Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week of December 10 - January

*Reminder that there are NO free games during finals week!  The whole team has to study, not just you.  We are athletes.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Dec 9:  UE 3:30-4:30, Jewelry party at Melissa's
Thu, Dec 10:  Practice 3-5, Candlelight at 5:30

Fri, Dec 11:  STATE

Meet at Chelsea's to get ready and for breakfast.  This is mandatory.
Transportation leaves at 12:30pm.

Arrive at Coliseum.

Warm ups begin for us at around 2:45.  We compete at 3:52.  Finals announced at around 6:45pm.

IF we make Finals:

Practice Saturday 8am-9am in the main gym.  (Only if major changes need to be made going in to finals and at the discretion of coach - balance between tempting fate and taking advantage of the time between prelims and finals that wasn't previously there)

Be at the Coliseum no later than 4pm for parade of athletes.

If we don't make finals, standby for instructions.

Sun, Dec 13:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Dec 14:  Optional UE 3:30-4:30  (I'm encouraging you to take the day off so you can study.)
Tue, Dec 15:  Game Groups 1, 2, 3, be there at 5pm.
                                  Groups 4, 5, 6 be there at 6:30pm
Wed, Dec 16:  Optional UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Dec 17:  6:30 pm Wrestling groups 2, 3, 5

Fri, Dec 18 - Mon, Jan 4:  OFF Winter Break.

Happy Holidays!  Remember to SELL your Pancake Breakfast Tickets!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week of November 30-December 13

Gearing up for a BIG two weeks!  (Well week and half, now!)

Upcoming fundraisers:
Jewelry Party Wed, Dec 9, 6:30pm flyers went out at UE this week for you to pass out - bring a friend!
Pancake Breakfast:  Saturday, January 9th from 6:45am - 10 am.  (Early because ACT practice test is this day!  So people taking practice ACT can come get breakfast first!)
Kid Clinic!  We need some volunteers to deliver flyers to a few area elementary schools.  Flyers will be ready tomorrow.

Week Upcoming:

Thur, Dec 3:  Practice, 7-9pm
Fri, Dec 4:  NO PRACTICE due to dance showcase
Sat, Dec 5:

Arrive at Coliseum Door #4 by 10:55 am.

JV goes on at 11:10.
If JV makes finals, we will be back to watch at their appointed time.  (Finals begin at 3:10)

Warm up for us begins at 7 pm.  Be Back at the Coliseum absolutely no later than 7pm.

We perform at 7:40ish for parents.
Awards at 8:39pm.

*Between JV performances and before our performances you are NOT required to remain at the coliseum.  Go shopping, go get something to eat, just be ready on phones for a remind for what time to return by.  

Sunday Dec 6:  Christmas Party at Alex's house!  2pm!

Mon, Dec 7: UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Dec 8:  Practice 7- 9 pm
Wed, Dec 9:  UE 3:30-4:30, Jewelry fundraiser 6:30pm at Melissas
Thu, Dec 10:  Practice 3:00-5:00 in Main Gym, Candlelight Traditions Ceremony at 5:00pm in Room 128.

All cheers are excused from school on Friday if you are academically eligible.
Breakfast and "get ready" at Chelsea's, time TBD
*Potential warm up practice in Main Gym during 1st lunch at school TBD
Athletes leave for Coliseum from Chelsea's house with provided transportation at 12:30.
Warm up at 3:30
Perform at 4:07

Finalists will be announced at 6:30pm

Cheers have a ride TO the Coliseum, but must arrange for their own ride HOME from the Coliseum.

I'm a little superstitious.  so all I will say about finals is that the parade of athletes will start I think at 5, so we will have to be there a bit earlier than that.

Visit CHSAA website to pre-purchase tickets if you are interested!

See you Saturday!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Quick Update

Looks like ACT prep courses save the day for Early Wednesday practices.  I removed Wednesday AM practices in January so girls can sign up for ACT prep.  The pancake breakfast is slated for January 9th , so I pulled off practice on Thursday, January 7th to accommodate the practice ACT after school.  Please let me know if, for some reason, you CANNOT select the January 7th date.

Happy testing season!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week of November 18 - Nov 29

Wow!  This comp season is FLYING BY!!

Arrival time at Castle View High School for Saturday is 1:15 for a 2:15 performance time.  Awards will go at around 4:30.

Please watch the calendar as many of our CT practices flip to night practices during this time of year to get full mats in the gyms.  Plan accordingly.

Again, please review our policies on free games during finals week.

The jewelry fundraiser has been rescheduled for December 9th at 6:30pm at Melissa's.  Bring a friend  (or 2!) with you to the party!  Orders will be in before christmas if you were thinking of doing some christmas shopping.

Also, if you haven't already done so, mark your calendars for Sunday, December 6th at 2pm for the Holiday party at Alex's house!  Look for details from Alex's mom as the date approaches.  It's a great time for the team to get together and just relax and have fun.  There will be a secret snowman gift exchange.  Maximum $20!!!  Please, please, PLEASE do not spend more than that.

The State "prep" party will be at Chelsea's house on the morning of December 11th.  Come get breakfast and get ready to go before we go for State!  All cheers will be excused from classes for the day to attend State.  We are working on getting a spirit bus together so we can have crowd support at State - much needed!

You should have received a balance sheet and TWO waiver forms for the comp this weekend and the comp on December 5th.  December 5th will be a long day for us - we are competing and it also is JV State at the same location.

I'm making some decisions on Nov 21st competition for arrival time.  We may or may not have a warm up practice at school in the morning before we head down to CastleView High School.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Nov 18:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 19:  Practice, 3 - 5:30 cafeteria
Fri, Nov 20:  Practice 7-8:30 run through in gym
Sat, Nov 21:  Castleview HS competition
Sun, Nov 22:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 23:  UE, 3:30-5:30
Mon, Nov 30:  UE 3:30-5:30

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Week of Nov 10-21

Here we are, in what I think is the toughest 10 day span of the season!  Three comps in 10 days is tough!  But you are working very hard and have had some great practices so far this week!  There are some changes to the schedule due to volleyball state.

The Jewelry party fundraiser is coming up on November 17th at Melissa's house.  You should have received an evite for this event.  Please RSVP.  Also,  Please invite as many people as you can!  We get a pretty decent cut of the profits, but if we are the only ones who go, that doesn't really help.

We are working on a date for Holiday party at Alex's house!

I'm going to say this now to get it out of the way as we approach finals.  There are NO free games during finals week.  You are a varsity athlete.  Plan accordingly.  We have a LOT going on that week, and the week before.  Most of your teachers will give you a study guide before thanksgiving.  If they don't,  please ASK for one, or start reviewing on your own.  It feels like a long way off but start planning for it now to be prepared.  We cannot demand to be treated as athletes and then turn around and expect to have the night off because of finals.  Basketball is there playing.  We are there with them.  If you have some other "thing" going on, please let me know now.

Here is the schedule:

Tue, Nov 10:  Practice 5-6:30, go see poms at league - poms performs at 7:10 - they come to see us, let's return the gesture and support them!   *Yankee Candle pick up today, too.

Wed, Nov 11:  League!
*Need forms from the people who I emailed.
*100% attendance day.
*dress nicely
*  3:00- 3:45 - cafeteria "get the jitters out" stunt through.
*5:30 arrive at EHS READY TO GO.  Visualization and stretch before watching JV.
*6:07 watch JV perform
*6:15 report to Warm Up
*6:43 Large Varsity
Awards to follow.

Thurs, Nov 12:  Practice 3-5:30 in cafeteria (may be shortened/canceled if we can afford to!)

Fri, Nov 13:
Volleyball State:  wear UA and indoor warm ups.
Buses will leave at 10am, you will be excused at 9:40 from your 2a
Cheer the game - ladies from last year, we have a LOT to make up for from last year!  Let's cheer an OUTSTANDING game!
Buses will leave at 1:30 to return to CT.
Practice: TBD.

Sat, Nov 14:

UCA Mile high!

Arrive at 3:40.  We have warm up starting at 4:14 for Game Day.  Give yourself PLENTY of time to find parking and get in the stadium to find one another.  It can be a walk from the parking lot to the stadium, and last year there was pay for parking, so plan for that as well.  It's a long day, so I'm pushing your arrival time back to accommodate - please do not be late.

3:50:  Stretch and visualization
4:14: Cheers to the warm up circuit.
5:45:  Awards for Game Day
6:15:  Change to Large Varsity Compwear
7:00:  Stretch and Visualizations
7:26:  Cheers to the warm up circuit
8:32:  Final Awards Ceremony

Here is the tentative schedule  - plan for changes - it's not the finalized one:

While Pueblo ran late, Mile Hi *usually* runs pretty well on-time.

Sun, Nov 15:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 16:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Nov 17:  NO Practice - Jewelry Party Fundraiser!  please invite as many as you can!
Wed, Nov 18:  6am Practice, then UE to follow 3:30-4:30
Thu, Nov 19:  Practice 3-5:30 **may remove/shorten this practice if no major changes to the routine are needed**
Fri, Nov 20:  Practice 7-8:30pm run through/fullout
Sat, Nov 21:  Castleview Rumble, Castleview HS, Time TBD.
Sun, Nov 22:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Nov 23:  Practice at UE
Tue, Nov 24:  Practice 3-4:30 in cafeteria
Wed, Nov 25 - Sun, Nov 29:  NO CONTACT!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week of Nov 4- Nov 14

WAHOOO!!!!!  What a great day at Pueblo!  A first place bid in Large Varsity AND in GameDay!  Let's keep up the good work.

We will have a National's meeting on November 12 at 6:30pm.  A parent MUST attend because I need everyone's signature on a single document for UCA.  I will have final National's totals calculated by then.

Here is the schedule for the comp and playoff game this weekend:

Cheers arrive to DC at 11:45am.

*I still need waivers from:
Chelsea Hudcovic
Ryleigh Gale
Keely Carmody

12:15 Large Varsity Visualizations - pre warm up
12:45 - 1:05 cheers in official warm ups

1:15 Compete Large Varsity

1:20 change to Game Day
2pm Game Day visualizations - pre warm up
2:20- 2:40 Cheers in official warm ups

2:45 Compete Game Day

Awards at 3:45 (we hope!)

Arrive at LPS Stadium for a 6pm game time (I'll let everyone know what time to be at the stadium so we can all arrive together at the conclusion of the competition on Saturday - I won't know what time exactly we are getting out of DC, and I want to give you guys time to grab some food at least.)

Bring warm clothes for the game - it will definitely be chilly!  Bring them TO the competition and change in the car before heading in to the stadium.  I WILL give you a some time to get something to eat, however you won't have time to go home in between.  When we get to the stadium, remain in the parking lot so we can all go in together as team.  We won't have much time to warm up, but having just competed, I think we'll be fine.

Yankee candle order will be ready for pickup on Tuesday of next week!  If you have any orders that were not placed for online delivery, plan to pick up your orders at practice.

League is coming up on Wednesday!  Parents:  performance time is 6:43 pm.  No game day at League, just large Varsity.  Cheers, standby for arrival time at EHS.

Parents:  For Mile High at the western complex, you'll likely have to pay cash to park, just a heads up.  It's been that way in the past.

week upcoming:

thu, nov 5:  practice 3-5:30
fri, nov 6:  practice TBD and JV Showcase is at 7:30pm!
sat, nov 7:  DC and Playoff Football.
sun, nov 8:  NO CONTACT
mon, nov 9:  UE 3:30-5:30
tue, nov 10:  practice 5-7pm, yankee candle pickup, then POM league
wed, nov 11:  LEAGUE!!
thu, nov 12:  practice 3-5 in gym
fri, nov 13:  practice TBD
sat, nov 14:  Mile high regionals
sun, nov 15:  NO CONTACT

Friday, October 30, 2015

Week of Oct 29 - Nov 8

Annnnnd....we're off!

Please see Christa's invite for the Jewelry Party fundraiser!  You should have gotten an email.

We are ON for November 7th at Douglas County High School in both gameday and Large Varsity divisions.

Please look at the calendar as some practice times have been changed/added.  Make your adjustments as needed as we do have some late practices that got added to the schedule. First schedule change is that on Tuesday, Nov 10th we practice from 5-7pm in the gym at CT before going to support Poms at GHS in their league meet.

Competition season officially kicks off tonight in the main gym at 6pm for the parent/family/friends showcase!  We will show our game day routine and our large varsity routine - this helps our girls get the "jitters" out, so bring the whole crew for a sneak peek!  Follow us to the final regular season football game against OHS and senior night!  It's a busy time - plan for no breaks until thanksgiving we are on a roll!

Parents - competition scheduling times are not always forthcoming.  I usually send an arrival time text to the cheerleaders as soon as I get the information.  I will send a "mat time" text to parents so you know when we go on.  The athlete schedule differs greatly from the parent schedule, and we typically arrive 2 hours prior to our actual mat time as we have a scheduled warm up that we must make that usually begins an hour before we compete.  The additional hour makes room in case we get moved up in the competition order (which happens more frequently than I'd like to).

Parents - not to get ahead of ourselves, but IF we get a bid for Large Varsity to Nationals and Game Day this weekend, we will have a Nationals meeting that one parent from each family MUST attend on Thursday, November 12th at 6:30 pm in room 128 at CT.  There is a form from UCA that all parents must sign on one page, so everyone needs to be there.    From this information I can determine a final total bill for Nationals and also tell everyone how many extra plane seats we have for parents.  There are for sure 3 tickets available for $385.  Don't email me just yet to claim them as I have to find the most diplomatic way to offer them up.  We are flying Southwest this year, so bags fly free.  If you take Disney Magical Express, there is only one bag tag for bag delivery.  Pretty good steal for that time of year, and your name is on a group manifest so less hassle for you.

Here is the schedule:
Fri Oct 30:  3-5 practice, 5:50 break, 5:50-6:15 parent showcase, 7pm game vs. OHS with senior night at halftime
Sat, Oct 31:  PUEBLO!!!  Arrive no later than 2:15 pm.  Map is on the calendar.  Drive allllllll the way to the back of the fairgrounds.  The state fairground complex is pretty large, so just keep driving.  Look for lots of cars with chalked windows.  That was how I found it last time. :)  As I remember, I don't think there is pay to park at this competition.

Current comp schedule

PARENTS:  Game day performance is at 4:25, Large Varsity is at 6:30 bring cameras.

Cheers:  We leave to stretch and visualize at 3pm for Game Day, then you will have only about 25 minutes to change for Large Varsity.  ALL Cheers will change for Large Varsity whether you are an alternate or on the mat.  You never know.

To the competition:
Wear Game Day uniform and bow (Under Armour), indoor cheer shoes, WHITE no-show socks.  Indoor warm up over your uniform.  Remove ALL jewelry (this includes string bracelets on ankles/wrists and hair ties around shoes!  A team lost a state title for this in 2006.)  Fingernails CUT so you can't see whites from the palm side, FILED and BUFFED so you don't scratch anyone, and polish REMOVED.    Hair in a high pony - nothing fancy.    All wispies sprayed back.  Look neat.  Make sure you can make a quick bow change in your hair.  If you need your hair done, please meet up with whoever is doing it prior to 2:15 pm.  If you are doing more than one person's hair, please be mindful of how much TIME it takes to do it and plan accordingly.

Lots of you have asked about make up - I like a neutral look.  A little color on your lips is GOOD but not a color that distracts the judges.

Bring with you:
2 small disposable water bottles to take in to each warm up.
YOUR POMS  (This is the last time I'm going to tell you this.  Not bringing your poms to compete or to a game is like a football player not bringing his helmet.  We have NO backup burgundy poms as they are the wrong color)
Trail Top
Trail Skirt
Snacks or money for concessions
Game Day and Comp Signs - I need a volunteer to bring these down.
Music - Coach will bring all music.

Stay on text messages in case I forgot something.  But that should do it.

Sun, Nov 1:  No Contact
Mon, Nov 2:  Practice 3:30-5:30 UE
Tue, Nov 3:  Practice 3-5:30 Aux Gym
Wed, Nov 4:  Practice 3:30-4:30 UE
Thu, Nov 5:  Practice 3:00-5:30 Aux Gym
Fri, Nov 6:  Playoff Game TBD
Sat, Nov 7:  Warm Up Practice at CT 9 am.  Douglas County Competition - Game Day and Large Varsity Time TBD
Sun, Nov 8:  No contact
Mon, Nov 9:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Nov 10:  Practice 5-7, POM league at GHS to follow
Wed, Nov 11:  LEAGUE
Thu, Nov 12:  Practice 3-5:30 cafeteria
Fri, Nov 13:  Playoff game OR practice 7-8:30pm
Sat, Nov 14:  Mile High Regional.  Game day and Large OR Medium Varsity.
Sun, Nov 15:  No Contact

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week of Oct 20- Nov 1


Parents, I sent a somewhat urgent message via email today that needs some quick attention.  Please check email!  Thank you!

We will be moving Melissa's team dinner to NEXT Thursday so the girls have more time to hang out since it won't be a school night.  It's also closer to our competition.  There are still team dinner days available if you want to host!  Please see calendar for available time slots.

Blackouts begin this week.  Please understand the blackout process and WHY this process is in place.

Seniors, I need your bios no later than Thursday for next week's senior night.

Pueblo regional will not release comp times until one week prior to competition.  (Helpful, I know.)  As soon as I get the times, I will set an arrival time for you.  It is critical that you are ON TIME for our arrival time.  Changes to the schedule happen, and I don't want us scrambling.  We give ourselves plenty of time to show up, warm up, and get our heads in the right place before going in to warm ups.  I will have an arrival time, a "locker room" time (more on this as competition day approaches) and then for parents I will give you a floor time.  For Pueblo, we compete twice, once in Large Varsity and again in GameDay.  Families will be released at the conclusion of the awards ceremony and after I debrief quickly with the girls.  Plan for the Pueblo competition to be a long day.  I promise I will get all the information out to you as soon as I get it.  My information resource is the UCA website, so you can follow along on the website and look for information as well.  If you click on "competitions" and search for the Pueblo regional, there is a link that eventually takes you to the competition order.

I still need forms for Pueblo regional from:
Ryleigh G
Chelsea H
Keely C

**here is a link to the form - print it out and bring it to me ASAP.  The form for Mile High is the same, so print two if you can and fill out both.  


Today, Oct 20:  Photos at Monty Nuss, 4pm
Wed, Oct 21:  UE 3:30-4:30  *Blackouts begin
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM practice 3:00-5:30
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. EHS arrive at 6pm
Sat, Oct 24:  OFF
Sun, Oct 25:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 26:  UE 3:30-4:30 only (not on blackout schedule, but if you're in town, you should be there)
Tue, Oct 27:  OFF
Wed, Oct 28:  UE, 2:30-4:30 **Note the time change**
Thu, Oct 29:  practice 7-10am AT FOX RIDGE
Fri, Oct 30:  Practice 3:00-5:15, Parent Showcase 6pm, Game vs. OHS to follow.  SENIOR NIGHT!
Sun, Nov 1:  No Contact

Thursday, October 15, 2015

week of Oct 15 - Nov 1

Comp season is upon us!

Update:  The Oct 24 competition was canceled by Douglas County High School.  Therefore, we are NOT competing on the 24th because the DougCo competition is not running at all.  I don't know just yet if we are going to leave Nov 7 on the calendar.  I will know more by next week.  3 comps in 10 days proved to be pretty taxing on us last year, so we may not need to do it with the addition of 2 competitions later in the season.

Pueblo as of this moment will be run with 20 girls on the floor.  We have formations and pyramids for 16 in case we need to use them.

Here is the schedule upcoming - a lot has changed with the cancellation on the 24th, so if the calendar and this list don't match, please let me know to avoid confusion.

Thu, Oct 15:  Game vs. Valor arrive game ready to main gym by 6pm
Fri, Oct 16:  off
Sat, Oct 17:  Practice, 7-10 am
Sun, Oct 18:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 19:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 20:  Monty Nuss, 4pm.  Bring:  Trail Comp Uni, black shirt or blouse (your choice and express your style, but please no bare midriffs - think about a black top you would wear to a mid-end restaurant for dinner - if you're not sure, bring two to be safe), jeans, and cute shoes that also express your style.
Wed, Oct 21:  6am practice, UE to follow at 3:30  **BLACKOUTS BEGIN**
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM Practice, 3-5:30 and Team dinner at Melissas
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. EHS arrive at 6pm Game Ready - gamewear TBD
Sat, Oct 24:  Practice? (time tbd bc of ACT)
Sun, Oct 25:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 26:  UE 3:30-5:30 Not currently on blackout schedule, but may be moved to a blackout.
Tue, Oct 27:  OFF
Wed, Oct 28:  UE 3:30-5:30
Thu, Oct 29:  Practice 7-10 am
Fri, Oct 30:  Practice 3 - 5 pm, Game arrive at 6pm.  SENIOR NIGHT!!! :)
Sat, Oct 31:  Pueblo Regional - Large Varsity and Game Day Nationals Bid-Out
Sun, Nov 1:  NO CONTACT

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week of Oct 8 - Oct 18

Hello!  Let's get our Yankee Candles sold!  Fundraiser goes until the 19th!

Here is the week upcoming:

Thu, Oct 8:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Oct 9:  Game of the Week vs. GHS!!!  Arrive at 6pm. 
Sat, Oct 10:  Off
Sun, Oct 11:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 12:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 13:  GYM Practice 3 - 5:30
Wed, Oct 14:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 15:  Football vs. Valor! 
Fri, Oct 16:  Off
Sat, Oct 17:  Practice 7-10am
Sun, Oct 18;  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 19:  Practice 3:30-5:30  Yankee Candles DUE
Tue, Oct 20:  Photos at Monty Nuss 4pm
Wed, Oct 21:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 22:  GYM Practice 3:30-5:30
Fri, Oct 23:  Game vs. Eaglecrest Arrive at 6pm
Sat, Oct 24:  First competition!!!  At DCHS

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week of Oct 1 - Oct 11th


All butterbraid orders should be in.  Still looking for payments for September for about half the team. Balance sheets will go out again next week.

A quick note on King Soopers cards.  King Soopers doesn't cut us a check until $5,000 has been uploaded to the GROUP account.  Right now, we have three separate group accounts from 3 different orders.  In September, the group's cards that have the numbers 748 in them did not receive a check because not enough money was loaded on to the cards to meet the minimum.  It's one of our bigger batches of cards, so if you aren't using your cards, I'd like to encourage you to use them so that discounts can go out to everyone.  Please encourage family that was given a card to continue using cards.  I can't give a discount until the check is received from King Sooper.

 Our Nov 21 "TBD" competition now has a name!  We will be going to Castleview HS to compete on November 21.  Blackout dates apply.

Basketball calendar is almost locked in place.  Keep in mind that you don't cheer every event on the calendar.  Check the event details to find out if your group is "on" for a particular game.  You get one free game and one switch game.  Your switch game must be confirmed AT THE TIME OF THE SWITCH.  In other words, don't switch a game with someone without knowing which game they are taking for YOU.  For those of you new to varsity, a schedule is made based on stunt groups.  Those stunt groups then randomly select one schedule.  That becomes your schedule for the basketball season.  DO NOT rely on anyone to figure out your schedule for you.  Everyone cheers an equal number of games.  Playoff schedule is organized a little differently so that we can all cheer the last game together (ideally).  Just plan to be on for all playoff games, and then know you won't be doing all of them.  Missing playoff games jeopardizes your letter.

More flyers for corporate sponshorships were handed out to the girls yesterday.   If you get a sponsorship, that money (less expenses) comes to YOU.  If you need my assistance with locking in a sponshorship, please ask.  I can help confirm that we are legitimate.

Week upcoming:
Thu, Oct 1:  VB arrive at 6:15
Fri, Oct 2:  Football with minis - 5:30 pm.  We will be taking our photo for league at this time, too.
Sat, Oct 3:  Practice 7-9:30 am
Sun, Oct 4:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Oct 5:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Oct 6:  3-5:30 GYM
Wed, Oct 7:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 8:  3-5:30 GYM
Fri, Oct 9:  Football vs. GHS
Sat, Oct 10:  OFF
Sun, Oct 11:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Week of September 25 - October 4th

Hello!  Game-packed week coming up! If you see another cheer besides your own, ask them about the stunting and tumbling progress we've made this week.   You'll be impressed ;o)

Butterbraids are DUE on Sept 28!  NO LATE orders!  So...if you're done selling, bring in your orders now!

No new announcements but I haven't received a September payment from many of you - if you sent a check with your cheer, please have them confirm that she gave it to me.  Balance sheets went out last Wednesday.

Wed, Sep 23:  Am practice, UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 24:  Football vs Rangeview Be at school GAME READY by 6pm.  We will stretch and walk to the field at 6:30.  Run throughs?
 Fri, Sep 25:  Off? ;o)  TBD at end of UE today
Sat, Sep 26:  KID'S CLINIC!  HUGE DAY!  Arrive at 7:15.  We are so excited to be working with a VERY large group of kiddos!  You will get an assignment when you arrive, work quickly.  If you're finding that you aren't doing anything, find coach and ASK what needs to be done.  The clinic concludes at 11, and you will be released after everything is all cleaned up and we meet.
Sun, Sep 27:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 28:  UE 3:30-5:30  *BUTTERBRAIDS DUE
Tue, Sep 29:  Volleyball - arrive at 6:15pm
Wed, Sep 30:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Oct 1:  VB - arrive at 6:15pm
Fri, Oct 2:  KID CLINIC PERFORMANCE - arrive at school by 5:30 GAME READY.  Yes, it's early.  We need to get ourselves ready by 6 to get the kids warm up done AND get organized with Unified before heading to the track.  
Sat, Oct 3:  Practice 7-9:30
Sun, Oct 4:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week of Sep 16 - 26


Butter braid sales are under way!  We need all orders AND money by September 27th.  NO EXTENSIONS.

Yankee Candle sales will start October 1st.

We have a change to the calendar - there is a home volleyball game on September 29th.  Arrive at 6:15pm.

If you need more kid clinic flyers, I will bring them to UE today!

All free game slots have been taken for Friday's game vs. Regis.

Tomorrow's practice we will host the Unified Cheer team for the first half hour to get unified partners lined up in preparation for the game on September 24th!

A quick note about Fall Break.  There is a UE practice scheduled on Monday, 26th.  If you are in town, you should be at UE.  We have a Nationals bid comp just 5 days after.  But it is NOT on the blackout schedule.

Week Upcoming:

Wed, Sep 16:  UE, 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 17:  Practice 3 - 5:30
Fri, Sep 18:  Football vs. Regis AT Regis.  Check calendar for address and what to wear.  Arrive no later than 6pm
Sat, Sep 19:  Off
Sun, Sep 20:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Sep 21:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Sep 22:  OFF
Wed, Sep 23:  AM PRACTICE  6am-7am, then 3:30-4:30 at UE
Thu, Sep 24:  Football Vs. Rangeview.  Arrive at 5:45 Home game.  Check calendar for what to wear.
Fri, Sep 25:  Practice 3-4:30
Sat, Sep 26:  KIDDIE CLINIC!!!!  Arrive at 7:30 for set-up.  We should be done no later than 11:45am or so depending on how quickly we can get cleaned up.  Clinic is scheduled to go to 11.  As soon as everyone is picked up, mats are cleared, and thank you notes are written, we can go!
Sun, Sep 27:  NO CONTACT.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week of Sept 9 - Sept 20


We are currently working on getting our Butter Braid fundraiser rolling!  It will hopefully go from September 10th-27th.  Butter Braids are usually a HUGE hit with families as fall sets in. They are super yummy and therefore very easy to sell!

Don't forget to pass out kid clinic flyers!  Let me know if you need any more.

Homecoming is WELL underway.  Just hold on for a wild last few days!  There ARE changes to the schedule for next week.

Upcoming schedule:

Today, Wed Sep 9:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 10:  Put up football signs AFTER SCHOOL.  Meet for VB Game at 6:15pm
Fri, Sep 11:  HOMECOMING!!!!!

100% attendance day
4th period:  Excused for assembly - go immediately to gym for warm ups
Pep Assembly 2pm
3-3:30 Run throughs for spacing on field with POM and Pizza for all three teams
3:30-4:45  FREE time for DECA Tailgate
4:45-5:30:  Sophomores and Juniors stuff the run-through with balloons (you're done as soon as you're finished and you can go to the tailgate until 5:45)
5:45  ALL TEAMS   Meet in the gym for final run through of halftime and warm up
6:30 Head to the field!
7:00:  Kickoff!!!

Sat, Sep 12:  FITNESS FESTIVAL.  Meet at CCHS at 7:45am.  We will likely be done around 9:30 but we are not allowed to leave until the district releases us.  I will get you out of there as fast as I possibly can so you can get ready for homecoming.  Please don't get antsy - this is out of my hands.  ALL cheerleaders must attend the fitness festival - it is NOT part of your community service.

Mon, Sep 14:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Sep 15:  Team Photos. Meet in the commons NO LATER than 4:05  Wear UA you can wear your hair any way you want.  Bring your poms to add to the photo.
Wed, Sep 16:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 17:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Sep 18:  Game vs. Regis away.  Arrive no later than 6pm
Sat, Sep 19:  Team bonding at Mazdens?  12-3
Sun, ,Sep 20:  NO CONTACT

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week of Sept 1 - Sept 13

Thanks to Chelsea's mom for hosting team dinner and decorating this past weekend!

We have some team meals before competitions that we are trying to get hosts for!  First come, first served!  Here are the dates we are looking for people to sign up for.  Email me if you're interested and I'll slot you in!  If you aren't the first to respond to a particular date, I'll set you up with whoever is in case you want to team up to do it.

Thursday October 22nd 6:30pm
Thursday October 29th 5pm
Tuesday November 3rd at 6:30pm at  or Friday, November 6th at 5:30pm (depending on playoff schedule)
Thursday Nov 12 at 6:30 or Friday Nov 13 at 5:00pm  (depending on playoffs)

Homecoming is on its way!

If you are new to the varsity program, homecoming is a VERY hectic time.  Schedule changes do happen, so please be flexible and open with your schedules as we need everyone's participation.  In preparation for homecoming we have pep assembly meetings to attend, etc.  Our obligations increase significantly.

Balance sheets are coming out with Rockies tickets (both un-returned additions to balance and discounts for sales), King Sooper discounts, and Snap fundraiser discounts applied.  In addition, if you ordered a warm up AND a uniform, I shorted you on Shipping and Handling by $8, so you will see that addition included.  If you need to see the individual sheet to confirm, I can definitely show that to you.  Please plan to make a payment no later than Sept 23rd.  Again, just make progress toward your overall bill.

Nationals totals have been released.  I should have a final nationals balance shortly once I work out chaperone costs.  We will have a Nationals meeting that  EVERY parent must attend to be present to sign the UCA waiver.

You will be getting a stack of kid's clinic flyers to pass out for the kids clinic on the 26th.  Pre registration is due by Sept 19 to guarantee a t-shirt, so pass these out quick! Please take some time to drop them off at day cares, and elementary schools.

As we gear up for competition season, we will be dedicating some of our time at UE to full-outs.

Our first game is Friday!  We also have a Choreography practice with Jeff our choreographer after school and before the game.  It's a lot to do, but that was the day we could get gym space and Jeff at the same time.  Let's work hard.


Tue Sep 1: Homecoming practice w/Pom 3-5:30
Wed Sep 2:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu Sep 3:  Practice 3-5:30
Fri Sep 4:  Wear UAs, high pony tail, white bow
Practice with Jeff 3-4:30, then FIRST FOOTBALL GAME!  Arrive NO LATER than 6 pm at Shea Stadium.
Sat, Sep 5 - Mon sep 7:  Labor day break
Tue, Sep 8:  SPIRIT BUS!  Wear Rallies NO LINER, navy spanks, low ponytail, burgundy bow.  Then practice 3 - 5:30
Wed, Sep 9:  UE 3:30-4:30, then Powder Puff Game
Thu, Sep 10:  To school and game wear UAs high pony tail, game bow.  **AFTER SCHOOL AND BEFORE THE GAME:  FOOTBALL HOUSES.  I WANT THESE DONE IN DAYLIGHT.  PLAN AHEAD SO YOU AREN'T LATE.  THIS SHOULDN'T TAKE TOO LONG.  GO QUICK BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO BE AT THE GAME BY.... Volleyball vs. Ponderosa.  Arrive no later than 6:15
Fri, Sep 11:  To school:  COMP, burgundy spanks, high pony, game bow.  To game:  Rally with Liner, navy spanks, braided ponytail with white bow.  Homecoming Game!  Be back at school for practice/pizza at 4:00 to fill the run-through with balloons, practice, and get ready.
Sat Sep 12:  FITNESS FESTIVAL at Cherry Creek High - arrive at 7:30 am.   Wear comp uniforms, burgundy spanks, hair half up/down with white bow.  We will be done by around 9:00 so you have time to get ready for homecoming.  We all MUST be there.  Plan your hair and make up appointments accordingly.  This is a DISTRICT SPONSORED event that we MUST attend.
Sun, Sep 13:  NO Contact

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week of Aug 26- Sept 5


Not much new to update.  Please note two VERY important practices upcoming September 1 and 4!!

I NEED unsold Rockies Tickets.  Any unsold Rockies tickets not returned by Friday you will be responsible for.

Wed, Aug 26:  Practice 6am, UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Aug 27:  Practice 3 - 5:30 gym/cafeteria
Fri, Aug 28:  Practice, 3 - 5 gym
Sat, Aug 29:  Practice 7-9am
Sun, Aug 30:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Aug 31:  UE, 3:30-5:30
Tue, Sep 1:  Practice with POM in gym for homecoming!! 3-5:30
Wed, Sep 2:  UE, 3:30-4:30
Thu, Sep 3:  Practice, 3-5:30 gym/cafeteria
Fri, Sep 4:  Practice 3-4:30 with Jeff from UE, then game AWAY at Thunder Ridge.  Spirit week starts today.  Dress up in some capacity!!  Arrive at 6 pm for a 7pm start time.  Do not be late!  We warm up and practice prior to each game.  Please give yourself plenty of time to get to Shea Stadium (which is NOT at TR High!  Do not drive to TR!)  Nails short, hair fully up, no jewelry.  Don't forget your poms.
Sat Sep 5 - Mon Sep 7:  Labor Day break.

Please be flexible during homecoming week.  It gets very hectic.  There will be a date for a team bonding to paint our run throughs for the season.  Plan to make every effort to attend.  This is the fun part of cheer!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Week of Aug 20-Aug 30

Hello!  Feels like school is finally getting underway!  We are starting to get busy!

Please look at the spirit week dress up days.  You are required to dress up for spirit week.  You are a cheerleader.  You are supposed to be the most spirited person in the building.  Plan ahead for the days so you have SOMETHING to wear each day.  I'm not saying you have to get all crazy if you aren't that type of person, but you need to represent. 

Also, we need LOCKER NUMBERS.  If you don't use a locker, find someone else's on the team and use theirs.

Please make sure you are getting your assignments handed in.  Eligibility will run for next week.

I"m working on updating invoice sheets for August but running in to a few speedbumps when it comes to starting back at work again.  Things are still pretty hectic for me with new classes.  I have only received a July payment from about half of you.  Please get that in to me ASAP.

If you have a set of Rockies tickets that are unsold and you have not returned them, you owe for them.  Plan to see that reflected on your balance sheets.

Next week will be the first morning practice on Wednesday.  There will be no practice on Tuesday.  We will practice from 6-7am in the main gym, and then go to elite for an hour in the afternoon.  DO NOT BE LATE.  

We got invited to the football barbecue!!!!  It's short notice, I just got the info today, but the barbecue is on Saturday at 11am after the scrimmage.  It's at the school, please come if you can!  It's a great, free team bonding opportunity and it will be nice to know the team you will very soon be cheering for!

I need a cheer who has not finished community service yet to volunteer to man the table at Back To School Night.  It will be from 5:45 until around 8pm.  It won't complete your service hours if you haven't started,  but it will put a decent size dent in them!

Week upcoming:

Aug 20:  Practice 3-5:30 in the gym/cafe
Aug 21:  Practice 3-4:30 in the gym
Aug 22:  Practice 7am-9am, then  football bbq at 11am.
Aug 24:  UE 3:30-5:30
Aug 26:  Morning practice, 6am-7am, then UE 3:30-4:30 and Back to School Night
Aug 27:  Practice 3-5:30 in the gym/cafe
Aug 28:  GYM practice 3-5pm.
Aug 29:  Practice 7-9am

Have a great week! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Week of Aug 10-21

Hi!  I'm updating early because of a calendar change of which you should be aware!

A few announcements for your future planning...

We DO have practices AND competitions during fall break, many of those fall during "blackouts."  PLEASE vacation plan accordingly, and be aware of the policies of missing blackouts for ANY reason (yes, even the ones out of your control.  I realize it can feel harsh, and, at times, unfair.  But this is the ONLY way to keep things equal) during comp season.  If you DO choose to leave during fall break, please let me know as far in advance as possible so I can get formations moved.

Also, December 5th is the JV State meet.  We (parents AND cheers) are required to work the second half of the day - we will either try to exhibition at JV State to get one last comp in, and/or we will go to the evening Varsity competition at Mountain Vista high School.  Please mark your calendars for that Saturday in the afternoon - both cheers and parents.  This is a big fundraiser for nationals, and each girl gets a cut of the earnings if she AND a minimum of one parent work.  Since Pom is working morning, and we are working afternoon, it is on our program to make sure that all of our stations are manned during the afternoon.  The responsibility is 100% on us to make sure this happens.  

Good news!  I know it's been on the table for the girls to get indoor warm ups, but I never put it on the financial agreement.  I know that Nationals expenses haven't quite been laid down in concrete yet, so I'm apprehensive to just tack on that money.  BUT!  We have a great opportunity coming this Thursday, August 13 at 3pm.  Morgan's mom is coming to give a presentation on Mesa State University to the cheer team and we need 7 parents to attend (minimum). Her request is to give feedback on the presentation in order to drive more front range students to Mesa State after graduation.   The presentation is at 3pm at CTHS (location TBD).  If we participate and have 7 parents participate, the donation will cover the vast majority of the cost of indoor warm ups for the girls.  The remaining athlete portion will be about $10.  We need 7 parents!  If you can come, please do!

As a result, we will have practice following the presentation until 5pm on thursday, and then forego Saturday's practice to give you the full weekend to enjoy your family before many saturdays get absorbed by cheer.

Still have one more spot available for a 9th, 110th, or 11th grader to attend Leadership Conference on August 22 at EHS following Practice until 4:30pm.   Please send me an email if you're interested and available to go.  

Week upcoming:

Today Aug 10:  UE 3:30-5:30
tue, Aug 11:  practice, 3-5:30 at CT
wed, Aug 12:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thurs, Aug 13:  PRESENTATION 3pm, practice to follow until 5pm
Fri, Aug 14:  NO PRACTICE
Sat, Aug 15:  NO PRACTICE
Sun, Aug 16:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Aug 17:  UE 3:30-5:30
Tue, Aug 18:  Practice 3-5:30
Wed, Aug 19:  UE 3:30-4:30
Thu, Aug 20, Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Aug 21, Practice 3-5:30
Sat, Aug 22:  Practice 7-9:30, Leadership conference to follow at EHS for those attending.
Sun, Aug 23:  NO CONTACT

Have a good remaining few days of summer!  See you at school!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Week of July 31- Aug 8


No new announcements or changes.  Schedule is the same as last week. :)

We are making great progress on choreography!

Mandatory practice begins MONDAY!  Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Week of July 23-Aug 1


A few announcements! (Please forgive typos - one handed typing is turning out to be somewhat problematic!)

1)  cheer payment number 2 was due July 23rd. Reminder to make a payment toward your overall balance.  At this point in the season you may begin to receive items you haven't yet paid for, which is fine, but keep in mind you are responsible for your balance. we have fundraisers to offset costs.

2) If you haven't submitted your 20 emails, please do! Even if you don't want to solicit friends and family, find businesses or use creek mail so that we can maximize returns for those who are counting on this fundraiser. We have one cheer who has raised over $600, and if we don't have full participation, the company takes a larger cut of those funds. All money goes directly to your personal account.   If you DO get a business sponsorship, please tell me ASAP so I can get the ball rolling on their advertisements.

3)  Mandatory practice begins on August 3rd.  Please review the handbook for excused vs. unexcused practices and the proper protocols for missing practice and steps we take when practices are missed.  Please also review what a blackout practice is and understand the steps we take when an athlete misses a blackout.  Summer practice is a lot different (though it really shouldn't be) than in-season practices.  Check the calendar for days you have Tuesdays off to schedule doc/ortho/dentist, etc, or utilize your off periods.  It's hard, I know.  But we need full teams at all of our practices.  Hitting a stunt sequence doesn't just happen out of the blue, and if one person is gone, we can't do pyramid work at all. We've had a record number of absences this summer, and I do realize that it's summer, but at the same time, we can't let that carry in to the season.  It may be "just you, just this once," but with 24 kids on the team, that will cost us wins.

4)  If you've missed practice last week, YOU are responsible for figuring out what has changed in our cheers and what you missed at practice.  Please contact someone who was at practice on the days you missed for what you missed.  I will not wait for you to re-learn things.  It's up to you to take care of yourself.

5)  You will see about a $2.00 addition to your balance sheet next time around.  Shipping and Handling for the Uniform and Warm Up order took us over the budget on the financial agreement.  $2 seems silly, but times 24 kids makes that about $50.  Sorry for the oversight, and if you want to see an individual balance sheet from Varsity (the company) to confirm the extra $2, just let me know, I have one for you!

Weeks upcoming:

Friday, July 24th:  OFF
Sat, July 25:  off
Sun, July 26:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 27 and Tues, July 28:  CHOREO days!!!!
*9am-3pm at United, Elite, NOT CT.  Bring your best attitude and strongest desire to work hard!  Remember the goals we set on Thursday.  If you were not at practice on Thursday, please talk to someone who was so that you come in to choreo with the correct mindset.  Bring a lunch both days.  There will not be time to leave and come back.  We have to maximize our time with Megan and Jeff.  Please remember to cut out the talking.  It's getting better, but we still aren't where we need to be.
Wed, July 29 : 7-10 at CT, UE 1-2
Thu, July 30:  7-11 at CT
Fri, July 31:  OFF
Sat, Aug 1:  OFF
Sun, Aug 2:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Aug 3:  BEGIN MANDATORY PRACTICES.  UE 3:30-5:30 *Note the time change.
Tue, Aug 4 : Teacher welcome - arrive at CT at 6:40am.  Wear Rally uniforms.  (If you are missing a rally uniform piece, please let me know ASAP!  Practice to follow, 7:30-11am.
Wed, Aug 5:  UE 3:30-4:30 only (Student Check-in)  *Note time change.
Thu, Aug 6:  CT 3:00-5:30
Fri, Aug 7:  NO PRACTICE
Sat, Aug 8:  NO PRACTICE
Sun, Aug 9:  NO CONTACT

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Regarding the SNAP Fundraiser....

hi folks!

It seems there's some misunderstanding regarding thevSNAP fundraiser upcoming. I'm posting here to clarify some questions I've received. I touched on this briefly at the meeting in May, and I realize it's been a while since that time.

1- is it a solicitation? How does it work?
Yes. It's very similar to a GoFundMe. Emails will go to the addresses you choose inviting them to visit the page and make a tax-deductible (bonus! Esp for businesses!) donation. Any money donated to the team from your contacts will go directly to your personal cheer balance, less the SNAP websites portion of the money, and less any goodies business sponsors get (ie, cost of signage, etc)
2- what email addresses can I use?
Any - your own friends, family, businesses, etc
3- do I have to participate?
In order for us to maximize our percentage returned to us for the donations, we need a certain level of participation. So, if you don't want to participate, we can't (and won't) make you. But please realize there are athletes who may be counting on this fundraiser to help them out. If we don't get full participation, we don't maximize the return for those who might really need it. If you choose not to participate, it won't affect you, but it will affect the people who want this to work for them.
3a - Why does the fundraising company take a percentage anyway?
They maintain the website for us and manage the donations. They are a business, too. so, while they are interested in helping schools and sport programs, they have to keep their lights on, as well.
3b - Can't my family then just donate directly to me?
Well, sure! But the website is easy for your donators, too.
4- Why are we even doing this?
It gets old knocking on doors to sell stuff. I'm trying to find us some different avenues. This is a more streamlined option, plus it allows you to reach out to out-of-state family members and friends you might not be able to otherwise sell to, and businesses as well. It's especially good for business since there is an added bonus of the tax deduction.  Thunder Rodge cheer raised 60k doing this same fundraiser. I can't guarantee that for us, but wouldn't it be nice to get cheer paid for?
5- and this is a big one - will this clog my family's email or will my emails be sold or given to others?
I will clarify this with the fundraiser guy the very first thing. If I'm told yes to either of these questions, we will not go forward with it. I hate my inbox getting spammed just as much as the next guy.

Hope that gives some clarification.  If it works out, then great! If not, we will try something else. We will still do cookie dough and butter braids - those are the next two on the list.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week of July 8-July 18

Wow!  It's time to GO!!!

I hope you had a restful break but you were WORKING - weights, running, etc.  You don't get stronger by sitting on the couch (unless it's a rest day.)  If you've taken a some time off, please get back in the swing of things NOW by doing burpees, running, sit ups, v-ups, russian twists, squats, and lunges.  Please do enough reps to make it a work out.  It shouldn't feel good until it's over.

A few announcements:

You will ALL need to bring your rally skirts to practice on Monday, July 20th.  Anyone who has a RIGHT SIDE triangle, you will be returning it on that day to exchange it for a left side triangle.  If you don't have a skirt yet, don't sweat it.

I am finalizing the PO for the Varsity uniform (the company, not the team) on July 13.  If you are not at practice on July 13 because of a pre-approved absence, I need you to confirm sizes and uniform pieces ordered, as well as confirm your white body liner size and rain jacket size.  It is imperative that I get this information from you that day.

Please note that once school begins, there are some Wednesday MORNING practices on the calendar.  If we have a Wed AM practice, we will not practice the Tuesday prior, but we will still attend UE in the afternoon.

Choreography is coming on July 27th and 28th from 9am-3pm at UE.  Bring your own lunch on both of those days as we only break for about a half hour to maximize our time.  We will eat together on those two days.

Parent gear is in!  We will pass it out at the first practice back at CT.

New mats are here!  In order to keep them in good shape, we will be changing the way we transport them through the halls.  Please be prepared for the changes and do not complain.  These mats will be here long after you graduate (our old mats came to CT when some of you were in the 2nd grade! There are 2nd graders who need these mats in good shape when they are 9th graders) and we must make them last.  On a side note, we have the best and safest mats in the league as of this second.  Yay!  If you see Mr. Carpenter, please say thank you.  This was largely funded by the athletics department.  We will also need to have a "mat chucking party" when we move the mats down to Fox Ridge - parents with trucks we will need some help on that transport process.

Please keep apprised to the calendar as a LOT of things are coming up and will sneak up on us very quickly.

On the first day back (July 13) please bring to United Elite the following:

1.  Unsold Rockies Tickets
2.  All money collected for Rockies Tickets
3.  The names of 20 VALID email addresses and phone numbers for our next fundraiser.  Yes, we are soliciting donations.  No, people do not have to donate but in order to maximize our return on donations, ALL cheers MUST participate.
4.  I will have cheer balance sheets for you on Wednesday  - they will NOT include King Sooper discounts or Rockies discounts since we won't have them calculated yet.  Please plan to make a payment toward your cheer balance by July 23.

Here is the week upcoming:

Thurs, July 9:  OFF
Fri, July 10:  OFF
Sat, July 11:  OFF
Sun, July 12:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 13:  UE T/S (tumble and stunt) from 1-3pm - NO morning practice at CT
Tue, July 14:  Practice at CT, 7-10am
Wed, July 15:  Practice at CT from 7-10, followed by fundraiser set up at 10am.  Plan on this taking about a half hour following practice.  Then UE  T (tumble) 1-2pm
Thu, July 16:  Practice 7-9am **note the end time change
Fri, July 17:  Off
Sat, July 18:  Off
Sun, July 19:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 20:  Practice with UCA Zoe 7-10am, and UE T/S 1-3pm
Tue, July 21:  Practice with UCA Kelsey 7-11 am
Wed, July 22:  Practice with UCA Zoe 7-10am, and UE T 1-2pm
Thu, July 23:  Practice with Coach Scott 7-11am
Fri, July 24:  Off
Sat, July 25:  Off
Sun, July 26:  NO CONTACT
Mon, July 27:  CHOREO!!!  9am-3pm at UE
Tue, July 28:  CHOREO!!!! 9am-3pm UE
Wed, July 29:  Practice at CT 7-10, then UE T 1-2pm
Thu, July 30:  Practice at CT 7-11 am
Fri, July 31:  Off
Sat, Aug 1: Off
Sun, Aug 2:  NO CONTACT

Friday, June 12, 2015

Week of June 12-June20

Happy camp week!  A few other important announcements:'

1: Fundraising Life-
You should have gotten your King Sooper cards.  If you need more, please ask!  We can get them.  Each card was pre-loaded with $5 in order to activate the card.  We will just add the total to your overall balance.  No need to bring in the $5.

Rockies - we still have PLENTY of Rockies tickets to sell.  If you need more, please ask Krista, Sierra's mom.   The fundraiser is coming to a close and I will need to collect money at some point before we resume again in July.  I'll update you as soon as I know.

SNAP fundraising - When we return, you will need to have a MINIMUM of 20 email addresses or contacts to load in to our snap fundraising account for the July 15th set up date.  It's very similar to a GoFundMe, but the donations will go to each individual cheer - if you can acquire a business donation, the full profit amount will go to your account.  (The company takes a cut, then we have to pay for the goodies they get, like logos on t-shirts and signs and such.  You get the rest.)  Even if you don't want to participate, please bring the 20 active emails so that those who do want to participate can get the maximum return for profit.

2:  Summer Break:

Summer break for Varsity is from June 19-July 12.  On July 13th, we will have our first practice at UE from 1-3pm.  Our July UE times on Mondays and Wednesdays begin at 1pm, and as soon as August rolls around, we start at our usual time of 3:30pm.  On the 13th, we will only practice at UE, and we will resume team practices at CT with 2-a-days (CT in the morning and UE in the afternoon)  starting Wednesday, July 15.  Check the calendar.

3:  CAMP!!!!!

If you did not receive portions of your campwear, they are coming.  We have a lot of stuff on backorder - be patient, it will come in if you don't have it.

If you are sharing or loaning Burgundy or White shorts, please remember to pack your extras.  In fact, ladies - if you have extra of any color short, just pack it just in case.

Hopefully you have discussed with your roomie who is bringing a fan - the air does not circulate well in the CSU dorms depending on the way the windows face.  Temps look like high 80s in the day and mid 50s at night.  There are sheets and sub-par blankets available.  I suggest bringing your own blanket and pillow, but the sheets are ok.

Bring snacks if you'd like, but don't go overboard and please avoid a lot of ultra-sugary snacks or pop - maybe a little sugar treat for night time but that's it.  Remember, whatever you bring, YOU have to carry.  Two years ago we were on the fourth floor and there are only stairs. When we go to breakfast in the morning, you MUST eat something.  If you're not a big breakfast eater, please prepare yourself to eat breakfast - in the cafeteria -  while at camp.  You will crash if you don't hydrate properly.  Don't forget a water bottle.

Shipwreck Rally - Melissa has the information for what we need to bring to the shipwreck rally for night three.  Each individual girl needs to bring ONE small trinket to trade on day one  to what I am assuming is another team.  Don't over think it. Just bring something.

Spirit stick decorations?  I need someone to get on that.

UCA Pro-Shoppe - you will have plenty of time to visit the store for merchandise.  Heads up, it's spendy.   Bring cash.  Not responsible if lost or stolen.  Usually by the end of camp much of the merchandise is purchased, so it's best to go to the pro shoppe early on in the week.

KEYS:  There is a $60 charge for losing your room key from CSU.  Cheer will NOT pay for your lost room key.  Keep track of it.

You may NOT bring phones to the field.  Coach will post to twitter and instagram all of our field pics.


On Thursday, you are more than welcome and encouraged to attend the final day evaluations at CSU. We start at 9, so I would say arrive at about 8:30 or 8:45 to give yourself time to park and walk to the arena.  We are in the practice field house next to Moby Arena.  Be careful where you park to avoid ticketing.  Bring a camp chair if you don't want to stand as seating is limited.  Please remember that although you haven't seen your athlete in 4 days, we have a BIG performance evaluation in front of the whole camp about to happen.  It's important that the team remains focused during that time.  A quick smile and wave from a distance is very much appreciated by the coaching staff.  If your athlete approaches you please send them back to us.  We are so close to being done - distance for another hour or two is not going to hurt anyone.  It's good practice for games and competitions.

At the conclusion of the day, we will take a few photos and head back to the dorms and the bus.  Parents, you are welcome to come on the floor to help your daughter move luggage and you are free to take luggage back in your vehicles.  However, the girls MUST ride the bus home to CT with us.  Please follow us directly back to the school to pick up your athlete if she doesn't have a ride home from CT.   The girls will be sore and tired.  Might not be the best day to plan an afternoon hike.

We will have the girls text parents intermittently to report our location on the way home.  Plan for a 1:00ish drop off at CT.

I am acting on past information for the Day 4 festivities.  If anything changes, I will re-post to the blog, so keep checking back.  If nothing changes, then consider this accurate information.

I think that's everything!  Get ready for a fantastic week!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Week of May 28 - June 11

Wow!  And so it begins....

Please remember to check the blog weekly!  I update on Wednesdays if it's a "B" week, and Thursdays if it's an "A" week (tentatively as far as I know for my schedule for next year.)

Remember that there are two places to check blog - the calendar for long-range planning AND the weekly update.  Please make sure you check BOTH each week, as things on the calendar crop up very quickly and somewhat unexpectedly from time to time.  Again, if you see ANY time conflicts between the two, please send me a text so I can fix it.

If you haven't signed up for need to!  It's a NEW remind each year, so returning athletes and parents need to re-sign up.  text @1516varch (cheers), @1516varp (parents)  to 81010 to sign up.

Roommates were announced for camp - get together with your roommate to decide on who will bring snacks and a fan. Theme for this year for Day 3 rally is "Shipwrecked".   Again, we have a major evaluation coming up BEFORE the rally starts.  We love the rally, it's a TON of fun, but our focus until the rally starts must be the evaluation.  We add accessories, etc on the field, so no big costume changes or anything like that.  However, bringing some eyepatches and striped socks and stuffed parrots and pirate hats and gold teeth would be awesome.  If you would all like to dress the same, that's fine, but you guys organize it on your own.

Week Upcoming:
May 28:  Finals
May 29:  Finals
May 30:  OFF
May 31:  Team bonding at Chipotle Cornerstar and Celebrity Lanes - meet at Chipotle at noon, bowling to follow!  Bring money for lunch and bowling if you plan to eat and bowl.  Team bondings are not mandatory, but you should plan to attend barring any other pressing commitments.  There was a request to do more team bondings this season.  If you don't have a ride, connect with an upperclassmen to catch a ride.
June 1:  Finals
June 2:  OFF
June 3:  OFF
June 4:  OFF
June 5:  Stunt clinic 8:30-10:00 am.  Optional.  If you can make it, please come.
June 6:  OFF
June 7:  Splash Dash!  Meet at 7 am at Mark Twain Elementary School.  We will be chalking the roads before the race and we will also be working a water station near the school. If you attended the Fun Run and you attend the Splash Dash, you filled your community service for the season so long as you attend the mandatory school-based community services.  If you did not attend the Fun Run and do attend the Splash Dash, you need to attend Race for the Cure to fill your commitment.  If you don't do 2 of the 3 5ks, plan to do your OWN project and submit your project to your respective coach.
June 8:  Practice 7-11am (Bring snack for a 20 minute break)
June 9:  Practice 7-11am (Bring snack for a 20 minute break)
June 10: Practice 7-11am (Bring snack for 20 minute break)
June 11:  Practice 7-11 am (Bring snack for 20 minute break)

*Quick note on Fall break - United Elite on Monday and Wednesday the WEEK OF FALL BREAK ONLY (October 26 and 28) will NOT count as blackout practices. Standard excused practices only will be honored.  The 7-practice blackout window will still include 7 practices, but they will NOT include the Monday/Wednesday at UE.  We will resume blackouts on the Thursday and Friday before Pueblo.

Good luck on your finals!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Weeks of Mar 3 - Mar 26

Good Morning, Cheer Families!

Follow CT Cheer on Remind101 for all upcoming Tryout Reminders:  This will be the major way that we communicate during the tryout season - especially if a tryout date must be moved or an open gym must be canceled due to weather, etc.

Via SMS:
text @15cttryout to 81010, add your name, and you'll be put on the information list!

Here is the week upcoming:

Today through March 8:  OFF
March 8:  Banquet at Cherry Creek Harbor - see invite for details!  Snappy Casual attire.

March 9:  off
March 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, and 26 (NO 25th!) :  Open gyms, 4-6pm $5 per open gym.  Pay at once or pay as you go.  Waivers must be signed.  See me or Coach Scott for a waiver.

Well, this will be it for the season from me!  If I need to post to blog for any reason, I'll let you know through the old remind or through the tryout site!

Thanks for a great season!  I can't wait to celebrate it with you all this weekend!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week of Feb 25th - Mar 8

Hello, cheer families!  Our season is winding down to a close.

Here are some upcoming important pieces of information:

1.  Please schedule your exit interview with Coach D ASAP!  As soon as you fill out your form, let Coach D know and we can schedule. I want to make sure everyone gets theirs in in time to make changes and improvements for next year.  If you choose not to complete an end of season evaluation, that's totally up to you, but be prepared to not know where you stand going into next season.  It's better to know than not know.

2.  All practices for the season are done after today, Feb 25th for our last class at United for the season.  We will resume with open gyms in two weeks.

3.  Please keep your nails short through playoffs.  NO acrylics or false additions.  Remove them.

4.  Open gyms start March 10th!  $5 per open gym.  Waiver must be signed.  See me for a waiver.  If you are a varsity athlete, you will spend the vast majority of your time working advanced transitions, release moves, and single leg body positions.  State is won in the offseason.  If you're not doing a spring sport, you should be in open gyms with us.

Playoff schedule:

Friday:  Broomfield HS, be there by 6:45pm if you are scheduled to be on.  Please plan your carpools now if you are scheduled to be on.  If you are worried about weather and driving at night, please arrange for parent transportation.  We have been directed to attend, and we will attend and support!  Traveling was luck of the draw. You may switch but you MAY NOT cancel on Friday and "just show up Saturday" instead - if you had/have a conflict, I would have known about it already.  Basketball isn't getting a bus, so they won't be opening one for us, either.  We'll be there to support and cheer the girls on.  If you cheer Friday, you DO NOT have to cheer Saturday.  I've worked out how to balance the traveling amongst the team.  See below.

Saturday:  Arrive at CT no later than 12:45 for a 1pm start.

For the next round of playoffs (Tuesday, March 3rd and Wednesday, March 4th) , here are our possible scenarios:

1:  Girls are out, boys are out:  Turn in Uniforms March 4th.  Banquet March 8th.
2:  Girls are out, boys are IN and have a home game:  All cheers funnel to cheer together at the home game on March 4th.
3:  Girls are out, boys are IN and have an AWAY game:  All cheers who cheer this Saturday will travel to the boys game on March 4th.  Girls who travel this upcoming Friday will not have to cheer the game.  Possible Locations:  Liberty (Co Springs) or Boulder.
4:  Boys are out, Girls are IN and have a HOME game:  All cheers will cheer the Girls home game on March 3rd.
5.  Boys are out, Girls are IN and have an AWAY game:  All cheers who cheer this Saturday's home game will travel to the girls game on March 3rd.  Girls who traveled for this upcoming Friday's game will not have to travel to cheer the game.
6:  Girls are in, boys are in and both are HOME:  We will re-divide the groups and cheer both home games.
7.  Girls are in, boys are in, and both are AWAY:  We will re-divide the groups and minimize travel.

Week upcoming:
Today: UE, 3:30-4:30.  Be there.
Thurs, Feb 26:  Swish for a Wish - if you are on (and most of you are) arrive at 6:45 pm.
Fri, Feb 27:  Girls Group travels to Broomfield high.  Arrive at 6:45pm
Sat, Feb 28:  Boys Group home game.  Arrive at 12:45pm for a 1pm start time.
Sun, Mar 1:  No Contact

Mon, Mar 2:  UNIFORM TURN IN CANCELED.  No practice or games.
Tue, Mar 3:  Girls round 3????
Wed, Mar 4:  Boys round 3???  And Uniform Turn-In, 3pm
Thu, Mar 5:  Off
Fri, Mar 6:  Girls Great 8?  Standby to find out if/when/where you cheer.
Sat, Mar 7:  Boy's Great 8?  Standby to find out if/when/where you cheer.
Sun, Mar 8:  Cheer Banquet!  See your invite for all details.

Mon, Mar 9:  Off
Tue, Mar 10:  Open gym, cafeteria, 4-6pm.  Signed waiver.  $5 per open gym to attend. Pay as you go or in one chunk.
Wed, Mar 11:  Open Gym  **Seniors campwear t-shirt design information meeting 3-3:45pm**
Thu, Mar 12:  Open Gym OR FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls
Fri, Mar 13:  FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls
Sat, Mar 14:  FINAL FOUR GAMES boys and girls

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week of Feb 19-Feb 28


Reminder that your banquet RSVPs are due by February 20th to either myself or Coach Scott!  We need a final head count to ensure we have enough food for everyone!

Final cheer balances will be due on March 5.  Any outstanding cheer balances (nationals or regular) will be placed as a fine on your athlete's account starting March 10.

It's playoff time!  We have split the teams into smaller groups for each playoff event.  We will gradually "funnel" the team together until the last game is played.   Remember that if there is a playoff game on the schedule, there is a high probability you will cheer it - and we are short on numbers already because we split teams (especially the first round and Swish for a wish!  We are spread very thin!)  Based on the schedule, we will be home or away, and we may be asked to travel.  If we are asked to travel, we will travel.  If the distance is too great and we can't get a bus, we will combine and cheer the other, closer to home game. It's a very uncertain time schedule-wise, so please stay hooked in to Remind101 and understand that if there are scheduling changes or I move girls in to cheer other games on short notice, it's because I'm on short notice, too.  If you see a playoff game on the calendar, and you are initially scheduled for a different night, we may still have to move people, so if it says playoffs on the schedule, plan to cheer even if you're not scheduled - you are still on "standby".  CHSAA does the seeding on Sunday, and you can follow it live online.  Please know I will send a Remind101 as soon as I know what the plan is for our cheering schedule.  I will give you preliminary information via a Remind101 on Sunday since there is no other time to do it.

 Please read the handbook regarding playoff policies, as well as fingernails and jewelry policies.  We always adhere to CHSAA rules, but during this time of year, there is nowhere else for CHSAA officials to be besides playoff games.  They are constantly looking for violations.  We've made it this far, and I don't want an end-of-season lax attitude about safety to be the cause of us having sanctions next year.  Long fingernails and jewelry are the first thing that spirit teams get sanctioned on.  Please remember that there is never an appropriate time for acrylics, long shellacs and gels, or nails that extend beyond the nail bed as written in the handbook and signed by the athlete in the athlete contract.  Your poms don't hide your nails while you stunt or tumble.  It's a safety issue, it's a CHSAA rule, and, it's my rule.  Further, it doesn't matter what other teams do.  We always follow the rules so we never get caught having to remember which ones to follow and when.  Please cut or file your nails to the appropriate length.  I will be having individual discussions and potentially benching athletes after this general reminder.

End of year evaluations - most of us have elected to do an end-of-year evaluation or exit interview.  That shows a lot of promise for the athletes who want to know what they can improve on in the upcoming season!  During evals, athletes will rank themselves on their skill abilities, and coaches will rank them as well.  We then sit down together and compare our scores and discuss discrepancies.  The goal of the evaluation is to give athletes every possible chance of making a team next year by giving them some strengths and areas of weakness to work on in the off season, and to know exactly where they stand within the program.  The coaching staff is honest in these evaluations and athletes typically enjoy the feedback.  If you originally said "No" to an end of year evaluation and change your mind, we will always do one for you.

Off season open gyms begin March 10!  You do need to sign a waiver since the season is officially over.  Cost is $5 per open gym.  You can pay in one chunk or pay-as-you-go.  Each session will last 2 hours from 4-6pm.  Returners will spend the vast majority of the time acquiring advanced stunting skills and transitions with the coaching staff.  We are at the point where every athlete should be able to comfortably run two stunt positions on the team.  If you are not completely comfortable in two positions, this is time to get comfortable in a second position AND increase your skill in advanced single leg, release, twisting, and inverted skills in your primary position.  I plan on seeing all potential returning athletes at these open gyms.  If for some reason, you can't make many of them but are still planning on trying out, please let me know the circumstances (spring sport, work, etc) at your evaluation.

I would like to encourage all of you to consider doing a spring sport!  You will build muscle groups that tend to get ignored in cheer, stay strong, and improve your overall athleticism!  Golf, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, and track are the girls spring sports.

If you are planning to cheer next year you MUST sign up for Women's Athletic Weights unless there is a direct schedule conflict.  Please work that in to your schedule as you plan your course schedule for next year.

Week upcoming:
Thursday, Feb 19:  Post nationals break - no practice.
Friday, Feb 20:  game, GBall vs. AHS groups 1, 4, 5
Saturday, Feb 21:  Off
Sun, Feb 22:  NO CONTACT (I will send a Remind with playoff status when I know)
Mon, Feb 23:  UE, 3:30

Tue, Feb 24:  Playoffs Girls Round one  (time and location TBD)  OR standby for Swish for a Wish:
Alex, Mashek, Natalie, Jazmin, Swayne, Jilly, Kimie

Wed, Feb 25:  Playoffs Boys Round one (time and location TBD) OR standby for Swish for a Wish:
Savie, Chian, Malia, Sierra, Tristan, Syd, Mazzy

Thu, Feb 26:  Swish for a Wish:
Chelsea, Meli, Melissa, Rylee, Mandy, Nicki, Maddie Moore

Fri, Feb 27:  Girls Round 2 (time and location TBD) OR standby for Boys round 2:
Alex, Meli, Mashek, Melissa, Jazmin, Rylee, Jilly, Maddie Moore, Swayne, Natalie, Mazzy

Sat, Feb 28:  Boys Round 2 (time and location TBD) OR standby for Girls round 2:
Savie, Chelsea, Chian, Malia, Sierra, Mandy, Syd, Kimie, Tristan, Nicki

Sun, Mar 1:  NO CONTACT

We will re-group or funnel as we move further into the rounds.

Thanks for your patience during this crazy time - right when we need the break the most!  Let's hang in there, keep positive, and have a strong finish to the end of the season!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week of February 9 - Feb 20

What an AMAZING trip!!

We had fun, we performed SO WELL!  I am so very proud of this team and what we've accomplished!  What a great way to wrap up our comp season!

A few announcements/reminders -

1 - please be respectful when interacting with your teachers regarding make-up work.  Attending Nationals is a privilege - NOT a right.  You've been out for three days, your grades are going to drop if your teacher puts assignments in.  Get your make-up assignments in quickly, and if your teacher doesn't grade them right away politely ask if they can help you out with updating grades.  I have heard from a few teachers that upon our return, cheers have been rude to teachers regarding grades and make-up work.  That is unacceptable and we will not act this way.  We are athletes, and this week we've been compared to other athlete groups who don't confront teachers in an inappropriate way regarding grades.  It may feel unfair to you, but you are never in the right when back-chatting to a teacher.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  Your behavior reflects on the whole team, for better or worse.

2 - Scrapbooking is tomorrow!!! Bring $5 for paper and stickers and other supplies.  Please upload all of your pictures so Mazzy's mom can get them printed for our scrapbooking party!  4pm-6pm at Michaels.  Each pair of cheers will get two pages to scrapbook for.

3 - Games this week:  All of the free game slots have been taken for this week.  Make alternate arrangements if you were planning to take a free game and haven't discussed it with me.

4 - Friday is the pep assembly!  It is a FULL ATTENDANCE DAY.  You MUST be in 100% of your classes to perform in the pep assembly or I will PULL you from the pep assembly.  This is our last chance to perform as a full team - let's make sure that happens!  You will be excused from 4th to prep for pep assembly.  Get to the gym as soon as fourth starts so we can run through and warm up.

5 - Banquet RSVPs are due no later than Feb 20th!

6 - Playoffs - please check the handbook regarding playoffs.  We all cheer all playoff games.  There are no free games awarded during playoffs unless you are at a wedding, funeral, or some other major issue.  If we have playoffs past the banquet, I will hold letters until the last game is played and pass them out at the conclusion of basketball games.  You will get a certificate at the banquet as a placeholder until basketball finishes. I get the playoff schedule on shorter notice for Basketball than I do for football.  I will pass along the information to you as soon as I get it, likely via Remind101.

7 - Uniform return:  Uniform return will be on Monday, March 2.  Any uniform pieces not returned will be charged to your cheer account.

8 - Open Gym Clinics:  Our open gyms will be held March 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, and 26th from 4 until 6 pm each day.  Cost for the clinics is $5/open gym.  (This makes it officially a clinic so there is no conflict of interest or CHSAA violations and we can invite incoming 9th graders to join us). Most sport teams have nominal fees associated with off season workouts for this reason.   We WILL split out into ability groups - the vast majority of the time for Varsity and returning athletes will be spent stunting.  The coaching staff wants to get a closer look at stunting abilities with both new and returning members, ideally before tryouts.  After seeing teams at nationals, we need to start spinning.  If that can happen in March rather than June, that's a good thing!  If you are doing a spring sport or working, please let me know.

9 - we will do end-of-year evals the first week in March to let you know what you need to improve on before next season.  We will pass out eval sheets soon.  Same process as last year.

Week upcoming:
Today, UE, then Game.  Arrive at 6:45pm
Thursday:  Scrapbooks!  4 - 6 pm Michaels in southlands.  Bring $5
Friday:  PEP ASSEMBLY!  FULL ATTENDANCE DAY!!!  Then double header game - follow the A/B grouping schedule.  First game arrive at 5:15pm, Second Game arrive at 6:45pm
Saturday - Tuesday:  Post Nationals Break (First weekend off in a while!)
Wed, Feb 18:  UE
Thu, Feb 19:  Post Nationals Break
Fri, Feb 20:  GBall - arrive at 6:45pm
Sat, Feb 21 and Sun, Feb 22:  NO contact
Mon, Feb 23:  UE
Tue, Feb 24th:  Playoff Schedule Begins.  Standby for information
Wed, Feb 25:  Final UE class.
Thur, Feb 26 - Sat Feb 28:  Playoffs.  Standby for information. I will probably send a Remind101 on a Sunday when ey do the seeding forplayoffs with information regarding our first playoff game.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Last Minute Updates

Happy Nationals week!

Itineraries were passed out to cheers along with packing lists on Saturday.  I forgot to put deodorant on the list.  Might be a good one to remember. :)  If you are curious as to where we are or what we are doing at any given time, please check the itinerary.  If you are traveling with your cheer, any time that is scheduled as "park time" is time that you can be with your cheer!  Please, if you would like to take your cheerleader off property, you must clear it with me first - and you may only take your own daughter, even with permission from any other girls' parent.  If you would all like to hang together, there are plenty of places on property to do so.  Please be very mindful of our schedule.  Girls will lose privileges to travel freely if people return late.

If you notice on the itinerary, we are letting the girls stay out pretty late on a couple nights because UCA offers late park hours for us and we compete in the afternoons.  The expectation if a cheer stays out late is that she is at the late park - no where else.  The coaches/admin will likely be out with the girls at the parks, as well.  We will go over all of this during the team meeting on Thursday night after we settle in.

Please remember to bring a jacket and/or a sweatshirt - Florida is NOT as balmy year-round as everyone thinks it is.  We have lows in the forties and highs in the low sixties all week predicted.  Your CTHS jacket is a good choice as it has kept us warm in some crazy cold games!

Food and such - many are asking what kind of money to plan for food.  The average cost of a counter service meal is about $12.  You can save a LOT of money on drinks by purchasing a souvenir mug with the first beverage purchase - it's spendy initially, but you will have free refills all weekend on anything that comes from a fountain machine.  Worth the purchase.  Be forewarned, the water tastes a little funky in Florida, and we have to drink water to stay hydrated!  There are fridges in the rooms, so if you would like to send fridge food that will have a little staying power over the course of a flight, it'll probably keep.  We leave very early from Florida on Monday morning, so plan to eat your last traveling meal at the airport if you are not bringing breakfast food with you.

If you are checking a bag, you cannot do it until we get to the gate together.  I called to confirm this.  If you "fly clear" or have any kind of TSA clearance, I'm pretty sure you can go through your fly clear with TSA, but just wait for us on the other side - don't go running off to the trains.

  Please remember if you carry on you have to have ALL of your 3oz liquids in one-quart or less baggie in a separate, easy to remove location.

Week upcoming:

Monday: UE
Tuesday:  Pre-Nationals Math help with Hornbein 3pm and Wrestling Meet - arrive at 6:45
Wednesday:  Basketball:  arrive at 6:40pm
Thursday:  See you at the airport!  10 am!  Check itinerary for location and details.
Friday - Monday:  The weekend we've been waiting for!
Tue, Feb 10:  Post Nationals Break
Wed, Feb 11:  Game
Feb 12:

NEXT WEEK FEB 12 WILL BE OUR SCRAPBOOKING DAY FROM 4-6:30 AT MICHAELS IN SOUTHLANDS.  In preparation, pleas bring $5 with you to the event to purchase paper, stickers, and fun scrapbooking-type things.  The rest of it is included with program cost (photo printing, assembly, scrapbook color prints, etc).

Fri, Feb 13:  Pep Assembly and Game for wish week! :)

I'm so excited for us!  Thank you to everyone who helped to make this week possible for the team.  You are truly appreciated!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Week of Jan 28 - Feb 8

It's almost here!

I will be posting again next week EARLY with final information for nationals.

Balances are DUE!  Please make your final payments as soon as possible!

I need goodie bag donations of $5 for parent goodie bags TODAY!

Tomorrow, January 29th, we will do a parent peformance/send-off at 8:30pm in the Auxiliary Gym!
We will perform the Medium Varsity routine twice and all parts of our GameDay Scenarios.  Come to send off our girls!

Dinner this Saturday will be at Natalie's house starting at 5:30.  If you have goodies or a quote or something to share, please bring them at this time.

Packing lists will be passed out Saturday and there will be time for the girls to discuss as a room who is bringing what, etc.  Parents, PLEASE review with your cheer every article on the list.  If you notice that I forgot to put something on the packing list, please contact me so I can send a remind101!  I will not be signing off on luggage or suitcases as we have games all next week. so most items will be in use until the day we leave.  Cheers, just make sure you bring everything.  Double and triple and quadruple check.   If you are missing an item, you will perform without it. If it's a big item, we may have to replace the athlete.  Florida has a lot of emergency items, but you can't buy an emergency pair of spanks at the souveneir shop.  Every cheerleader needs to bring both their game poms AND one (just one) comp pom.   Coaches will be taking cheer signs, extra poms, and music.

Academic eligibility.  See previous posts.

Theme practices this week:
Today: Wacky Tacky
Thursday: Nerd Day
Saturday:  Blackout practice
Monday:  Twin Day
Wednesday:  Florida/Nationals/Disney/Beach theme!

The week upcoming:

Today, Jan 28:  UE and game game arrive at 6:30pm
Thur, Jan 29:  Practice, 7-8:30 in aux with performance at 8:30
Fri, Jan 30th:  Game.  Arrive at 6:30pm
Sat, Jan 31st:  Practice 8-11am, team dinner at Natalie's house 5:30-7:30pm.
Sun, Feb 1: NO CONTACT
Mon, Feb 2: UE 3:30
Tue, Feb 3:  Wrestling.  Arrive at 6:45.
Wed, Feb 4:  UE 3:30, Game Arrive at 6:30
Thu, Feb 5:  LEAVE FOR NATIONALS!!!!  BE AT THE AIRPORT AT 10AM.  Provide your own transportation!!
Feb 5 - 9th:  Florida!!!!  It's officially made it on the weekly update!!!  More information to come.

I will post updates to Twitter, Instagram and the Blog during Florida Week if you can't join us in Florida.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week of Jan 22-Jan 31


Big weeks coming up!

Waivers are coming home today for Saturday's comp.  We compete two divisions - Medium V and GameDay.  Please get your waiver signed before we meet on Saturday.

Saturday is casual, but it's still important.  It's our last opportunity for feedback before we go to Florida!

Please arrive at CSM in the gym no later than 9:45am.  We warm up at 10:20, compete at 10:30, and then we move immediately in to warm ups for game day.  Our game day is on at 11 for parents.  The dance divisions go after, and then we will do awards at 12:45.  It should be a fun and fast morning.

I'll forward an email  out with the map over to CSM with where to park and such.  Give yourself plenty of time to find parking  - college campuses sometimes take  awhile to navigate.

Please note we have late practices approaching for gym space before Florida.  See below.

GRADES.  I can't stress enough how important grades are in the next two weeks.  Eligibility is run on Thursdays.  If you are academically ineligible, I CANNOT PUT YOU ON THE PLANE.  These are district rules.  This early in the semester, one missed assignment can mean an F.  Put your name on everything.  Hand in everything.  Do your best work.  

I've had this conversation with the girls, but please know that Disney (or the program) does not tolerate ANY misbehavior in their parks or on their property or at the airport or on the way to the airport get the idea.  Let's keep it magical - I don't want to have to send anyone home for anything.

Mazden's mom sent an email link to the snapfish account that is set up for our scrapbooking session for the end-of-season banquet. Here is the information;
Password: CTCheer15
(This is case sensitive)

Today:  Practice 3:15-5:00(see remind101)
Friday:  Mats after school, then Gball vs OHS.  Groups arrive at 6:30.
Saturday: Competition. See above.
Monday, Jan 26:  UE 3:30
Tuesday, Jan 27:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Wednesday, Jan 28:  UE and BBall.  Groups arrive at 6:30
Thursday, Jan 29:  Practice 7-8:30 PM in Aux Gym
Friday, Jan 30:  Bball vs. Creek groups arrive at 6:30
Saturday, Jan 31:  Practice 8-11 with optional Math Session with Hornbein Team dinner - details to follow
Sunday, Feb 1:  NO CONTACT

Have a good week!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week of Jan 14-Jan 25


Boy, we're getting close to Nationals!  I'm so excited!

Final payments are due January 27.  If you worked a Bronco game, those checks will be cut on January 28th, and I can take those the next day.  We just passed out a fundraiser for Trail Mix - $10/bag.  In order to get the trail mix in before nationals (some girls want to take bags for breakfast) we need the final due date to be Wednesday the 21, not the 23 as stated yesterday.  We can't take late fundraiser sheets, so please mark your calendars! The profit is $4 per bag sold.  These will go to individual Nationals (or cheer balance) accounts. 2 for 1  Jamba cards are also on their way shortly.  Same deal with the individual accounts.  ALSO...we are going to be selling bath bomb "fizzies" at the Colorado School of Mines competition on Jan 24th.  Jillian's mom is making the bath bombs to sell, but she needs help!  If you are interested in getting in on the bath bomb fundraiser, you'll need to lend a hand.  Please contact Jillian or Ms. Vega for the dates/times she's making bath bombs.  If you help make and sell, I'll credit the profit to your individual accounts.

Sweats - In the grand tradition of DeSchryver, the short story is I bit off more than I could chew with ordering sweats.  If you ordered OPTIONAL sweats this year (and all sweats were optional), I'm going to refund the $60 for sweats to your regular cheer account - if you full cheer account balance is paid and you ordered sweats, I will credit it to your Nationals account.  Look for that on your next statement.  At this point, if I ordered them the season would pretty much be over by the time they arrive.  Remember, not everyone ordered sweats.  Don't plan for a credit if you didn't order sweats.  Not many of you did overall, so this only affects a few of you.

Flights for your reference for Nationals:

Arrive at Denver Int'l Airport for check in at 10am!  Thursday, Feb 5th:  United Flight 716 will arrive in Orlando at 6:24pm.
Returning:  Feb 9th:  United flight 529 will arrive at Denver Int'l at 12:40pm.  Please be there for pickup no later than 1pm.

Rooms and food and such:  Roommates have been randomly selected for Nationals.  There was a great suggestion for roommates to combine items in one checked bag per room and split costs to save money (once checked bag is $25 each way - not included in your price) and give everyone a little extra space for their carry-on.  With four girls per room, that's a little over 10 dollars to check and share one big bag.  If you are not familiar with TSA guidelines for flying, please familiarize yourself before packing with regards to liquids, carry-on max sizes, max weights for checked luggage, etc.  Packing lists are coming soon.  Remember, ONE meal per day is already covered in your overall costs (that's Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun AT DISNEY ONLY). You are responsible for the other two and snacky foods.  My suggestion is to pack non-perishable breakfast-y type foods like bagels and peanut butter, protein shakes, cereal bars, hard fruit like apples, or instant oatmeal (you can heat water through the coffee pots!) if you want to save money on food.  We don't know for certain if we are going to have guaranteed refrigerators.  I'm doing my best to find out, but, again, we know that some rooms do have them.  An option I just found for each room to look in to if you don't want to travel with any food at all is to visit - they can deliver food to your room for a reasonable fee, (I think it's $14 total plus the cost of groceries - not bad) but they do ask for some advance planning.  They offer a 5% discount if you pre-order three weeks out. is another option that can do a half-hour window for delivery if you want to see if you have a fridge and then make your food choices (their deliver charges are based on total amount spent).   These options might be worth a discussion with your roommates.  Please call to confirm that they can deliver to Disney property.

Again, please check the calendar for summer plans, tryouts, pre-tryout meetings, and practice schedule if you are planning on trying out for the 15-16 season.  We will be doing athlete reviews after we return from Nationals so you can get feedback on the improvements we expect of you before tryouts (skills, attitude, etc)  if we offer you a spot on the team for 15-16.

Week upcoming:

Wed, Jan 14:  DOUBLE HEADER.  GROUPS A and B cheer - NOT stunt groups.  Group A arrive after tumbling, Group B arrive at 6:15.
Thu, Jan 15:  Practice 1-2:45ish - Aux Gym
Fri, Jan 16:  Game.  Arrive at 6:15.
Sat, Jan 17:  Practice 8-11, aux gym
Sun, Jan 18:  NO CONTACT
Mon, Jan 19:  Off- no school
Tue, Jan 20:  Off - no school
Wed, Jan 21: UE
Thu, Jan 22: Practice 3-5:30
Fri, Jan 23:  Game arrive at 6:15
Sat, Jan 24:  Colorado School of Mines comp - Medium Varsity AND Game Day!  I don't have a schedule yet, but I think it's a morning competition.
Sun, Jan 25:  NO CONTACT

Have a great week!  We're getting close!