momentum going so we can stay in the moment. If you have Navy or Burgundy to wear this weekend, please wear it so we can stand out in the crowd!
Here is the week upcoming:
Thu, Oct 30: OFF
Fri, Oct 31: Practice, 7-9am, playoff game vs. Mountain Vista at Shea Stadium (see calendar) at 6pm *No free games during playoffs.* Payment #4 due
Sat, Nov 1: PUEBLO!!! Arrive at 1:30. (yes, this is later than the original 12:45 - we got pushed back a bit) Address is on the calendar, or here: 1001 Beulah Ave Pueblo, CO We check in shortly after for Game Day - our Game Day performance is at 2:55. We will debrief and reconvene at 4pm to stretch and prep for Medium Varsity. Our Medium Varsity performance is at 5:05. Awards will follow at around 6. We should be done around 6:30 or so.
Sun, Nov 2: NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 3: UE 3:30-4:30
Tue, Nov 4: Practice - gym - 3:00-5:30
Wed, Nov 5: UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 6: Practice 3-5:30, Unified Banquet 6-7:30pm
Fri, Nov 7: Playoff game? TBD. If no playoff game, no practice. *No free games during playoffs*
Sat, Nov 8: Warm up practice at school: 8-9:30am (may be earlier depending on our mat times) Douglas County Challenge to Follow - I don't have the schedule yet.
Sun, Nov 9: NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 10: LEAGUES. Our performance time is 6pm. We are first. Plan to leave right from school and go to EHS.
Tue, Nov 11: Practice 3-5pm, then we will attend POM league to support!
Wed, Nov 12: UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 13: Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Nov 14: Playoffs? If not, off.
Sat, Nov 15: Practice 8-9:30 warm up, then Mile High Regional - schedule TBD
Sun, Nov 16: NO CONTACT
Hold on for the crazy ride!